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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
in one of my games one of my players bought the hovercraft. Now that rose up a lot of questions such as how big is it, is it street legal, how much can it hold cargo wise, how many passengers....stuff that the book dosnt tell you which is really annoying when the player wont stop aguring wiht all the decision you make up on the spot. dont worry i put him in his place after a few agurements but i was just wondering if someone could help me out figure out some info on the viechles and such becaues i know nothing about that cars trucks planes or any of them...
Hmm, valid questions. Usually civillian hovercraft in RL are reserved for water and wilderness... not streets.

However, the fact that SR4 hovercraft is cheaper than a Van, and the fact that it's availability rating is only 4, would mean that it probably could be used, I don't know.

I'm guessing that you might need a license just to buy one, but I also imagine that it's too large and unwieldy to be used in normal traffick, but perfect for the wilderness and the bay area.

RL hovercraft are rather large, but not all are designed for passanger capacity. For instance, the american SK-25 combat hovercraft has a crew of 6 and load of 400kg, while the russian KvP-92 has a crew of 3 as well as room for 8 passengers and 1 tonne of stuff... Total weight (unloaded) is 9 tonne for the american and 11 for the russian.

These examples are made of lower tech than shadowrun, and are meant for militairy purposes, but even so I don't think you'll see a "hover car" like the one in A New Hope. That means it will still be fairly large with the aircushion and skirt and all, thus unsuitable for urban travel.

EDIT: Checked out the stats in SR3, and it lists two variants: cargo or personell. The former gives a load of 1000kg and 4 bucket seats (2 fore, 2 aft), the latter only 250 load. The seating code is actually 4 bucket (2front, 2 rear)(*5)/2 bucket. I take it they mean 4*5=20 seats in rows of 2?
Jack Kain
"GMC Everglades: This general-purpose air-cushion vehicle
can be easily converted from a passenger to a cargo craft."

If its not street legal its not general purpose. Its use is Not Restricted. So you DON'T need a license.
The fact its not restricted implies. If it couldn't be used in the urban areas it say so because its NOT obvious.

You can't just assume SR is going to follow real life for hovercraft. This is sci-fi remember.

From what I can tell The Everglades IS like a hovercar.
QUOTE (Jack Kain)
"GMC Everglades: This general-purpose air-cushion vehicle
can be easily converted from a passenger to a cargo craft."

If its not street legal its not general purpose. Its use is Not Restricted. So you DON'T need a license.
The fact its not restricted implies. If it couldn't be used in the urban areas it say so because its NOT obvious.

You can't just assume SR is going to follow real life for hovercraft. This is sci-fi remember.

From what I can tell The Everglades IS like a hovercar.

"General purpose" means the vessel is not specialized for certain terrain, which means it's as good on the water as on ground.

As for not requiring a license.. well although it may not be restricted to own such a craft (as guns etcs with the R), having a licence that says you're competent to use the craft in traffic is probable. I mean, although vehicles of most kinds are not Restricted in Shadowrun, I would think you'd still need a driver's licence like today - traffic is just too dangerous to allow totally incompetent people to drive around. This sci-fi is very much based off our own world you know.

You have to make assumptions anyway, as the book certainly can't list everything that's in the world.
I don't know FriendoftheDork, with the invent of Pilot Assisted driving, ect and the fact that a Skill Rating of 0 still allows you to get around town I'm not so sure that you would need a Drivers License.

Still, a future DMV that still does everything via hardcopy and forces people to camp in line for days/weeks at a time does appeal to a dark and twisted part of my soul. cyber.gif

(Oh, as an aside, this is the first time I've realized what your tag actually said, I've been reading it as FriendoftheDArk)
Jack Kain
When I spoke about a License. I meant a special License.

The Fake License in the gear section if designed for restricted gear and activities, guns, spellcasting, hunting, detective license.

Your drivers License is likely part of your SIN card.
so a fake SIN might cover that part then?
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (FriendoftheDork)
Hmm, valid questions. Usually civillian hovercraft in RL are reserved for water and wilderness... not streets.

...why does a scene from Rumble in the Bronx come to my mind here?
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