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Full Version: Flechette ammo, am I missing something?
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Flechette ammo is does +2 damage, and is resited with impact armor +2.

every single piece of worn armor in the game, except the Urban Explorer Jumpsuit and has impact armor 2 or more less than Ballistic.

So unless your foes where the UEJ (or use Riot or Taser shields), flachette ammo is the way to go. There is little reason to use normal rounds

(also, shotgun shot uses flechette rules for armor, but they also spread. I assume a SMG firing flecheet doesn't spread)
Of course, for the times you need to shoot through lightly armored windows, barriers, and the like, flechette ammo isn't quite so spiffy.
good point.

so as an anti-personal ammo, it's (almost) always better than standard ammo (unlike past versions of SR).

I like the idea that shotguns might actually be useful in combat. heck, it's inabilitiy to penetrat barries might be useful in urban combat
The answer to your question:

Bone lacing. If they have Aluminum bone lacing, then the flechette ammo will be dealing with more effective impact armor than the person has ballistic armor.

Riot shields: as you have pointed out, this will tip the balance off for impact rounds. Cops have access to riot shields, and if they come after you and know that you use Flechette ammo they will bring the shields. They like breathing too, you know?

And lastly and most importantly: Cost. I can get fifty normal rounds for the cost of ten flechette. I have watched a person use over three hundred rounds of flechette in a run that went bad, mostly for covering fire for the so that our group could escape. I supported him with normal bullets, and were as effective in deterring corp response team. Same amount of rounds. I replaced my losses for everything (Including a radio unit with the ammo) at a little over 750 nuyen.gif. Ammo alone cost him 3000 nuyen.gif, which was a goodly chunk of the funds we scrapped together after the run.

That said, for their effectiveness, Flechette rounds are not a bad deal.

Edit: Added a space so that the nuyen symbol would show.
and it's 5 times as expensive.
sounds like the answer is, carry both. normal for shoting through walls, for covering fire, etc. Flachette when you really need to drop your target
QUOTE (ogbendog)
sounds like the answer is, carry both. normal for shoting through walls, for covering fire, etc. Flachette when you really need to drop your target

That would be a good choice.
Gothic Rose
QUOTE (ogbendog)
sounds like the answer is, carry both. normal for shoting through walls, for covering fire, etc. Flachette when you really need to drop your target


Dude, carry ALL.

EX-Explosive are -the- best at ripping through anything.
Explosive are good at ripping through most things
Normal is good and cheap
Gel is nice to not kill them, and to deal Stun, which is BETTER than physical. Also resisted by Impact.
Flechette is glorious to bloody them up a bit.

It's never a bad idea to carry a couple of guns, including your OH SHIT gun w/EXEX, your Everyday gun w/Gel or normal, and your Every Other Day gun with Flechette or Explosive.
Yes, I have to agree with the Gel comment.

Gel = Exactly the same damage as Flechette, except it goes on the Stun track _which is usually shorter than the Physical track_.

(The people which have longer stun tracks than Physical tracks are mostly mages, in which case Gel rounds stack with their drain damage)

And it's only slightly more expensive than standard rounds, rather than 5x as pricey like flechette is.

Now, it's not much use against Vehicles, but then, neither is Flechette.
QUOTE (Gothic Rose @ Nov 3 2005, 05:22 PM)
EX-Explosive are -the- best at ripping through anything.
Explosive are good at ripping through most things
Normal is good and cheap
Gel is nice to not kill them, and to deal Stun, which is BETTER than physical.  Also resisted by Impact.
Flechette is glorious to bloody them up a bit.

You missed one two:

APDS is the best at penetrating hardened armour without having to burn Edge to keep a Glitch from blowing up the weapon in your face

Stick'n'Shock is the best at turning your easily concealed Hammerli 620S into a nastly little sting that makes Baby Jesus and heavily armoured Trolls cry. smile.gif
stick n' shock is also good for the "save or die" effect (although it doesn't actually kill you, i'd like to see the person who can survive through even 1 combat turn unable to dodge).

and of course, for it's massive armor penetration (that is, if you are targetting some crazy cybered troll with milspec armor and a riot shield, you can negate half of his armor, which will definitely be more than 4 points worth you'd get from APDS).
Plus the zappy of the machiney meanies, and the whole "My hold out pistol is badass" thing.
QUOTE (blakkie)
Stick'n'Shock is the best at turning your easily concealed Hammerli 620S into a nastly little sting that makes Baby Jesus cry. smile.gif

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that. It's one of my favorite combos.
QUOTE (Jaid)
and of course, for it's massive armor penetration (that is, if you are targetting some crazy cybered troll with milspec armor and a riot shield, you can negate half of his armor, which will definitely be more than 4 points worth you'd get from APDS).

Thanks for reminding me, i went back and added it in. smile.gif
Wouldn't the average mil-spec armor user have nonconductivity add-ons? I would think so....
QUOTE (Squinky)
Wouldn't the average mil-spec armor user have nonconductivity add-ons? I would think so....

Shoot the bastard in the face! smile.gif Visor? What visor?

Ya, likely though i'm really curious if those ratings are suppose to also add on top of the normal armour rating for determining encumberance. I have a sneaking suspition that they should. So most folks are going to have a serious think about what they want the most protection from; fire, chem, or electrical.

P.S. None of that ammo stacks up to a RAW squirt gun with a Narcojet loadout. frown.gif
Agreed, but I am pretty sure Non-conductivity should be a must have. The potential power of electric damage weapons is frightening. Chemical seal would be up there too, but it just seems impractacal (on normal armored runners, not mil-spec full body types) and not very effective to me.
It doesn't matter if they stack or not. Chemical protection is neither ballistic nor impact armor - it's just Toxin Resistance. So no, you can layer in Chemical Protection all the way up to six and it doesn't make the armor any more encumbering.

Fletchette, explosive, EX, APDS. Doesn't matter, they're all better than regular ammo. Of course, the only people who load hardball ammo these days are the military (because they have to, not because they want to). Every police department in the US issues hollowpoint rounds for their handguns. Basically, nobody uses hardball ammo for social work. That "regular ammo" crap is just for practice.

Of course, it's real easy to spend as much on ammo as you did on the gun that fires it smile.gif Price an Ingram Smartgun X with three clips of EX explosive or fletchettes.
Gothic Rose
QUOTE (blakkie)
QUOTE (Gothic Rose @ Nov 3 2005, 05:22 PM)
EX-Explosive are -the- best at ripping through anything.
Explosive are good at ripping through most things
Normal is good and cheap
Gel is nice to not kill them, and to deal Stun, which is BETTER than physical.  Also resisted by Impact.
Flechette is glorious to bloody them up a bit.

You missed one two:

APDS is the best at penetrating hardened armour without having to burn Edge to keep a Glitch from blowing up the weapon in your face

Stick'n'Shock is the best at turning your easily concealed Hammerli 620S into a nastly little sting that makes Baby Jesus and heavily armoured Trolls cry. smile.gif

I thought EX-EX is better than APDS for going through hardened armor? Or is it just better for NORMAL armor?

I know and love stick'n'shock - my gunbunny adept's light pistol is filled with it, it's the only ammo I bought for it (the light fills the role of hold out, just I hate what hold outs look like, so I went for an L36)
Ex-Ex is better gof getting through hardened armor too, i think, but APDS won't blow off your own arm if you glitch with it is what he was saying nyahnyah.gif
of course with the massivly armored troll, it might be better to not pierce his armor and do stun damage insted. HIs stun track is probably shorter
QUOTE (ogbendog @ Nov 4 2005, 09:15 AM)
of course with the massivly armored troll, it might be better to not pierce his armor and do stun damage insted.  HIs stun track is probably shorter

A Troll wearing hardened armour? 'Round these parts we call that a spirit! smile.gif

P.S. If you don't exceed the hardened armour you do no damage. That's the "hard" part.
QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
It doesn't matter if they stack or not. Chemical protection is neither ballistic nor impact armor - it's just Toxin Resistance. So no, you can layer in Chemical Protection all the way up to six and it doesn't make the armor any more encumbering.


RAW doesn't explicitly say that it affects encumbrance, and generally the default ruling is don't make up stuff that isn't there when it would have made sense for it to be stated explicitly.

However most of them (though not chem since armour does help with chem frown.gif ) add their rating to the armour value [of Impact, though the Impact part is generally 1/2 ignored by those]. So there's a slight hinting of it, and in some ways makes a bit of sense physically. That's why i was wondering if it is another one of those intended rules that were fumbled when written out or something got dropped for brevity that really shouldn't have been. *shrug*
I didn't say hardened, I just mean with a high armor rating.

Can a person get Hardened armor. I just read Full Body armor carefully, it doesn't say it's hardened
QUOTE (Gothic Rose)
I thought EX-EX is better than APDS for going through hardened armor? Or is it just better for NORMAL armor?

As written, EX-EX is better than APDS even against hardened armor. It is just as likely to penetrate and does more damage when it does. Many people play with or consider a house rule where hardened armor is simply subtracted from DV (essentially turning it into auto-successes, but also allowing heavily armored vehicles to be slightly damaged by being stuck in a vulnerable spot). Under that house rule, APDS is simply as good as EX-EX against hard targets.

And that, of course, makes it better. APDS is more reliable, less susceptible to fire attacks (which are really common in SR4), quieter, and cheaper. So against any target that it does equal damage it is the superior choice. But remember, while apparently common - that's still a house rule. By the book, Ex-Ex does more damage against all targets.

QUOTE (ogbendog @ Nov 4 2005, 11:39 AM)
I didn't say hardened, I just mean with a high armor rating. 

Can a person get Hardened armor.  I just read Full Body armor carefully, it doesn't say it's hardened

Oh, i thought you were still talking about hardened armor because that's what i said APDS was good for. For normal armour where penetration isn't as important, ya it's tougher to say that the benefits of ex-ex don't outweigh the chances of blowing yourself up with a Glitch unless you have a low skill/attr that'll lead to a lot more Glitches.

Note that situations like trying to shoot someone behind an opaque barrier, which really cuts into your die pool and where penetration is good again, can tip to APDS favour too.

As you can see APDS is a rather limited use ammo, and you can get by substituting with Ex-ex (and even deal better damage as Frank points out) if you are willing to take the Glitch risk.

P.S. No, there is no hardened personal armour [in the BBB]. That's why i made the comment about spirits. smile.gif
i'm just curious... realistically, could you actually shoot through anything with explosive rounds?

i mean, maybe i'm just not understanding something, but... wouldn't the only effective way to use explosive rounds be to have them detonate on impact? and wouldn't that result in them blowing when they hit a barrier, rather than passing through it?

of course, if the person happens to be immediately behind the barrier, i could see it working (the bullet is still moving after all, and the bullet is probably actually designed to explode *inside* the person, not on their skin). but if someone is standing in a room 5 meters away from a window, i just don't see explosive rounds having any chance of hitting them at all...
QUOTE (Jaid)
wouldn't the only effective way to use explosive rounds be to have them detonate on impact?

In a world where guns have a wifi connection to the laser range finder in the eye of the shooter, the answer is no.

QUOTE (Jaid)
i'm just curious... realistically, could you actually shoot through anything with explosive rounds?

Yes. It's done regularly today. Given, it's not done with anything less than a .50 caliber rifle, but it's still done. It would be nice if they'd give it a different name in Shadowrun (like say, HEAP), but I suppose we can't have everything.

QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
In a world where guns have a wifi connection to the laser range finder in the eye of the shooter, the answer is no.

Which in turn begs the question: Why, if there's a laser rangefinder small enough to fit in a person's eye, would one bother to put it there when they could simply attach it to the gun and forget about surgery and broadcast RFs? Trés stupide.
ammunition in SR4 is broken

StickNShock >> Exex > APDS > Gel > Flechette >>>> Standard Ammo

(do the math yourself, I've done it too often already)

fix: Houserules
well, thats true for shooting people. you have a diferent standard for shooting vehicle armor. (or any hardened armor, really)


not sure how stun damage applies to vehicles, but should do something if used against small drones (knockback).

stick-n-shock... how does vehicle armor handle electric damage?
QUOTE (ogbendog)
Can a person get Hardened armor. I just read Full Body armor carefully, it doesn't say it's hardened

Not yet. Keep in mind that milspec armor was in canon companion tho, so it might be forthcoming.
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (Raygun)
Which in turn begs the question: Why, if there's a laser rangefinder small enough to fit in a person's eye, would one bother to put it there when they could simply attach it to the gun and forget about surgery and broadcast RFs? Trés stupide.

In SR4, a laser rangefinder is an external sensor - there is no implant, nor Vision Enhancement - thus, it can be neither implanted directly under normal rules nor integrated into googles or cybereyes... it would take an additional, attached sensor package to do so.

After Sensor rules, a Smartgun would be a small sensor package (3 sensors, easily carried in the palm), as it includes the smartgun, a camera and the laser rangefinder - such pov would limit the effective range of camera and rangefinder to about 400m.
QUOTE (Gothic Rose)
Gel is nice to not kill them, and to deal Stun, which is BETTER than physical. Also resisted by Impact.

And also mechanically nearly identical to APDS and Flechette, but cheaper. Don't waste your money on either of the latter.

just thinking about y'all saying carry all the ammo choices and extra guns. Just remember to have the strength to carry all of that (especially if you need to carry any significant amount because you're gonna do a lot of covering fire) AND any necessary gear for the mission.

I think 2-3 ammo choices is probably best depending on what information you get on the mission. Carrying it all is more like you're going on an extended range mission like bug hunt or something. In that case, better bring along that drone ammo carrier too.
No need, the gear has no weight.

QUOTE (Rifleman)
I have watched a person use over three hundred rounds of flechette in a run that went bad, mostly for covering fire for the so that our group could escape.

If that was in a single run, I hope to god that completely trashed that gun. Firing a few rounds out of a weapon can loosen some of the pieces. Accuracy is completely shot after firing too many rounds. Also, how in the hell did they hold that much ammo? Sounds like your friend is a representative of the Lollipop Guild.
I hope you've got some lube handy.
My character possesses armorer skill and the appropriate weapon knowledge skills. So after every run, I let my GM know that I clean my weapons and make sure everything is working properly. Any runner who isn't completely stupid would handle basic maintenance with their gear. What good is a gun if it jams or is incredibly innaccurate?
QUOTE (Akimbo)
QUOTE (Rifleman @ Nov 3 2005, 04:55 PM)
I have watched a person use over three hundred rounds of flechette in a run that went bad, mostly for covering fire for the so that our group could escape.

If that was in a single run, I hope to god that completely trashed that gun. Firing a few rounds out of a weapon can loosen some of the pieces. Accuracy is completely shot after firing too many rounds. Also, how in the hell did they hold that much ammo? Sounds like your friend is a representative of the Lollipop Guild.

Carrying 300 rounds isnt too far off. I used to have 46 rounds in my duty belt and gun (16 in Glock, 2 extra Mags w/ 15 rnds) and that can easily scale upwards when you start having to have extra Smg or machine gun mags that have nearly 50 rounds each in them.

Suppressive Fire takes 20 rounds also, so it could get burned up quick. I also have fired over 1,000 rnds through my pistol in one afternoon and it functioned prefectly afterwards. I've even heard many real gun buffs state that a gun dosen't really need to be cleaned until you've shot over 300 rnds through it, because newer ammo uses cleaner components.....

Unless you have a cheap-ass gun, it should function fine.

I think Raygun was actually asking you out Akimbo?
Well, he (I'm assuming) seemed cute... smile.gif
Crusher Bob
Shall I start playing the banjo music then?

In general, the barrel of a firearm will wear out over time, depending on the firearm and firing conditions this may take somewhere between 10,000 and 50,000 rounds through the barrel. If firing constantly, the barrel will wear out somewhat sooner, as the extreme heat accelerates the destruction of the rifiling. This means that machine gun barrels will tend to wear out faster than rifle barrels of the same material quality and caliber.

However, in general, most modern firearms will be able to fire several thousand rounds in a single 'sitting' without serious consequences to the weapon itself (assumingthere's time for the weapon to cool down).
When I run a game I modify ammo a bit with house rules. Most notably, flecettes can not be fired from any gun not specifically designed to chamber them, as I'd assume that firing dozens of metal shards down a rifled barrel would cause some problems. I also make gel rounds and explosive rounds only availible in larger firearms, so you could fire them from a .50 cal or .45 but the smaller barrels on SMG's and assault rifles wouldnt support the structure needed in the bullet. The same would also apply to stick and shocks.

I also call any the "rigid" armor refered to by the book to include things like a plated vest, plated coat, or any security armor. I always pictured flechette rounds as good for only soft targets.

QUOTE (Wikipedia)

The last issue with small arms flechettes is accuracy. To fire the finned flechette out of a smoothbore requires the use of a sabot. Since flechettes do not work well when spun by rifling, the only source of stabilization is the fins. When the sabot separates, it can disturb the effectively unstabilized flechette, and cause deviations in its flight. also gives some info on gel rounds, and as you can see, they're for a 27mm barrel, which is quite large.
QUOTE (lumikant) also gives some info on gel rounds, and as you can see, they're for a 27mm barrel, which is quite large.

You know, one of the pictures on the page you've linked to could so be taken out of context. If I didn't know those were bullets and I found that image in my browser cache, I'd assume my lady love had been [ahem] toy shopping again.
QUOTE (Gothic Rose)
I know and love stick'n'shock - my gunbunny adept's light pistol is filled with it, it's the only ammo I bought for it (the light fills the role of hold out, just I hate what hold outs look like, so I went for an L36)

Please note that the hold-out pistol design shown is the 'lemon-squeezer' design of the Raecor Sting. The streetline special probably looks like a standard, albeit small pistol. As the Sting can only fire flechette ammo, you wouldn't be able to use it with stick'n'shock anyway.

If you simply want your weapon to look a particular way, ask your GM if you can get one of the ordinary pistols and have it custom-designed at a slight markup to look like something else. Raygun's firearms page has lots of SR3 weapons, but also lots of pretty pictures of weapons. Anything with a concealability of 8 or more from SR3 could realistically be considered a light pistol, and I think you'll agree that the Beretta Model 21 "Bobcat" looks pretty sweet.
Austere Emancipator
rtsp:// : M60E4 firing 850 rounds cyclically
rtsp:// : Mk 43 Mod 0 firing 830 rounds cyclically before barrel blows out (.rm)
Any decent machine gun should be capable of at least that.

[Something funky going on with URL tags, copy and paste the addresses.]
QUOTE (Raygun @ Nov 16 2005, 10:46 PM)
Well, he (I'm assuming) seemed cute... smile.gif

Why thank you. I hope I seem cute to you people. But AM I a he? Or am I a she?

As far as machine guns go, yes they do handle hundreds, sometimes thousands of rounds before any wear and tear to your gun. However, I still see no real justification for holding that much ammo unless with a belt fed weapon. My character is a very weapon intensive person. Always carrying 6 to 8 pistols at the same time(all of which expressed exactly where they are held). Let's assume that the person is carrying SIX Ceska Black Scorpions(for what reason, I do not know). They hold 35 rounds in a clip.
That's 210 rounds in the weapons alone. Now you could hold spare magazines for each weapon. So that makes 420 rounds.

Or more realistically an Ares Alpha with 42 in the clip and 8 spare mags. That would be 378 rounds. Would any runner really be walking around with this kind of ammo? I would hate to see a fireball go off on them and see all the ammo go EVERYWHERE.

Holding as many guns as my character does(which is far too many and just stupid), I hold no more than 100 rounds, if that.

Edit: And in case anyone is wondering, no I do not consider myself a gun expert. I have fired a few weapons off and cleaned a few weapons. But I am NOT an expert. Most of my arguement here is coming from common sense. Obviously...
Austere Emancipator
I believe most of the objections were voiced because of the "Firing a few rounds out of a weapon can loosen some of the pieces. Accuracy is completely shot after firing too many rounds." bit. No weapon you'd ever consider using for suppressive fire is going to be damaged by firing a few rounds, unless by "few" you mean "300 with no time to cool down" in which case you start seeing stuff like smoldering front ends for ARs.

QUOTE (Akimbo)
Always carrying 6 to 8 pistols at the same time(all of which expressed exactly where they are held).

You're saying that's perfectly reasonable, but carrying just one (machine) pistol and 8 spare magazines for it (all of which expressed exactly where they are held) somehow makes you a representative of the Lollipop Guild?

And if Rifleman was talking about any long arm, then carrying 9 spare magazines is almost a non-issue concealability-wise. If you think you might need to lay down suppressive fire, why not carry 300 rounds? That'd weigh 18lbs with 30-round magazines of 5.56x45mm, which is not that much more than you're likely to be carrying with those 6-8 pistols.
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