whew...equations make Fen's head spin

I do notice the amount of minmaxing went up in SR4. In SR3, due to the lack of pools for most out of combat skills, it sort of behooved the character to pump those skills. Even a combat oriented character could dump 3s and 4s in main skills with a specialization with the combat pool...but a tech character, unless they had an Encephalon or Cerebral Booster...had no other pool to work with...and that 3 BR Car wouldn't get you very far.
In other words, in SR3, when I was playing a more tech character(I had a techwiz-rigger sort of combo), I pumped a little into some self defense skills, the rest I bombed right into the BR and vehicle skills as high as possible...you don't get much pool or supposrt help with them. A Pistols(Browning)2(4) went a lot further than Electronics BR 3 in other words. I usually go into creation with a solid idea of what i want the character to be like, then pop in the attribs and skills, do a little number crunching, and be done with it in SR3. After that, you can up the smaller skills with Karma, and some attributes.
However, in SR4, with the dice pool system...it opens up a whole nother can of worms.
I think there is both 'good' and 'bad' min-maxing. Good min maxing is when you take the skills that you think fit your character, then try to get the most out of them. Bad is when you just throw on the skills and attributes that 'win' a lot just for that sake, then try to make the one person party.
Like I said, seems like SR4 has a LOT more min maxing going. With Attributes costing more karma to up, you want to nail down your primary ones at the start. Same with the skills, tho those aren't terrible....anything over four tho and your throwing in 10 or so karma a pop.
For my first SR4 character, I remade and converted my SR3 shaman. He was really well rounded in terms of spellslinging and combat, and i didn't hve much money for him, so basically, with the free spell points SR3 folks got, I was gravy...i had his stats where i wanted them, and i didn't need to up em, and his skills were solid, with a few needing karma, but most of his karma could purely go to magical. One thing SR3 had was the ability to sort of 'max' out a section of your character, so you didn't even need karma for it anymore. My Wolf shaman had attributes pretty high...in shape, etc, which i saw for him. But i didn't plan on playing with them too much more after that. He still sucked Karma down pretty efficently, and wouldn't be as balls out magically powerful than a straight, non physical mage, but he was balanced. I liked that. To get a little, you gotta give a little.
In the SR4, 'well rounded magician' translates to 'massive karma toilet' I find, even moreso than SR3. Of course the power level is a little lower out of the box in SR4(which is cool), but after slamming down his skills and attributes...sweet jesus am I gonna need to drop a LOT of karma into this guy. I went for the 'average and a little above' with the BPs, rather than maxing the stuff at the start...but i am getting the feeling most people find in SR4 it's better to do that.
I also noticed in SR4 a change in 'out of the box' power for a lot of characters. (Note when I say 'power', i don't mean 'combat potential' necessarily...i mean 'power at what they specialize in', be it magic, guns, or social canny.)Where in SR3, a samurai out of the box could annihilate an adept...in SR4, an adept out of the box is absolutely sick...(Im playing one now and i see a HUGE difference in an out of the box adept. In whatever you do...be it a combat adept, social adept, stealth adept, or even a well rounded adept. I have a combo social and unarmed adept and I managed to get near every power and skill i wanted...any karma thrown my way boosts a bit of the lower skills and goes to initation and a couple attributes.) Mages out of the box these days I think are a little less powerful than their SR3 counterparts. The Face in SR3 was leaps over the out of the box SR4 face(the contact rules. That SR3 Face was practically dining with Lofwyr on weekend dates.

) I don't notice a lot of difference with the investigator, ganger or thug types(tho I think in SR4 i give them a bit more edge due to, well, Edge.) Tech characters in SR4 I think get a little more out of the box due to the new dice pool system(you don't need to burn such massive points into their skills anymore to be good.)
Anyone else notice the out of the box differences?
And I might need to study this chart thingy...as I want my shaman to be nice and rounded(not the grand master of anything, but nice around the board), but i don't think Im going to escape him being the karma vacum regardless.