Nov 22 2005, 03:03 AM
Yea, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the relation of Orthiskin to Dermal Plating to Dermal Sheathing, and how to interpret some of the special rules regarding Dermal Plating to Dermal Sheathing (and Orthoskin to a lesser degree), and the inconsistent use of the word armor, esp. with regards to Dermal Plating, see about about "Natural Armor, Like a Trolls", while troll 'armor' is neither ballistic nor impact.
QUOTE (SR. p 127) |
When a charcater takes a Deadly wound, he or she may take permanant damage toa vital organ, limb, orbiological system. Make a Body test against a Target Number 4. If a trauma patch was used, at a +2 modifier. Dermal Armor also counts for this test.
Ok.. Sounds Like this is actually asking for a Natural Body test, but add any bonuses to Bod from dermal armor as well.
Also, mmu1 makes a point about the interaction of Dermal Armor and drugs, specifically Slap Patches:
QUOTE (SR. p 305) |
..Dermal armor hinders their effects (reduce the Patch Rating by the Armor Rating)..
AND, Dermal Armor Negates the Staging bonus of Fletchett ammunition.
Even more boggling to me is Dermal Sheathing, it seems like its an order of magnitude better than Dermal Plating. Usually less expensive for the same bonuses, plus impact armor. But, do those extra rules for "Dermal Plating" apply?
QUOTE (MM. p 28) |
Dermal sheathing combines the latest advances in dermal plating technology with a semi-synthetic skin sheath.
Now, this is flavor text, and I don't think I'll allow it, but this does create grounds to also apply the "Dermal Plating" exceptions to Dermal Sheathing as well?
And I just can't figure out Orthoskin, is just some someone can crunch the numbers to find out if Titanium Bone lacing and Orthoskin armor mods are better for their body score than worn armor?