Apr 30 2007, 06:29 PM
I'm going nuts flipping through the book building a techno rigger.
Here is what I have so far, but I have some questions.
[ Spoiler ]
Human Technomancer (Rigger)
B: 3 A: 3 R: 3 S: 2
C: 4 I: 4 L: 4 W: 4
E: 2 Res: 5 Init: 7 Ess: 6 (200pts)
Computer (Remote Control +2) 1
Software (Threading +2) 4
Pistols (Heavy Pistols +2) 1
Electronic Warfare 2
Gunnery (Ballistic +2) 4
Industrial Mechanic 1
Pilot Ground Craft 4
Pilot Aircraft 3
Pilot Anthroform 3
Perception 1
Compiling (Machine +2) 3
Registering (Machine +2) 3 (132 pts)
Mechanic L2, C1
Fixer L2, C3 (8pts)
Codeslinger (control Device)(+10)
Allergy (common, mild) (-10)
Sensetive System (-15)
Spirit Bane (water) (-10) (-25)
Complex Forms:
Analyze 5
Command 5
Encrypt 4
Scan 2
Spoof 4
Stealth 5
Gear: (74,927 used of 75k)
Middle Lifestyle
Remington Roomsweeper w/smartlink
80 rounds Explosive Rounds
Camouflage Suit
Skin Link, Subvocal microphone
AR Gloves
Drone Workshop
Helmet w/ Image Link, Smartlink, Lowlight, Vision Enhance 3
Data Chip x2
Fake SIN (rating4)
GMC Bulldog Step-Van
GM-Nissan Doberman
-Clearsight 3, -Targeting 3, +Camera, +motion sensor, +Radio Signal Scanner (6)
Ingram White Knight
Belt of 100 Explosive rounds
Sound suppressor (1)
MCT-Nissan Roto-drone
+Camera, +Motion sensor, +Radio Signal Scanner(6)
Lockheed Optic-X
Clearsight 4
Defense 4
Electronic Warfare 4
Maneuver (Aircraft) 4
Maneuver (Ground Craft) 4
Targeting (Heavy Weapons) 4
1. Have I chosen correct Complex Forms and Skills to be able to control my drones and take over others?
2. Is anything obviously wrong with my build?
Apr 30 2007, 08:01 PM
Buy your drone Response up to 5 or 6. It substitutes for the Attribute Score in tests when you are "jumped in" which you can do without a VCR, and you are likely to be doing considering the bonuses a TM gets while in VR.
Apr 30 2007, 08:08 PM
Spoof and Decrypt are going to be also very useful to you.
Hardware skill would also be useful for upgrading the matrix side of the drones.
It appears you've only spent 190 in attributes (not counting resonance), I might be missing something though.
Apr 30 2007, 08:33 PM
I'd drop afew points from skills or stats to make him a dwarf or orc, just ecause the boni to physical stats can make him so much more survivable.
Apr 30 2007, 09:31 PM
wow... this guy looks remarkably familiar
anyways, you can't buy drone response up to 6. so don't bother.
you *can* buy your response up to 5, but until you can buy rating 5 pilot programs, that does nothing for you either.
i would dump the ECCM and buy a satellite link, which has a signal of 8. if you want, you could then buy ECCM 3 as a normal program and run it on the link, for a total effective signal of 11 (which i don't believe can technically be jammed using only the main book).
i'd probably also dump scan, and instead boost your analyze by 2.
and while i wouldn't worry too much about decrypt (you can compile a sprite for that, or thread it up as needed... shouldn't come up too often) i agree that you need spoof. only TMs can spoof sprites, and spoof is gonna come in handy if you ever need to deal with sprites (other than your own) at all.
and don't forget your free biofeedback filter CF.
Apr 30 2007, 09:43 PM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 30 2007, 04:31 PM) |
you *can* buy your response up to 5, but until you can buy rating 5 pilot programs, that does nothing for you either. |
Pilot rating isn't limited by Response (if that's what you meant). If it did there would be a cascade failure (too many programs lowers your response, which lowers your system/pilot, which lowers the number of programs you can run, which lowers your response even more and so on).
I never buy any software at above rating 3 at chargen, then I steal it from the Matrix between runs. Agent or Pilot 6 is 15k, so I just hack into Nissan and take the 'softs and Pilot programs I need. Then my character needs a few days to decrypt and pirate, but it's all worth it.
May 1 2007, 12:59 AM
QUOTE (Glayvin34) |
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 30 2007, 04:31 PM) | you *can* buy your response up to 5, but until you can buy rating 5 pilot programs, that does nothing for you either. |
Pilot rating isn't limited by Response (if that's what you meant). If it did there would be a cascade failure (too many programs lowers your response, which lowers your system/pilot, which lowers the number of programs you can run, which lowers your response even more and so on).
I never buy any software at above rating 3 at chargen, then I steal it from the Matrix between runs. Agent or Pilot 6 is 15k, so I just hack into Nissan and take the 'softs and Pilot programs I need. Then my character needs a few days to decrypt and pirate, but it's all worth it.
pilot is explicitly limited by response. response lowered by program overload doesn't limit pilot/system, but the actual, real response rating does.
May 1 2007, 01:10 AM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 30 2007, 07:59 PM) |
pilot is explicitly limited by response. response lowered by program overload doesn't limit pilot/system, but the actual, real response rating does. |
You're right.
QUOTE ( page 213 of the BBB) |
A System program is limited by the Response rating of the device it is on; a System run on a device with a lower Response rating functions at the Response rating instead. |
May 1 2007, 05:18 AM
QUOTE (Jaid) |
wow... this guy looks remarkably familiar |
He should, I used your post in the twink tank thread as a basis.
Although I was confused by your CF choices of only Analyze and Stealth. I now see your workaround for ECCM and Decrypt; guessing you just Thread up or use Sprites for the rest when needed.
Thanks for all the responses. Every little bit helps.
I'll edit my post in the morning with some changes.
May 1 2007, 09:17 AM
Can't a Machine Sprite act as the Pilot? they get autosofts at rating so a rating 6 Registered Machine Sprite could get two as optional powers. Since the Resonance Link allows you telepathy with the Sprite only another TM spoofin your resonance signature could spoof the sprites.
Since sprite services last 8 hours its not like the baddies can plan on capitalizing on dawn or dusk for disruption of an intruder.
May 1 2007, 03:14 PM
QUOTE (Jaid) |
anyways, you can't buy drone response up to 6. so don't bother.
you *can* buy your response up to 5, but until you can buy rating 5 pilot programs, that does nothing for you either. |
It will matter when you are jumped in, and it is not the Pilot software running the drone.
May 1 2007, 09:01 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
QUOTE (Jaid @ Apr 30 2007, 04:31 PM) | anyways, you can't buy drone response up to 6. so don't bother.
you *can* buy your response up to 5, but until you can buy rating 5 pilot programs, that does nothing for you either. |
It will matter when you are jumped in, and it is not the Pilot software running the drone.
actually, that would be against the basic premise of the build, which involves use of the command program and threading to perform ultimate acts of supreme cheese.
that is, he's not gonna rig the drones... he's gonna remote control them with a truly obscene dicepool that will enable him to *crush* those poor fools who rely on rigging to control vehicles.
May 1 2007, 10:42 PM
Is it just me or is there a lack of Hacking and Computer skills in this build? If you're going to remote control your pool'd be Computer + Control or Hacking + Control if you don't have permission. With his skills he wouldn't RC, he'd drive it.
One other word of caution about relying on Sprites is that you only get 1 at a time unless you've had time to register. On the plus side you aren't relying on Machine sprites to drive for you you don't run into the problem of "I need a sprite to decrypt but my unregistered slot is being used to drive."
BTW as a Techno Rigger the Hash power is your friend. Undecryptable links? Booya!
May 2 2007, 11:28 AM
hacking and computer are irrelevant to driving the vehicle.
either you are in charge of the vehicle and you can drive it, or you are not in charge of the vehicle and you cannot drive it. the computer skills are a concern in gaining control of a vehicle... or would be, if he couldn't compile crack sprites.
the dicepool when remote controlling a vehicle is your command program + a relevant skill (+other modifiers of course), such as pilot groundcraft for driving a car, or nautical mechanic when remotely repairing a submarine through a drone. computer and hacking skills never enter into the picture directly when controlling the drone, they are only needed to act on the drone's matrix presence.
May 2 2007, 04:46 PM
Ahhh...my bad. TMs in my game have always just relied on Machine Sprites.
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