Aug 25 2006, 11:43 AM
I am in Columbus, OH and have a Adept also, have run through missions 1-6 , 3-6 were at Origins ... Bodog. Dwarf. Gunslinger Adept, and practitioner of Headbutt Kung Fu.
Just wanted to introduce myself to you all.
Now to the biz. I wanted to point out that in the syllabus of your magical group, the ranks of Grand Master and beyond are impossible to achieve unless you are a Dragon or perhaps a Free Spirit. Your Initiate Grade cannot exceed your Magic attribute, so the maximum Initiate Grade for a metahuman Magician or Adept would Initiate Grade 6, giving them a maximum Magic rating of 12. (BTW, ouch on all the karma needed to initiate 6 times and then boost the Magic rating!)
I wasn't sure if those ranks were measured against the Magic rating of the Adept or the initiate level, but I wanted to point it out so that your great idea will stand the test of time. Perhaps if Bodog continues to run the shadows of Denver you might approach him someday.
Aug 25 2006, 11:51 AM
Your Initiate Grade cannot exceed your Magic attribute |
That's true, but that's a variable cap, not a hard cap.
To clarify -- if your character has a 5 magic rating, and he's not initiated, then he has a magic cap of 6, and an initiate grade cap of 5.
If he initiates once, he still has a 5 magic rating and an initiate grade cap of 5, but his magic cap is now 7.
If he the spends karma to raise his magic rating, he suddenly has a magic rating and initiate grade cap of 6.
So, your example character with a Magic of 12 would actually also have an initiate grade cap of 12.
Tangentially -- Bodog, did your character meet Briefcase Chan? I know both characters were active at Origins. Which'd give you a connection if you wanted in.
Aug 25 2006, 06:04 PM
Yes indeed if you do know of any of the other members you may get an invite, soon even you never know.
Aug 25 2006, 11:40 PM
Looks great to me! Tnaks Dunner appreciate your working with us on this one.
Aug 26 2006, 12:00 AM
That is good to know about the initiation grades and Magic. I will have to try and lock that away in my wetware for future reference.
Tangentially -- Bodog, did your character meet Briefcase Chan? I know both characters were active at Origins. Which'd give you a connection if you wanted in. smile.gif |
Only if Briefcase Chan was running under a different name - here is the list of runners I ran with: Rikki, B&E Jordan, 33, #19, Kari, The Mountain, Sif, Felix, Nimnu, Mel Gibson, Wraith, and Reaver.
With a reputation of 3 now, I am sure some of you might have heard of me in the shadows ... heh.
That is also why I am thinking of scrapping Bodog for a new runner as soon as my Commando starts up running missions here in Columbus. I roleplayed Bodog waaaaaay too goofy in retrospect, and I am debating wiping the slate clean. Thoughts on that from someone who was there, the_dunner?
Aug 26 2006, 01:11 AM
QUOTE (cyberdozer) |
I roleplayed Bodog waaaaaay too goofy in retrospect, and I am debating wiping the slate clean. Thoughts on that from someone who was there, the_dunner? |
IMO, the bottom line regarding any gaming session is if everybody's having fun.
You seemed to be enjoying yourself, as did everybody else at the table. If my judgment of that is correct, then I'd intuitively say stick with that character. If I'm wrong, and you're not having fun, then start a new guy.
Yes, I realize that's a complete non-answer.
Aug 26 2006, 01:31 AM
Well, your non-answer still answered my question. While my noodle slowly bakes trying to figure out what I just said ... let me say this. I guess I overplayed him a bit, but alot of that was me being happy to be at the con, away from work, and playing SR again. Also, 29 Karma is alot to walk away from.
That said, then, this magical group I don't know about
might have heard of Bodog then through shadowtalk, since it appears I have not run with Briefcase Chan as of yet.
Aug 26 2006, 01:44 AM
If the group's willing to let you in, I've no good reason to object.
Lost Demiurge
Aug 26 2006, 03:03 AM
Cas, no objections to the list!
And hell, if goofy and eccentric is too much, then Chan's overkill. I got no problems with you joining, Bodog.
As long as the others are fine with it...
Aug 26 2006, 08:45 AM
No longer relavant
Aug 26 2006, 03:23 PM
QUOTE (Casazil) |
Well now the only problem is we need someone who has worked with Bodog to bring him to our attention. |
There are at least three characters on Bodog's list who've run with and Briefcase Chan, John Smith, and Linmayu. So, I'm very comfortable with the supposition that they could meet through a friend of a friend connection. (Casazil, if you played in the interactive, then you met characters who knew him as well.)
Aug 26 2006, 05:24 PM
Welcome to Fight Club Bodog.
Aug 26 2006, 10:33 PM
Thank you for the invitation. I am honored to be included into yer group. *Crushes a beer can against his head*
Aug 30 2006, 06:38 PM
Hey guys I am gonna edit the top post and put our group layout in the first post so it is easier to see the group design.
I'll also keep it updated so everyone will know when we get new members.
Please as you gain levels of initiation post them here.
In that intrest Ganavio is now level 3 with Adept Centering, Flexible Signature, and Masking.
I'll edit all other posting of the group design so that the first post holds all the info.
Dunner feel free to delete any posts that are No longer relavant.
Aug 30 2006, 07:24 PM
QUOTE (Lost Demiurge @ Aug 19 2006, 01:06 PM) |
Copyright, huh? We're not really making money off of this, so I don't see how it applies. |
There's a common misconception that profit is required for IP infringement to take place. It's not - profit is largely irrelevant in determining if a violation has taken place.
That said, copyright and trademark only applies to the venues that the property was registered to. For example, a "McDonalds" shoe store is likely safe from any legal action from the resturant chain, as it is a different venue of business. Unless the resturant chain for some reason had registered a trademark for shoe stores prior.
In this case, "Fight Club" is the name of a movie. I seriously doubt that the owners of that property registered a trademark for Fight Club in relation to roleplaying games.
I could be wrong, though, as I don't have time to run a IP search right now. Fox might very well have registered "Fight Club" in roleplaying games.
Aug 30 2006, 08:58 PM
Try this........"Ad Spathas", Latin origin. Used by the Romans, means to fight with arms (also meant to train)
Lost Demiurge
Aug 31 2006, 09:16 PM
You know, I was gonna get angry here. I was gonna rant, and cut loose with a few choice comments on the silliness of the entire situation, topped off with a few suggestions of which parts of their anatomy lawyers could insert this thread into. And round it out by pointing out the irony of worrying about getting sued by copying a leaf from the book of one of the greatest antidisestablishmentarianist films ever made.
But then I had a brainstorm. And by golly, you're right, everyone who sounded off on this name that wasn't even in the group! It's better to live in fear of the almighty lawyers, and their evil internet-searching minions, than make a slightly-goofy, intellectual joke. We're done, we've all talked and we're breaking up fight club. We'll post nothing further on it, and we're not going through with it. As this is a sensitive issue, I've composed my thoughts below. Selectively bolded for ease of reference.
Why worry about it?
Even we can't stand up to the evil that is Fox lawyers.
Arguments won't sway us.
Really, it was far too much hassle arguing on the boards.
Everyone in the club is leaving to find another group.
Face it, there's no sense in risking things just for the fun of it.
I didn't think it'd work anyway.
Go ahead, keep an eye out, you won't find future postings on the club.
Heck, you'll probably find only stuff on the movie, if you google.
To be honest, it's easier this way.
Come next month, you'll have to find another topic to read.
Let's not argue about pointless things.
Usually, there's something better to argue about.
Besides, when all's said and done, It's about fun, not copyrights.
Finally, I'd like to say that you'll never hear any further nonsense.
On Fight club, either in-game or out-of-game.
Really, we're talking about a secret society.
Especially, one formed by people who don't exist, that in their own game
Virtually don't exist. (Sinless, y'know?)
Exit Fight Club, it was a fun idea while it lasted.
Really, I'll miss it.
Sadly, it's the state of the world that anyone can be sued
Over the stupidest things.
Because the sad truth is that law
Is truly on the side of those with the most money.
The common man is left risking financial ruin, to turn aside corporations
Eventually, the time will come when Shadowrun's world is a sad reality.
My point is that law gets to be more of a three-ring circus
Every year. But while I'm saying this...
Let's say, hypothetically, that...
A group of five people DID want to call themselves Fight Club
Without saying it in public, or saying any more on the board, what could
You seriously do to them? They could say, "We've disbanded the group,
Everyone's no longer in Fight club, it doesn't exist. Can't sue us."
So it's no crime, no foul. And only the conspiracy theorists would say,
Heck, who listens to them? they spend
All their time looking for stuff like steganography, anyway.
Hey, when all's said and done,
All we want is some good clean fun.
Harm no one, that's the way to go.
And in the end, if you take this topic seriously, the joke's on you.
Aug 31 2006, 09:46 PM
Now that was an insightfull rant way to go Lost Demiurge this definately shows you have great potental as a leader too bad we are disbanding the group oh well.
Aug 31 2006, 10:30 PM
*points at the bolded caps reading down them for those that missed it*
Sep 1 2006, 12:54 AM
HEY! you spoiled it!
Sep 1 2006, 02:13 AM
Perhaps we should take our *secret* chatter to a dedicated thread. We wouldn't want too much about our organization to be bared for all the world to see.
Sep 1 2006, 05:07 AM
Aw sorry I didn't mean to spoil it. As far as dedicated we would have to lock this thread or have it erased or something heh. After printing it out of course.
Sep 1 2006, 06:46 PM
Damn! I went offline for a few days and missed all the fun!
XDXDXD @ Briefcase Chan's post.
Apr 1 2007, 09:09 AM
I met a rather interesting dwarf tonight a bit loud but by no means afraid to jump right in and get down and dirty.
I took the postion of over watch this time so I was out of the main fight tonight but I saw and heard the little guy not only take a beating he also dished out a pretty good one to.
I pulled him aside later and told him he was welcome to join us but alas he has turn us down.
If I get the chance to work with him again I'll try to recruit him again as I think he would make a good addtion to our organization.
Till later chummers
Aug 27 2007, 01:00 AM
Hey with 2 conventions down and D*C approaching fast has anyone advanced their characters or found new members that needed to be added to the list?
I met a new guy and he seemed interested in joining so next time I get to talk to him I'll get a decision.
He held his own and even came up with a good idea or 2 duing the last few runs I was on with him.
Well I have to go so much do to so little time to do it.
Aug 27 2007, 05:39 AM
Hey quick note got in touch with the new guy again tonight once again he was cool to run with and so I brought up the idea of joining us again and he said sure sounds like a good deal.
So please everyone welcome Jinx our newest member.
Lost Demiurge
Aug 28 2007, 02:52 AM
Welcome, Jinx! We oughta do lunch...
Oh, and incidentally I initiated recently, grade 1. Picked up Masking...
Aug 28 2007, 04:23 AM
Sweet good to hear your studies are going well Chan.
Now we just need some more members I've got a thing this weekend maybe I'll meet some other new talent.
I think Jinx will be joining me on this one so he'll get to show me what he can do yet again the guy is good.
Aug 28 2007, 06:18 AM
Hi all it has been a while since I posted so please forgive me. I have been busy meditating and other such pursuits to bring my self into better attunement with the magical world surrounding us. (Level 2 initiated now for those scratching their heads) First let me give a formal welcome to our new members. Please do not forget the rules and above all have fun when you fight!
I am sorry I missed the fun I heard happened recent involving Killirov Vory(Gen Con 07 SRM Scramble) I was however occupied with other umm lets say duties yeah that works. I would ask if any of you were there and what happened but I do not want to violate anyones codes so forget I asked.
OOC: I had a great time at Gen Con 07 and ran into at least a couple of our members there. I hope to be in better contact in the future so please feel free to message me to chat, ask questions I can't answer
or just to say hi. I'm not good with web site work but if anyone has that knack and has enough ambition maybe we could start our own web page? Also do we have a complete list of members right now? If so can someone send that to me? Anyway hello all. My thanks to Casazil for the hard work you have been putting into keeping our group alive since I am too laz... err busy to do it myself. Grats to Chan for your successful initiation and again hello to Jinx!
Signing off for now before this terminal explodes or shorts out or... [Connection timed out]
Aug 28 2007, 08:37 AM
Hey great to hear from ya we thought maybe you got stuck in that meditation room
Don't feel bad I was off working on another project down in the Caribbean League area.
It seems these big jobs always show up about this time of year and for some reason or another I always seem to be preoccupied elsewhere next year I think I'll work on being around so I can know first hand what’s going on.
OOC As to what’s up with this topic thanks I try and yes the first post is up to date as of today although the idea did hit me to copy that and start a new topic that is maybe a bit more on topic as this topic makes it seem like we are asking a question about using Street Magic in SRM’s rather that it being a topic about our player created initiatory group for adepts.
As a matter of fact Yes I think I will I hope no one minds as I do have issues with seeing a topic and opening it to read something that interests me only to find it is not the subject I wanted to read about.
Aug 28 2007, 08:46 AM
Follow Me to a SecretOk so see everyone over there and hope to see some of ya soon at D*C maybe?
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