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Full Version: Looking for a program...
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Anyone know where I can locate a program that allows chat, character sheets, rolls dice, and maps to run a game over the net. Kind of a virtual meeting if you will. I've had a good RL Shadowrun game going, but one of my players moved about 900 miles away.

There was one I used a long time ago, it was free, then they asked for a one time fee, but I can not remember it's name.

Thanks for any help Chummers

Gametable - By Andy Weir and David Ghandehari

excellent software, does exactly what you´re looking for.

Edit: Forgot to link:
Also, check out

Screen Monkey

Fantasy Grounds

Battleground Games

Klooge Works

Open RPG

And a good discussion on the pros, cons, hassles, and benefits of using virtual tabletops to game over distance (I come in on the pro side, myself, having former face to face gaming friends in 2 countries and 6 states at last count.)


Best of luck.
Thanks, I'll check these out !!
No prob. One note though, I forgot to mention that a few of them are pretty d20 specific. Sorry bout that.
If you would raise support for this thread I for one would use it. Maybe not for running the entire game on there, but certainly for keeping the latest version of PCs, NPCs, contacts, enemies, debts, favours, etc. live on the site... perhaps put 'emails' on there to certain players and if they haven't pocsec'ed their email before the game, then they might lack certain useful clues from their fixer... that sort of thing. Anyway, I think that thread should be kept bumped smile.gif
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