Dec 29 2005, 07:10 PM
Just got it on Monday and finished it this morning. Very short read. Wasn't too bad. Definitely went back to the punkish roots of cyberpunk. A good primer manual for getting people interested in general. Not worth the $10+sales tax canadian that I spent but Chapters has very loose return policies so I'm not overly concerned.
What I don't get is why it is set in SR3? Maybe this is why I work in baseball and not game development but it seems like you'd want your supporting products to support your main product. I.e. the new edition you just released. The world presented in this book and the world presented in SR4 are different enough to cause problems. I was expecting a book that'd give an idea of the flavor that FanPro was going with for AR but alas! Not so. Instead it's set sometime in early 2060 (not 2053 like the back of the book says unless Fuchi happened to suddenly collapse earlier than in the rpg). Probably has to do with the fact that it was released so fast that the author didn't have time to work with the new material. Oh well...mine is going back and will more than likely be sent back to the publisher.
Don't get me's a good read if you set aside a whole afternoon or day to read it. I'd recomend getting it from the library however.
The Question Man
Dec 29 2005, 07:22 PM
Too be honest I did not think it was worthy of Steve Kenson. His older work was far superior to this. "Born to Run" was read in a day and given to the Used Book Store the next and I still have all the Shadowrun Novels save one or two.
To echo Cheops reply "Why was it set in 3rd Edition" Why did we not see the much vaunted 4th Edition novel.
I am sorry Steve, but you can do so much better. When the next book comes out it better be set in the 4th Edition Timeline. Otherwise it is a library book for me.
Please take your time and do a great job.
Dec 29 2005, 07:56 PM
It's a WizKids novel, not a FanPro novel; they originally contracted it to support the Shadowrun Duels game line, and ended up sitting on it for awhile after Duels was cancelled. WizKids has six novels on the current contract with ROC, and it's my understanding that after those six, if they continue doing novels, they'll be pushing the timeline up to the 2070s.
Dec 29 2005, 10:52 PM
Yeah i'm looking forward to the 4th ed novels.
Dec 29 2005, 10:59 PM
I'd ahave to agree, but not on the lesser-expectations of Mr. Kenson's writing. This novel was intended to introduce new people the the SR Duels game, and I think it's been slightly retooled to act as a lead-in to future novels. If nothing else, it's still better than no books at all.
JM Hardy
Dec 29 2005, 11:35 PM
What Adam said is right on the money, but let me add a little more. Due to the different publishing schedules of novels and games (and other factors), my book (upcoming SR novel #4, Drops of Corruption) was underway before SR4 was even announced. The completed manuscript, with revisions, was submitted to WizKids in early August 2005, before the release of S4 at GenCon. So as you can guess, moving the book forward to the SR4 timeline would have been tricky to say the least.
Jason H.
Dec 30 2005, 05:52 AM
If only it included Drop Bears.
Dec 30 2005, 06:01 AM
Dec 30 2005, 09:23 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
If only it included Drop Bears. |
That would be an awesome book.
Dec 30 2005, 02:36 PM
QUOTE (JM Hardy @ Dec 29 2005, 06:35 PM) |
my book (upcoming SR novel #4, Drops of Corruption) |
Hmmm, Drops of Corruption. Sounds like it WILL have Drop Bears. Welcome to the conspiracy!
Dec 30 2005, 03:30 PM
Sometimes it's just too easy to convert new followers
Cynic project
Dec 30 2005, 08:44 PM
It sucked.
The main character show up and within a day or so is trusted by hard core shadowrunners? Yea, that was a good one. Let's put our neck on the line ont he word of someone who just breezed into the city.Yea good idea.
And whole idea that the Johnson should be up forth in what they want. Bull! Johnsons use shadowrunners to bad things.That is what shadow runners do.BAD THINGS. IF there wasn't a hidden motive they could higher in company men to do the job.
Hell Sleeper Cell would be a batter introduction to how to make a shadowrun team than this book.
mattness pl
Jan 30 2006, 05:00 PM
QUOTE (JM Hardy) |
Due to the different publishing schedules of novels and games (and other factors), my book (upcoming SR novel #4, Drops of Corruption) was underway before SR4 was even announced. The completed manuscript, with revisions, was submitted to WizKids in early August 2005, before the release of S4 at GenCon. So as you can guess, moving the book forward to the SR4 timeline would have been tricky to say the least.
Jason H. |
According to
this info, your book wil be published May 2006.
Sorry, Jason

Jan 30 2006, 05:24 PM
Born to Run is a very bad novel. But to it's defense, it isn't a proper Shadowrun novel—it's a book about toys. That's right, all the characters are based off of action figures. It's also got a lot of very cheezy game world info tucked in that just doesn't fit. These things are no faults of Kenson's. Other than having a bit poor taste in general (not refering to sexual orientation here), he's a pretty good writer for this genre. I liked Burning Time. Kenson does internal monologues and love affairs really good, and the whole intrigue is involving and inventive. It's propably the best Shadowrun novel I've read since Nigel Findley. Examples of bad taste would be things like ally spirit motorcycle and the rigger who's really magicly active and gets her cyber eyes regrown by SURGE... It's mostly about magic. That's fine until you realize he always writes mostly about the magical aspects. Heck, Talon has even channeled Lofwyr.
SL James
Jan 30 2006, 07:48 PM
Jesus, I nearly blew a blood vessel. Why don't you just shoot me in the face and be done with it?
Jan 30 2006, 07:59 PM
The second novel, Poison Agendas, is out & I picked up my copy 3 days ago. I'll post a review when I'm finished reading about 2 weeks or so.
JM Hardy
Jan 31 2006, 12:55 AM
QUOTE (mattness pl) |
According to this info, your book wil be published May 2006. Sorry, Jason . |
Thanks for the sentiment, but I've known for a while that May 2006 was the planned publication date. I submitted it last August, but after that it had to go through the Roc editors, get typeset, get a cover, etc. etc., meaning it takes a while to actually come out in print. That's just the way book publishing works.
Jan 31 2006, 12:59 AM
Eh, it was ok. But I also havent read any of the Sr novels before. Mostly I dug on the 'instructing magic' bit.
Once I got done with that, I was much happier reading the 'bonus' novellet in the back of the Sr4 Le. But I also love to see peoples soul getting crushed.
Wounded Ronin
Jan 31 2006, 01:55 AM
Hmm, I remember reading a lot of the SR novels. My favorite one was actually the one with the vampires, the troll with the minigun, and the lesbian physad.
I actually emailed that author and complemented him, and he replied!
Can't remember the title was the one about experimental vampires. The Terminus Experiment?
I also remember reading a bunch of Lisa Smedman, but they were, you know, character orientated, instead of troll minigun-orientated.
Jan 31 2006, 03:19 AM
QUOTE (mintcar) |
Born to Run is a very bad novel. But to it's defense, it isn't a proper Shadowrun novel—it's a book about toys. That's right, all the characters are based off of action figures. |
Being about toys isn't an excuse. Marvel published some fragging brilliant GI Joe comics back in the day.
Jan 31 2006, 03:29 AM
Figured that the runners rolled low for their Etiquette that day. You know, sometimes, the dice just says that the hardcore guys act atypically.
Feb 1 2006, 05:08 PM
Geez, I read both of the new ones and they weren't THAT bad. The biggest downside I see is that they were too short. You don't learn enough about the characters to care about them. They need more detail.
Also, there were a few screw ups, namely calling Seattle a city and Lindstrom a Mayor, Oops.
I like that it's set in SR3 personally, but I'm a grizzled old man in a 25 year old body. I don't like change and I hate new fanggled gagets.
SL James
Feb 1 2006, 07:14 PM
In 2053, Lindstrom was a mayor, and Seattle is a city. It's also the name of the city-state metroplex.
Feb 2 2006, 06:10 AM
really, i was dissapointed. I've liked other stuff that Kenson put out, and this one, not so much. The visualization that he gave to developing spellcasting and defense was interesting. The Epilogue was neat. As for the rest, if it wasn't a SR novel, I would not have bought it, much less go for the sequel. As it is, I'll probably buy the sequel, even though it will most likely be as dissapointing as the first, if for no other reason than to sayt o the publishers "Yes, we like SR novels, print some more please." Hopefully they won't think it means that it's ok to keep publishing this kind of dross though.
I've liked Kenson's stuff that he's written, even if Talon does tend to get over the top in power and relations at times. It reminds me a bit of games. I've seen plenty of games where runners do things that, if they told other people, they would just roll their eyes and go "riiiiight". Harlequin's Back for example, would certainly fall in to this category, if it wasn't a published adventure. "What's that you say? You ran an astral quest on behalf of Harlequin, where he got the crap kicked out of him, but you lived, and saved the world? Riiiight...." So yeah, I can take some of the things with a grain of salt. The decker wanting a sex change to be able to date Talon is a bit wierd, but wierder things have happened.
As for the acutal meat and drink of the novel, for one, I disliked the simplicity of it all. For example, the second run on the truck, they decide to do it, then they go do it. THat simple. Wanna convince a team of runners to do something? Simple, jsut be a newbie runner and appeal to their inner greed/pride/sense of revenge. I REALLY disliked how he portrayed Green Lucifer though. GL has always been one of my favorie characters in SR, and he just killed him IMO. Orion was a bit of a dope. I really would have liked to see some of Lord Torgo as well. OR perhaps seen some ramifications of dealing the Spikes against the Ancients. Oh well.
Feb 2 2006, 07:27 AM
QUOTE (SL James) |
Jesus, I nearly blew a blood vessel. Why don't you just shoot me in the face and be done with it? |
Look. He may be responsible for some unfortunate turns in the game towards the end of 3:rd edition. The way I see it he would propably like nothing more than to have SR advance to ED level magic right away. Fortunatly he doesn't have that much power over the game's development. Still, your unreasonable hate is just the dark side talking

Feb 2 2006, 07:38 AM
Never fucking mind.
Feb 2 2006, 08:02 AM
He's also a forum member, and due a little respect. You don't have to like he work, but you do have to be polite regarding him. This is your guys' last warning on the subject.
Feb 2 2006, 08:43 AM
Never fucking mind.
Feb 2 2006, 09:59 AM
QUOTE (mintcar) |
The way I see it he would propably like nothing more than to have SR advance to ED level magic right away. Fortunatly he doesn't have that much power over the game's development. |
It's a matter of taste and personal preferences. I'm sure a lot of people would like a stronger magical aspet in SR.
Back on topic: i never understand why some of the authors didn't know much about the SR universe and it's ruleset. The novels would be much better if they did so and wouln't contain cruel mistkaes like "he activates his boosted reflexes and jumps 2 meters straight up.".
Feb 2 2006, 01:07 PM
QUOTE (Bull @ Feb 2 2006, 03:02 AM) |
He's also a forum member, and due a little respect. You don't have to like he work, but you do have to be polite regarding him. This is your guys' last warning on the subject.
Bull |
He is? In that case: Hey Kenson. Good work with Burning Time! I think the concept of the traditional "shadowrun" is insufficient as a base of a novel. What you did was to put in some storyline personal to the characters, which is done far to little in this kind of novel. Just because a book is about firefighters doesn't mean all they have to do in the novel is fighting fires. Same with books about shadowrunners.
What I liked about Findley's work was that it felt like he was writing a real thriller set in Shadowrun, rather than writing a novelized version of a game session. I don't know if others agree with me here, but I'd love it if future novels could be written with no regard what so ever to the kind of plots normaly used in the game (though it may turn out similar anyway). What is fun to play and what makes good fiction are two different things. I'm sure this isn't new to you, mr Kenson—if you read this. Just view this as a vote for character driven storyline and unexpected view points, before the traditional imitation of a game session we normaly see in SR novels. The kind of plot we also see, I'm sure quiet intentionally, in Born to Run; which is the reason I don't like it that much.
PS. I agree with you Grinder. It's a matter of personal preference. And I'd like to add that I'm glad nobody has power to singlehandedly change the game either way, so it's not a personal blow at all.
Feb 2 2006, 02:56 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
In 2053, Lindstrom was a mayor, and Seattle is a city. It's also the name of the city-state metroplex. |
I think that it being based in 2053 was a mistake. It's supposed to be 2063, that's what it says on the back of the second book, and only a couple months have passed. Besides GL wasn't leader of the Ancients in 2053. Of course, I'd have to check Elven Fire to be sure.
Feb 2 2006, 03:00 PM
QUOTE (Grinder @ Feb 2 2006, 04:59 AM) |
QUOTE (mintcar @ Feb 2 2006, 08:27 AM) | The way I see it he would propably like nothing more than to have SR advance to ED level magic right away. Fortunatly he doesn't have that much power over the game's development. |
It's a matter of taste and personal preferences. I'm sure a lot of people would like a stronger magical aspet in SR.
Back on topic: i never understand why some of the authors didn't know much about the SR universe and it's ruleset. The novels would be much better if they did so and wouln't contain cruel mistkaes like "he activates his boosted reflexes and jumps 2 meters straight up.".
Heh. The latter one's possible under SR4 rules. You just need to score 8 hits on the jump test to do it.
Feb 2 2006, 08:14 PM
QUOTE (JM Hardy @ Jan 31 2006, 12:55 AM) |
QUOTE (mattness pl) | According to this info, your book wil be published May 2006. Sorry, Jason . |
Thanks for the sentiment, but I've known for a while that May 2006 was the planned publication date. I submitted it last August, but after that it had to go through the Roc editors, get typeset, get a cover, etc. etc., meaning it takes a while to actually come out in print. That's just the way book publishing works.
You can also find it
HERE with an ISBN number. Congrats to Mr. Hardy btw.
JM Hardy
Feb 2 2006, 09:18 PM
QUOTE (BookWyrm) |
You can also find it HERE with an ISBN number. Congrats to Mr. Hardy btw. |
Thanks, BookWyrm. I've been trying to get into writing SR novels for five years, and nearly had it in my grasp twice before various forces intervened. I'm really excited to have this one out, and am quite anxious for the Dumpshock crowd to hate it.
Jason H.
QUOTE (JM Hardy) |
QUOTE (BookWyrm) | You can also find it HERE with an ISBN number. Congrats to Mr. Hardy btw. |
Thanks, BookWyrm. I've been trying to get into writing SR novels for five years, and nearly had it in my grasp twice before various forces intervened. I'm really excited to have this one out, and am quite anxious for the Dumpshock crowd to hate it. Jason H. |
atleast he knows what to expect on average heh
i cant say i have an opinion on any novels, i dont have the money.
Feb 3 2006, 12:20 AM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
QUOTE (Grinder @ Feb 2 2006, 04:59 AM) | like "he activates his boosted reflexes and jumps 2 meters straight up.". |
Heh. The latter one's possible under SR4 rules. You just need to score 8 hits on the jump test to do it.
But everybody is able to do so, the boosted reflexes are not needed to do it.
Feb 3 2006, 03:35 AM
Is Drops of Corruption a continuation of the new trilogy? Or is it new?
I can't seem to find the plot or even a blurb online

So here's my guess - it's a thrilling adventure of a human Street Samurai and his bout of Pink Eye
Feb 3 2006, 03:40 AM
Figures, one minute after posting I find the blurb on the back of it online. Grr!
Let's see, a Scottish (if it's not Scottish, it's CRAP!) burned out mage is taken in by a crime boss,helped out,then forced to fight in a mob war.
Feb 3 2006, 05:21 AM
cool, a burnout! Sounds like a good start! Already fighting the Kenson Formula for Shadowrun too!
Suddenly I have this image of Steve Kenson as a hermetic mage writing up an ally formula , which, of course, involves the sorcery power and includes very passionate feelings as part of the personality. THe Kenson method. Right on, I'm using that one next time I make an ally.
I hope Steve gets to put more in to the next novels. The first seemed .... well... cookie cutter-ish, and I know he can do better. Kind of had a reined-in, shetlin pony-kiddie-fair -ride feel, except for a few choice bits. Hopefully they'll give him more rein.
Anyone read Poison Memories yet? Hasn't hit the shelves where I live yet.
Hardy: Looking forward to picking up your yarn.
SL James
Feb 3 2006, 05:50 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
Suddenly I have this image of Steve Kenson as a hermetic mage writing up an ally formula , which, of course, involves the sorcery power and includes very passionate feelings as part of the personality. THe Kenson method. Right on, I'm using that one next time I make an ally. |
AFAIK, he's not the mage in the family.
Feb 3 2006, 05:59 AM
mundanes can write formula
SL James
Feb 3 2006, 06:30 AM
*points fist to
SK's homepage*
Feb 3 2006, 06:42 AM
I've known SK for quite a while now, originally through an SR-themed amateur press magazine called Scrawls From The Sprawls. A lot of his later SR work saw print in this mag, and I have yet to be trully disappointed in his work, both gaming & fiction. His help clearing up some points from MitS made for sopme good gaming a while back.
Stephen, if you see this, keep up the good work my friend.

BTW, Fistandatilus3.0, I just got the book. I need a few days to fully devour it.
Now, where did I put that honey-mustard? ah, there it is.........
Feb 3 2006, 07:27 AM
'preciate it James, but for some reason, my work comp blocked it. Go figure. Thanks anyways.
BookWyrm, the honey-mustard's in the pantry, right next to the swordfish mustard ball. Hope it goes down well.
Feb 3 2006, 08:04 AM
Swordfish mustard ball was in the SR5 april's fool joke, right? I forgot the context already.
Feb 3 2006, 08:11 AM
hehe, yes
Feb 3 2006, 08:37 AM
Hehe. I remember now. It was like a FAQ, and one of the answers to a question was simply "swordfish mustard ball". Man, that's funny in retrospect. On one hand, we had it coming. On the other, that's exactly what they were telling us in the real FAQ

JM Hardy
Feb 3 2006, 03:42 PM
QUOTE (Dale) |
Is Drops of Corruption a continuation of the new trilogy? Or is it new? I can't seem to find the plot or even a blurb online 
So here's my guess - it's a thrilling adventure of a human Street Samurai and his bout of Pink Eye
Mmmmm--pink eye . . . nothing says corruption like pink eye . . . now I'm sorry I didn't use it.
Drops of Corruption isn't a continuation of the trilogy--one or two characters from the trilogy appear in the book, but the major characters are different. I summarized the plot at GenCon as follows: "It's about an immortal elf who's a vampire by night and sells elven pornography by day." Unfortunately, someone in the crowd told me that plot had already been used.
I don't like to give away much beforehand (though, since the book cover is on Amazon, I hope the plot summary is soon to follow), but the book's about a former combat mage named Bannickburn who has lost power and really wants it back, and how he runs into some Seattle folk who are really good at manipulating people who want power.
Jason H.
Feb 3 2006, 06:35 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
BookWyrm, the honey-mustard's in the pantry, right next to the swordfish mustard ball. Hope it goes down well. |
Thanks, found it.
Feb 3 2006, 08:28 PM
Actually, Swordfish Mustardball did not come from FanPro in any way; it was the answer to one of the question's in Bull's totally unofficial jokey "FAQs".
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