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Name: ~ Fight Club.

Purpose: ~ The Fight Club is geared towards the training and advancement of its members in a dojo type infrastructure.

Members: ~ 6

Exclusive Membership: ~ You can only be in this club.

Limited Membership: ~ physical adepts only

Fraternity: ~ You're required to help other members if they ask for it.

Secrecy: ~ Generally to be a Fight Club member one must:
1} Be an adept who is chosen to join and comes of his or her own free will.
2} Be at least the minimum age (18).
3} Be of sound mind, body, soul, and have positive street cred.
4} Have 1 if not 2 references from current members.

Oath: ~ You will swear to follow and uphold our laws those laws are as follows:
First law: ~ no one talks about Fight Club.
Second law: ~ you can't turn down a fair fight.
Third law: ~ If you lose a fight you will lose gracefully so as not to dishonor the club.

Attendance: ~ Mandatory meetings every 3 months.

Resources/Dues: ~ High/1500 a month.

Patron: ~ None at this time.

Description & Customs: ~ Fight Club is an organization which has members of various ranks and abilities.

Entered Apprentice: ~ Any member who has yet to achieve an Initiate grade:

Fellow Craft: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 1 or 2:

Master Mason: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 3 or 4:

Perfect Master: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 5 or 6:

Grand Master: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 7 or 8:

Knight of the Dojo: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 9 or 10:

Master of Achievement: ~ Any member who has achieved Initiate grades 11 or greater:

Master of the Royal Secret: ~ This rank is limited to the Founding members:
Ganavio, Linmayu, Briefcase Chan, and John Smith

Due to the fact that the highest law is no one talks about Fight Club getting in requires an invitation. Members are allowed to bring outsiders to the attention of the founding members so they may decide weather or not someone should be invited to the club.
QUOTE (Casazil)
SO will there be magical groups for Missions?

For the most part, I'd prefer that we mostly use PC-centric groups. So, if you meet up with a few other folks and would like to start a group, you can grab your friendly GM, and set one up together.

However, I'm sure that not everyone is going to have the opportunity or interest in also doing that. So, we'll try to work something out. At this time, I do not have anything drawn up. I'll talk to some of the other Missions writers, and see if we can get something hashed out in a timely fashion.

If so will it be a general one or will adepts get a seperate group from mages and shamans?

If we set something up, my first instinct is to set up groups associated with the different factions in Denver. For example, a Koshari Shamanic group, or a Yakuza group of Adepts. I'm very open to feedback here.
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Oooh...faction-related magical groups...I like that. Seems like it could be a dangerous line to tread. Wonderfully evil idea.

As far as PC-created magical groups, perhaps there should be an e-mail list or something for Missions players (or we should just tie everyone up and make them post here!) I know I would enjoy the RP opportunities that would come with making a PC magical group. Is there currently anything existing that resembles a central database of SRM players? If not, I would be up for creating one.

I would also like to state for the record that SRM kicks ass, and that I enjoy hitting things with sticks.
QUOTE (Linmayu)
As far as PC-created magical groups, perhaps there should be an e-mail list or something for Missions players (or we should just tie everyone up and make them post here!)

If you've got a character who is looking to start a PC-based initiation group -- or join one -- go ahead and add a response to this thread with your character's name and tradition (or adept).

Hopefully people can contact one another via PMs.
Lin--beyond any Missions players that post here, you may want to try looking at in the players section.
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Hmm haven't thought up a name but as Dunner may recall we worked out initiating my Troll adept at Gen Con using the group initiation and meditation ordeal. Sounds like a player adept group is already in the works here on this very board. What should we call ourselves? My adept is not strongly aligned with any faction though he is liked a little bit better than neutral by both the mafia families, the and the koshari and one other faction(cant remember right now). Seriously what should our name be? How about The Silent Brotherhood? Suggestions comments?
Mekalus: Which troll adept were you? I remember meeting several! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

I *might* also be interested in participating in such a group with my human adept... >.> as for a name I'll probably have better suggestions when I know more about who's going to be involved.

Could be more interesting to have a SUPER SEKRIT magical group...but of course we would not talk about that on the dumpshock forums...
Sshhh don't you know the best kept secrets are the ones every knows about?

BTW I was John Smith if that helps in knowing which Troll adept I was. biggrin.gif
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Hey guys -- agree on a name, and the specifics of your strictures and I'll be more than happy to give you the go ahead. smile.gif
Lost Demiurge
Heya! This is the player of Briefcase Chan, and I'm pretty certain Chan met John Smith at Gencon... In fact, you might say you made an impression. biggrin.gif

As a human adept, Chan'd definitely be interested in a society! Chalk him down as tentatively interested... (He's got his own ideas on rules, guidelines and feel, though. Should I suggest 'em here, or should we get the name and general idea, and work on the fly?)

Also, Chan would argue for a niftier name. How about "Physics Inc."?
Oooh, yay John Smith! Crazy-ass troll with massive piles of karma; I approve. I was at your table during the midnight-4am events, for what that's worth.

And Briefcase Chan is here too? Kickass. biggrin.gif
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Just my 2 cents, but...

if all of you have run through the Grab, and Chasing the Dragon (which consequently were the 2 midnight runs at GenCon) the events from those runs may be influencing your group...particularly when deciding about protection of a specific group or type of person...

Hey Can! Yeah I remember you. Hows that new focus working out for you? nyahnyah.gif Suggest em here I say.

Casazil: I like the strictures you picked out and second them as the strictures we should use for the group. I also think adding in the dues stricture would be good. That way we can have group resources. This accomplishes 2 things 1) it provides group members with better than we can afford ourselves facilities and access to items at a discount(maybe) and 2) can act as a draw for potential new members Also as membership increases dues go down or level of resources goes up. As adepts we do not really require such things as magical lodges etc but hey this could act as replacement of our monthly lifestyle costs if we go for at least high resource levels. 5 members would be looking at 2000 nuyen per month for high resources which provides living accomodations at middle level. See page 68 of Street Magic for details.
McQuillan has an idea on group purpose I think. John would be behind protecting that particular group of metahumanity for sure as he is still a bit disturbed by that whole thing. I'm open though on this one and happy to go one way or the other.

As far as creating the group each member must donate 5 karma. This is true for each member joining later as well. The only thing remaining is our name. So far the following have been suggested:
The Silent Brotherhood
The Order of the Brotherhood
Physics Inc.
Any other suggestions? Lets give it another day or two and then hold a vote on which name to go with.
As far as members so far it looks like the following are interested. Please confirm your intent to join the group by posting here or pming me.
John Smith
Briefcase Chan(?)
Character played by Linmayu
Anyone else thats a phys ad? Did I miss anyone?
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Lost Demiurge
Hmmm... Five karma? Ouch. Well, I can do it, but not right now.

Matter of fact, there aren't that many people running missions around central-west Ohio, and the big-con season's about over, so I might not be able to do it until next year. Mind you, I don't mind paying the karma for a good group.

Incidentally, I've got a new name. We're an all phys-adept group... We'll never have a better opportunity...

"Fight Club!"

Come on, you know you want to! And everyone knows the first rule...

It's not enough to decide the name and game mechanics, though. We've got a few more things to decide. Do we want to run this like a gentlemen's club? (Diogenes club, of Sherlock Holmes fame) Do we want to run it like a business or corporation? (Like a headhunters agency, existing to get its members jobs) Do we want to run it like a fraternal organization? (Freemasons) Do we want to run it like a mystic cultlike thing, and share a common view on magic? (Rosicrucians) Do we want to run it like a dojo? (Mutual training gym)

I'd prefer something like the Freemasons, with less secret handshakes and no gender discrimination. Anyone else have any preferences?
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Fight Club? Hell yes. Given that this isn't really going to be that public of an organization in the real world, we probably won't get sued for using it...

I like a couple of the ideas you put foward but one reason I offered this name The Physical Society was so that the group did not sound like a male only club.

I knew there was *something* that rubbed me the wrong way about the names suggested that had "Brotherhood" in them...maybe it was the gender thing (as an aside, there were quite a few female players attending the Scramble at GenCon...though I think I was the only female adept) or maybe just the fact that it sounded a little we'd be walking around chanting "PIE JESU DOMINE DONA EIS REQUIEM" and beating ourselves over the head with SR4 books or something. Then again, scary magical groups do make for interesting RP. My vote still goes to Fight Club though.

I'm in the same boat as Briefcase Chan, lacking the karma at the moment. But if the group does happen, I'll be happy to pay the karma when I get it.

I'm also not well-versed in any of the organizations you've mentioned, though as far as in-character motivations I would be most likely to want to go with the dojo idea.

Oh yeah and my character name is Linmayu too, though I just wrote it as Lin on all my stuff at the con. >.>;
Founding a group does cost 5 Karma. (As does joining an existing group.) Remember, however, that group initiation and an ordeal (such as Oath) reduces your initiation costs by a total of 40%. Since the group you guys are sketching out, includes an Oath stricture, that means that the first level of initiation would actually be reduced by 40%. Going from a normal cost of 13 karma down to 8. So, you're looking at saving the first 5 karma right there.

In the interests of letting everyone get started, if you've already undergone your first initiation, I'd be willing to say that you founded the group before doing so, allowing you to effectively use karma you've already spent. wink.gif
Lost Demiurge
QUOTE (Casazil)
Lost Demiurge

Yes well fight club may be a cool idea but there is the copy right problem as the names does belong to a movie company.

Now i'm not saying said movie company is watching message boards and waiting for people to use the name fight club as an offical name for something.

However sometimes there are a few people who look for things like that and then they go off and tell anyone who will listen that someone is useing said name or whatever without permission.

Then said movie company has to go do something about it so why even tempt fate not that it was not a good idea.

As to what we want to run the group like I did say this a couple of posts ago:
"Whats our purpose? the training and advancement of physical adepts? protection of a specific group or person?".

I like a couple of the ideas you put foward but one reason I offered this name The Physical Society was so that the group did not sound like a male only club.

Yes I know it is thought very few females play rpg's but there are actually quite few out there and so I want to be sure that they feel free to join our magical group if they decide to play an adept.

Ok so I guess i'm done babbleing for now so any other thoughts?

Copyright, huh? We're not really making money off of this, so I don't see how it applies. We're not an official fanpro thing, we're just a bunch of players, so they can't really be sued.

I've seen Fight Club jokes in a couple of video games, too, and never heard of anything coming of it...

But... If it troubles you, we can call it THE Fight Club. One word, and the branding's gone. Funny how that works...

If you're really concerned, I can live with the Physical Society as a name. I still prefer The Fight Club, but hey.

I'm liking the idea of the Freemasons with a dojo. A group that exists to help its members get ahead in society, and put their money and time toward good ends. Yeah, the Freemasons with 60% more violence. biggrin.gif

Five karma... Well, maybe I can make a trek up to Cleveland or Akron sometime, I KNOW we have some good GM's up around there... smile.gif
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QUOTE (Casazil)
Oath (To help other members and uphold any rules we set down as law),

Since you've already got fraternity, I need something a little more for the oath. wink.gif

Patron: None at this time? Dunner thoughts? restrictions?

I'd prefer none.

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Lost Demiurge
Hm... As far as oaths go...

How about "Never turn down a fair fighting challenge?"
QUOTE (Casazil)
Here is the group so far just as an outline so we know where we stand.

Name: Fight Club?

Purpose: Training and advancement of our craft?

Members: 4?

Strictures: Exclusive Membership (You can only be in this group), Limited Membership (physical adepts Only), Fraternity (Your required to help other members when they need help), Secercy (No talking about the group & can only approach a new member if all current members agree the new person would be good for the group), Oath (To help other members and uphold any rules we set down as law), Attendance (Say meetings every 3 or 4 months)?

Resources/Dues: Middle/1250 a month each or High/2500 a month each?

Patron: None at this time? Dunner thoughts? restrictions?

Discription & Customs: Training and advancement of the groups members in a dojo type infrastructure. Follwers in a freemasons/Illuminati type organization?

Feel free to as always pick things apart or add to whats here.

Names sounds good to me. In fact I like all of it. BTW the rules for karma are on page 69 of Street Magic. Lost I think is on to something. I mean we are Fight Club so never turning down a fair fighting challenge makes sense and could provide some very good roleplaying scenarios. I am good with going Medium lifestyle unless Dunner has a patron to pump us up some. I think maybe though that might be something we can earn later. Anyway I am initiated to level 1 so the 5 karma is spent for me and if just one other has the 5 karma or is initiated already we have the group start up requirements covered. Just need that oath thing hashed out and we are set. grinbig.gif
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I think spending Karma scared 'em off. wink.gif
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Lost Demiurge
Hey, I'm still here!

I really want to join, but Chan won't have the karma until I can get him to another mission or two. So, consider me in a holding pattern until then...
Im still here as well and am in for this. Just one question though about the dues. You sure you don't want to go high? I mean if we go high then we no longer really have to pay a lifestyle cst every month since High resources includes medium lifestyle fixings or maybe I read that wrong. Dunner?
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It's your group guys. smile.gif Whatever amount of money you're willing to commit to is fine by me.
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Everything looks kosher to me. The 3 laws for the Oath look like plenty. As soon as you agree on a lifestyle, you'll have my blessing.
Lost Demiurge
My vote's for high!

As phys ads, we tend to need little in the way of equipment, so I've found that cash tends to build up. (At least for me.) I'm sittin' on about 30K right now, with not much I really need. (Might buy a sports car one day, but that's way down the road. biggrin.gif )
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I assume one of those two votes for high is me. If not then I am voting for high on the resources. I am willing also to donate up to 5 karma (if allowable) to help any of the 4 who want in but are short on karma. Oh and as a suggestion for a 4th law: No one talks about fight club. (You can't have that rule listed only once it just loses its significance for some reason.) biggrin.gif
Alright, looks like you're good to go to me! Congratulations, you have a group. biggrin.gif
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If you're loaning Karma or being loaned Karma, please drop me a PM. I believe that was an SR3 rule that didn't carry over to SR4.
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If that becomes necessary, I'd like to handle it in PMs. smile.gif
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