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Full Version: Automatic Fire House Rule
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
As the rules for Automatic Fire in SR4 are broken (they assume ALL shots to hit or miss, which results in a huge dice pool modifier), I thought I'd give you my adaptation of them :

Rule Change :
  • Recoil is NEVER applied as a dice pool modifier.
  • Instead, scoring at least 1 net hit, a number of rounds equal to the amount of Recoil Compensation not eaten up by previous shots that IP (to a maximum of bullets fired) is assumed to have hit. Any additional net hits stage up the number of rounds that hit by 3 (again, up the maximum total of bullets fired), any additional net hits stage up damage normally.
  • Wide Bursts follow the same philosophy - Roll to-hit as if unopposed, then figure damage as above, but don't add weapon deamage but use this total to subtract from the target's Reaction (+ Dodge) roll to avoid getting hit, and the number of hits acts as the Threshold for the attempt. On the other hand, Damage is always flat weapon (+ ammo) damage.
Examples :
  • Joe Average (AGI 3, Firearms 1) picks up an Assault Rifle (6P, Recoil Reduction 3) and opens fire on the terrorists (Shadowrunners). He rolls 2 hits, and the 'Runner didn't estimate Joe as a threat so gets no opportunity to dodge.
    Damage is 6 + 3 (RC) + 3 (2nd net hit) = 12P. Outch. The Runner shouldn't have underestimated Joe, and he would have dodged easily.
  • Joe's older brother Jim was with the USMC and doesn't like it any when his little brother is gunned down in retaliation by the terrorists, so he picks up the gun and goes for revenge. He has AGI 4, Automatic (Assault Rifles) 4(+2). He opens up on two of the 'Runners with long bursts.
    He rolls 10 dice at the first target, scoring 4 hits. This time, nobody underestimates him, but the 'Runner only scores 2 hits on his Reaction Test ... too bad. Damage is 6P + 3 (RC) + 2 (remaining rounds of the burst) = 11P.
    Jim then rolls 8 dice at the second goon (10, -2 for additional target) and scores 2 hits. Too bad for the 'Runner that he's out of luck and only scores 1 hit on the Reaction Test, so he's hit. Damage is a flat 6P.
  • Now say that Jim uses Wide Bursts on the terrorists :
    Scoring 4 hits on the first burst, his target's pool to avoid being hit would have been reduced by 8, at a Damage of flat 6P, and the goon would have needed 4 or more hits to dodge completly.
    The second burst would only have resulted in a reduction of 6 with the goon needing 2 or more hits to avoid again 6P.
  • Jack Gunbunnie (20 Dice for his chosen Automatic) wants out of there and tries to gun down poor Jim, too. He rolls 20 dice for 8 hits, giving Jim no chance to dodge - even on full defense he only scores 3 hits. He takes 6P + 3 (RC) + 6 (2nd and 3rd hit -> remaining bullets) + 2 (remaining net hits) = 17P. Jack then gets the hell out.
RAW Comparison :
  • Joe picking up the gun only alerts the terrorists, as he has a dice pool of excactly zero (well, -2) : 4 - 6 (RC). Poor Joe.
  • Jim isn't much better of. Firing at the first Runner, he only rolls 8 dice this time for the first target, scoring only 2 hits ... a miss. (Target scored 2 hits, remember ?).
    Now assume he got 3 hits, then the 'Runner would take 6P (gun) +5 (long burst) +1 (net hits) for 12P - a steep jump.
    He's worse of at the second shot, he only rolls 2 dice, scoring 1 hit. No hit this time (remember ?, 1 hit for the Runner on his Dodge Test).
    Screw the USMC, they don't hit anything biggrin.gif
  • Jack fires only 14 dice (6 uncompensated recoil) for 5 hits, that's 2 net hits still. Damage is 17P.

Yes, these rules make for automatic weapons being deadly indeed, not the laughing stock they are in RAW (except in the hands of a maxed-out-Gunbunnie, of course)

Note : too bad that the Dev-guys screwed this up, they should have made more use of Thresholds instead of Dice Pool Modifiers, if they had, the system would have only about half the flaws it has now ... which would still be too many, but better biggrin.gif

Edits : Wide Bursts, RAW Comparison, Jack Gunbunnie, Layout.
James McMurray
The system doesn't assume all bullets hit, it assumes that more bullets means a better chance of dealing more damage. If it assumed all bullets hit damage would be multiplicative rather than additive.

In other words, when two bullets hit from seperate pistol shots oyu deal the pistol's damage twice. If 3 bullets were all hits you'd deal the damage 9 times rather than just adding two to the DV. If 10 bullets hit you'd deal damage 10 times rather than just adding 9 to the DV.
QUOTE (James McMurray @ Jun 28 2006, 08:31 PM)
The system doesn't assume all bullets hit, it assumes that more bullets means a better chance of dealing more damage. If it assumed all bullets hit damage would be multiplicative rather than additive.

In other words, when two bullets hit from seperate pistol shots oyu deal the pistol's damage twice. If 3 bullets were all hits you'd deal the damage 9 times rather than just adding two to the DV. If 10 bullets hit you'd deal damage 10 times rather than just adding 9 to the DV.

Well, in fact it does both :

First it assumes that either all OR none of the bullets hit,
THEN is combines the cloud of lead into a single entity to preven overkill.

The second part is probably as bad as the first, but I can easily see why this is necessary for game balance - but the RAW system means NOBODY with a Dice Pool of 9-RC or less can hit ANYTHING on full auto - and that is seriously broken IMHO.
James McMurray
QUOTE (Phobos)
First it assumes that either all OR none of the bullets hit,

Do you have a page reference for that?
QUOTE (James McMurray)
QUOTE (Phobos @ Jun 28 2006, 02:47 PM)
First it assumes that either all OR none of the bullets hit,

Do you have a page reference for that?

Very funny indeed. Classic Troll Post, indeed. Normally nothing I should answer to ... but I'll try nonetheless. Though you have to look up page references yourself, I'm too lazy for THAT.

- RAW says damage stages by +1 for every bullet in the burst/salvo.
- Automatic fire is ALLWAYS staged by +9 for a 10 round salvo, ALWAYS +5 for a long burst - never less.
- Shots either hit for full effect or miss for no effect.

-> Automatic Fire ALWAYS hits for FULL or DOESN'T HIT AT ALL.
Your milage or ability to think may vary ... No flame intended.
QUOTE (phobos)
First it assumes that either all OR none of the bullets hit,
THEN is combines the cloud of lead into a single entity to preven overkill.

Unless you're firing a wide burst, in which case it assumes that you manage to hit the target by spraying at it. The reaction pool to dodge is reduced, which can lead to an increase in the amount of damage (which is, possibly, more rounds hitting) but mostly leads to it being easier to hit the target.

QUOTE (phobos)
The second part is probably as bad as the first, but I can easily see why this is necessary for game balance - but the RAW system means NOBODY with a Dice Pool of 9-RC or less can hit ANYTHING on full auto - and that is seriously broken IMHO.

Assuming that we ignore the "Long Shot" use of Edge, a gun set to full auto can still fire short and long bursts, representing the shooter choosing to exercise fire control and firing a number of rounds from the gun that he can manage. The shooter can also use suppressive fire if he wants to unload on something but isn't particularly skilled, turning a fairly large area downrange into a danger zone but getting a shot at his target on full auto.

Your system gets very, very gross when compared to the existing autofire rules. All of a sudden, it's just like semiauto... except every success nets you +3 damage instead of +1, and every point recoil comp is another +1 damage.
James McMurray
QUOTE (Phobos)
- RAW says damage stages by +1 for every bullet in the burst/salvo.
- Automatic fire is ALLWAYS staged by +9 for a 10 round salvo, ALWAYS +5 for a long burst - never less.
- Shots either hit for full effect or miss for no effect.

-> Automatic Fire ALWAYS hits for FULL or DOESN'T HIT AT ALL.

You're making an improper leap. Damage is staged up the same, that much is true. But it isn't necessarily because more bullets are hitting. Firing 10 bullets at someone increases the odds of getting a truly damaging hit, or perhaps a few grazing ones.

The reason I asked for a page reference was not to troll. It was to try and get you to look for something, anything, that says that all bullets hit or all bullets miss whenever you fire a burst. You won't find it. The justification behind the damage increase is strictly narrative, which the rules do not address. A simplification of that narrative would be to always have every bullet hit, but it is neither realistic nor in the rules.
QUOTE (Shrike30)
Unless you're firing a wide burst, in which case it assumes that you manage to hit the target by spraying at it.  The reaction pool to dodge is reduced, which can lead to an increase in the amount of damage (which is, possibly, more rounds hitting) but mostly leads to it being easier to hit the target.

Of course, wide burst handle the same, though instead of scaling Damage, they scale Opponent's Dice Pool Reduction ... I'll edit that in my starting post, 'forgot that.

QUOTE (Shrike30)
Your system gets very, very gross when compared to the existing autofire rules.  All of a sudden, it's just like semiauto... except every success nets you +3 damage instead of +1, and every point recoil comp is another +1 damage.

Well, not SO gross : in fact, damage is about the same if the Dice Pool is high enough that you would hit under RAW (our 26 dice right from CharGen Gunbunnie) - it just adds some room for bursts that hit with medium damage, making for deadlier opposition ... no more laughing at NPC guards opening up on Full Auto at Short Range (who don't stand a chance to hurt anyone using RAW :rolleyes:) And, yes, I think that even for most less-than-superhuman shooters, the first round or two of an automatic salvo will be pretty close to where they aimed at - every round after that might be is pure guessing if the gunner didn't factor in the kick - and this is what is reflected in these rules.

... and ... of course it's a house rule, fully optional - if you don't like it, stick to RAW or your own house rules.
So using your example, a full auto burst from a super gun bunny could do a maximum of 6(gun)+3(rc)+10(bullets) or 19 damage correct?
nope, only 6(gun)+9(aditional bullets) = 15 damage, plus one for every net hit more than 3 (1st for hitting in the first place and the bullets covered by RC, and 3rd hit for the remaining bullets in the salvo).

RAW max would be 6(gun)+9(aditional bullets) = 15, plus one for every net hit.

Let's calculate :

Jack Gunbunnie, 20 dice.
Assault Rifle /w 3 RC

RAW : 14 Dice, average of ~5 hits -> Damage 20P - opponents hits.
MR : 20 Dice, average of ~7 hits -> Damage 19P - opponents hits.

As you can see, this rule works out just fine - it doesn't make for deadlier Gunbunnies, only for deadlier Joe Average and Jakob CorpSec.
So the troll with the gyromounted LMG will do 7p + 10(rc) + 7 hits, or 24P

I don't think it's a bad rule over all, it has some decent logic behind it. I think that it may be a little too complex though.
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