Oct 27 2005, 05:19 PM
Lets get this straight once and for all.
Attributes are NOT used in the Matrix.
It's all Skill + Program.
Oct 27 2005, 05:34 PM
Yes and no.
Every matrix action listed in the book uses program+skill, however it does allow for using attribute+skill when controlling devices (p 218)
Oct 27 2005, 05:35 PM
Yes (for the most part). SR4 assumes that hacking/interact with the AR or VR Matrix is done through programs (the better the program the better the ability to manipulate the Matrix) and his Skill (representing how well he interacts with those programs). While Atts are no doubt important, they aren't seen as being less relevant than those two.
Oct 27 2005, 05:37 PM
Which means that by the book you can hack just as well as anyone else with a logic of 1 and no cracking skills at all. Just get some autosofts and let your commlink do whatever.
Oct 27 2005, 05:44 PM
Well, there is something to be said for getting an agent and loading it up with your programs, so that it hacks for you.
Oct 27 2005, 07:10 PM
Then my newly created human hacker is knocking his Logic from 7 to 5 and saving 45 Build Points!
Oct 27 2005, 07:22 PM
Logic is stilll very important for making, updating, and upgrading every program, your system, firewall, and so on. What self respecting Hacker wouldn't program his own software? Not to mention altering and upgrading hardware.
Logic is simply important in other ways, not very useful in the short run but very useful in the long run. In fact its vital for a focused hacker.
Oct 27 2005, 08:14 PM
QUOTE (Neskeptic) |
Lets get this straight once and for all.
Attributes are NOT used in the Matrix.
It's all Skill + Program.
Right? |
A common house rule is to apparently treat matrix actions like spells.
That is, you use Logic + Skill, and your total successes are limited by the rating of the program
Oct 27 2005, 08:20 PM
There are "common" house rules already? SR4 just came out.
The change you suggest is huge. It is not in any way supported by the written Wireless World rules of SR4.
Oct 27 2005, 08:34 PM
QUOTE (Neskeptic) |
There are "common" house rules already? SR4 just came out.
The change you suggest is huge. It is not in any way supported by the written Wireless World rules of SR4. |
SR4 has been out on the intarnet in PDF form for about 3 months now. And some of us have too much time on our hands. hell, a few of us have already ported over much of the 3rd edition stuff into SR4, because we can't live without our kid stealth legs or virtuoso metamagic. Still, I suppose it should read "A commonly proposed house rule."
It's actually not that big of a change. Anywhere it says roll Skill + Program, instead roll attribute + Skill, sucessess limited to program. Assuming the same skill rating and prgram rating between the two methods, all it means is that you need a decent logic attribute to acheive the same results, and that you cannot succeed well without a good program. Both changes that those who have adopted the rule like, with no weird side effects.
And of course it isn't supported by the written wireless rules. Thats what makes it a house rule.
Gothic Rose
Oct 27 2005, 08:34 PM
QUOTE (Neskeptic) |
There are "common" house rules already? SR4 just came out.
The change you suggest is huge. It is not in any way supported by the written Wireless World rules of SR4. |
Hence why it's a house rule.
Cuz, you know, it's a rule that's used by the house (gaming group)
I've seen a few people mention the Hacking = Spellz thang.
Oct 27 2005, 08:38 PM
QUOTE (Neskeptic @ Oct 27 2005, 08:20 PM) |
There are "common" house rules already? SR4 just came out.
The change you suggest is huge. It is not in any way supported by the written Wireless World rules of SR4. |
Heh. It's funny cause he sounds like Skeptic in the books. Plus we keep quoting him. That's funny too.
Oct 27 2005, 08:45 PM
It certainly is a hit on hackers. Big money for our programs etc, and now we would need a big Build Point Logic att.
I guess you could have a house rule that makes things tougher for the character then what the book says - but why would you want to?
Oct 27 2005, 08:54 PM
QUOTE (Neskeptic) |
It certainly is a hit on hackers. Big money for our programs etc, and now we would need a big Build Point Logic att.
I guess you could have a house rule that makes things tougher for the character then what the book says - but why would you want to? |
Because, in comparison to some other archetypes, Hackers are too easy to make. And because we feel that the idea that a logic 1 hacker should not, under any circumstances, be as good as a logic 6 hacker. Because we dislike the idea that all hackers are script kiddies.
I mean, if all hacking is is having a handful of (Inexpensive) programs and 1 or two skills, then it really doesn't cost enough BP in the first place. Compare to it's closest relative, the technomancer. Or to the street sammie, who must get loads of expensive cyber plus a dozen or more skills, plus have good attributes.
Oct 27 2005, 08:55 PM
Why? Consistancy between different systems in the rules set springs to mind, for one reason.
Oct 27 2005, 09:49 PM
Another simple house rule you could try, if you don't feel like gutting Hacking with a Magic system rip-off, is to use the Logic attribute as the highest possible rating for programs. Let's say you're simply not intelligent enough to use the program to its maximum potential. It's not terribly accurate (yeah, proficiency and experience will eventually overcome natural talent given time), but it still can represent a maximum potential.
It'd be sort of a double safety-net with a commlink's System score, but it at least encourages (if not demands) hackers to bring their Logic up to 6 to use the best programs.
Oct 27 2005, 10:29 PM
Heh. Yeah, there really are common house rules already, and the house rule that hacking uses the spells rules is getting a lot of traction with a lot of people. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if the advanced hacking rules in Unwired looked a lot like that.
It's not all bad for hackers to do it that way either. While it means that your hacker needs a logic of at least five, as has been pointed out the electronics expert on the team is going to be called upon to make many logic-based tests anyway, so you probably want a logic of five regardless. And now you don't need all your programs to be rating five either.
Most people are going to be rolling 9-12 dice on most important tasks, which means that on average they are looking at 3 or 4 hits. If you can stand getting 3 hits, you can save a fat wad of yen for your starting character. A rating 5 costs over three times what a rating 3 costs - that can be a pretty big deal for the scrimper.
All in all, the Hacking = Spells Mechanic is both good and bad for player character hackers. But it also makes hackers into a much more irreplaceable member of the team. The basic rules are that you push the big red button that is labeled "Start to Haxxor!" Tha makes the party hacker pretty irrelevent, his mad skillz and experience are pretty much completely useless, if anyone else grabbed his commlink, they'd be just as good. The Hacking = Spells mod gives the Hacker some personal utility, eliminates unnecessary rules exceptions, and provides a solid reason for diversity in program ratings. It seems to be all good for the game.
Eyeless Blond
Oct 27 2005, 10:45 PM
QUOTE (Xenith) |
Logic is stilll very important for making, updating, and upgrading every program, your system, firewall, and so on. What self respecting Hacker wouldn't program his own software? Not to mention altering and upgrading hardware.
Logic is simply important in other ways, not very useful in the short run but very useful in the long run. In fact its vital for a focused hacker. |
Hah! Have you taken a look at the intervals on the extended tests for upgrading/writing programs? It's not physically possible to write your own programs anymore; by the time you upgraded your OS on your own the SOTA will have advanced by two years and you'll be behind the times again.
Oct 28 2005, 01:54 AM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
Which means that by the book you can hack just as well as anyone else with a logic of 1 and no cracking skills at all. Just get some autosofts and let your commlink do whatever. |
allso known as a script kiddie
Oct 28 2005, 02:02 PM
A script kiddie would actually be a person who loaded programs into an agent and let the agent do the work. In my Shadowrun world there is a large group of wanna-be technomancers who call themselves warlocks. They buy highly rated agents and stack them with hacking programs, and refer to them as 'Familiars." Real hackers laugh at them, since a simple spoof command will trash them but good, but they can cause a lot of chaos on their own.
Oct 28 2005, 07:14 PM
hobgoblin stole my words.
Oct 28 2005, 08:43 PM
But for the programs = skills mod to be a fair correlation, you'd have to rework programs and complex forms to be more like spells, in as much as you choose the rating when you load, max load based on some formula, like System*4 in rating points, max 6. but each form or program you buy is like a spell, where the rating is variable.
Oct 29 2005, 12:31 AM
Why? At the moment, you buy a program, and run it at it's maximum rating. However, when you start running too many programs, you lower your systems response rating, which has the flow on effect of lowering the rating of any programs you're running.
It doesn't need to mimic the magic system, it just needs to fit in with the rest of the unified skill+attribute system
Redhammer the Old
Oct 30 2005, 12:15 AM
QUOTE (Neskeptic) |
It certainly is a hit on hackers. Big money for our programs etc, and now we would need a big Build Point Logic att.
I guess you could have a house rule that makes things tougher for the character then what the book says - but why would you want to? |
Well you can look at it that way or as a GM you could inspire your players slightly away from the Logic 1 hacker - you need not even do it via revised hacking rules. A logic one char is and should always be a bit of an idiot...
And why should you ever make it easy for the characters anyway, they are all viel SINless criminals with no morals....
Oct 30 2005, 01:48 AM
I certainly agree that a Logic 1 hacker would be lame-ass.
But I also think that a 7 Logic is no longer nessasary.
5 will do quite nicely.
Oct 30 2005, 02:33 AM
QUOTE (Redhammer the Old @ Oct 29 2005, 06:15 PM) |
Well you can look at it that way or as a GM you could inspire your players slightly away from the Logic 1 hacker - you need not even do it via revised hacking rules. A logic one char is and should always be a bit of an idiot... |
He certainly will suck hard on Professional/Technical Knowledge checks. Depending on GM-style that can mean a lot. Especially to someone trying to make their way through the Matrix. In fact i think that further mirrors what can happen to "Script Kiddies" that are crutching on those r33t tools.
Someone linked a page in the main SR forum a few months back of stereo-typical script kiddie that was duped in an IRC channel into erasing his own HD. The script kiddie dared the other guy to drop his fireward and give the script kiddie his IP, so the other guy gave him and said he had his firewall down. The script kiddie crashed his own computer twice (accusing the other guy of lieing about his firewall being down, and counter-attacking) before getting so pissed off he brought out the big gun and erased his own drives.
Was it a urban myth or other fabrication? *shrug* Either way it was a damn convincing depiction that matches with my experience of someone that is given a tool more powerful than their wisdom to direct it.
P.S. Unfortunately my Search-fu has not been able to locate the topic or i'd link it for you.
Oct 31 2005, 03:51 AM
One other house rule idea:
Program+Skill -> Replace Skill with a Hacking/Computer/Cybercombat Rating, equal to (Skill+Logic)/2, rounded up. For simplicity, put the ratings on the commlink section of the character sheet.
Note: Might need a Data Search rating too, though I house rule that the data searches are covered in Computer skill.
Oct 31 2005, 06:20 AM
A question; It is my understanding that in SR3 Matrix some skills were effectively bypassed when in VR, creating a similar situation (although here you do still have to buy the Skills, which are overall the expensive part in comparison to the Attribute).
I just couldn't bring myself to actually play SR3 Matrix, for other more basic reasons. I'm just curious of others that did play it did you find it was actually an issue when played?
Eyeless Blond
Oct 31 2005, 07:10 AM
Er, actually in SR3 it was all one skill, Computer. Everything was a Computer roll, augmented by Hacking Pool or Task pool (from encephalons and the like) as appropriate. Programs were used to lower TNs, so you really wanted those as high as possible (which was the main part of the cost of playing a decker back then).
Deckers in SR3 had to have a high Int and high Computer skill, since skills were expensive to raise past their linked attribute and downright impossible to raise beyond twice the linked attribute. Not to mention that Int was factored into Hacking Pool calculations.
So we go from SR3 where the high INT was necessary in two seperate ways, to SR4 where Logic isn't required at all unless the GM wants to get creative with Thresholds.
Oct 31 2005, 07:33 AM
Oct 31 2005, 08:04 AM
Yes. Thanks, priceless.
Oct 31 2005, 08:42 AM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Oct 31 2005, 01:10 AM) |
So we go from SR3 where the high INT was necessary in two seperate ways, to SR4 where Logic isn't required at all unless the GM wants to get creative with Thresholds. |
Ah, that was it. You only needed to purchase a single Skill, and the one Attribute which is where the real cost was (the rest of the Pool was MPCP i think?). Now instead it's a mix of 5 Skills (in two Skill Groups) plus whatever you end up using for the Command actions and the Attributes.
Intuition (the other half of Intelligence) is certainly still good to have, though it is only used for Initiative rolls so with top notch Response you aren't at a huge EDIT:DISadvantage being down a point or two there. It's much more important that you run hotsim to get the 3rd IP and an extra Init die. Especially against Agents, IC, and such that always have that.
And of course Edge, which is where every character's development ends up sooner or later.
But most of that hardware/software cost is gone, even adjusted for lower starting cash. So basically deckers tipped away from cash (or time because programming could be worth the effort) to karma driven. Even if they limit themselves to VR where they don't need to worry about the Logic Attribute outside of Knowledge Tests.
Eyeless Blond
Oct 31 2005, 01:03 PM
Pretty much. Which is why converting a decker/mage character from SR3 is a major pain in the ass; there's practically no synergy anymore.
Nov 1 2005, 08:59 PM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Oct 31 2005, 07:03 AM) |
Pretty much. Which is why converting a decker/mage character from SR3 is a major pain in the ass; there's practically no synergy anymore. |
Depends somewhat on the Tradition. Shamans nope, other than maybe spirits and a few spells for the meat-world oriented Hackers.
Hermetics somewhat because Logic is still somewhat useful, even for VR specialist Hackers, for things like cracking copy-protection and any Hardware work you need to do. You'll want to steal as much software as you can since it costs around 27BP (about 135,00
) for a full set of the best software/hardware you can purchase at Avail 12.
There definately is synergy between Hermetics and more general purpose Hackers, and there isn't nearly the conflict since you don't actually need to get cut to be a full out Decker/Hacker, though there is still an optimizing conflict regarding the Control Rig for Rigger/Hermetics.
As for Traditions that use Intuition, of which there are no canon ones yet, that's an obvious synergy.
Nov 2 2005, 01:24 AM
I'd say something here about the first edition rules that made it prohibitive for a magic user to access the Matrix, but I have a feeling it'd just make me sound like an old crumudgeon.
Nov 3 2005, 11:11 AM
Quick question: how is Defaulting handled with Matrix Actions?
Nov 3 2005, 03:32 PM
if you have no program, you can't perform the action. period.
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