Oct 30 2003, 09:15 AM
I know that normally a character is able to speak and write his native language...
But can ally spirits automatically read/ write in languages they have the skill for or do they need to learn reading for at least one language ( mimicing the fact that PC/NPC s have at least some kind of education)
Talia Invierno
Nov 3 2003, 08:51 PM
I'd venture that ally spirits have 1/2 base skill level read/write literacy in languages for which their conjurer paid karma. If the GM uses a native language house rule, then ally spirits should have the same native language at the same level as their conjurer.
Nov 3 2003, 09:18 PM
spirits speak whatever you want them to speak.
Nov 3 2003, 09:35 PM
It makes sense to me that an ally would need to know how to communicate with its master, and since a piece of the master's essence is given to the ally at its creation it would make perfect sense that a single predominant language skill would be given to the spirit. As mentioned before, a summoner could teach the spirit other languages and skills as well, provided that they are skills equal to or less than that known by the summoner already.
Nov 3 2003, 11:24 PM
I would personally give allies all the languages it's master knows at the same leves as the time it was created.
Reading on the other hand I do not believe it is possible for it to do. The ally is permanently astrally percieving, and in astral space text simply cannot be seen, instead the emotion context is seen. I would say the ally cannot therefore actually read anything.
Nov 4 2003, 08:53 AM
I'd say that's open to interpretation. When it materializes it in effect becomes a dual being. And Even dual beings like Shapeshifters and Vampires can learn or already know how to read texts and trid displays. They get the benefit of seeing two realities at once. If dual beings can get away with that, I would assume that a materialized ally could as well.
But that's me.
Talia Invierno
Nov 12 2003, 09:44 PM
It makes sense to me that an ally would need to know how to communicate with its master - Artemis |
It has that as a freebie: the telepathic link.
However, I had forgotten about the language multiplier based on IN. The ally's mental attributes are IIRC equal to its conjurer's. With or without the native language house rule, why not just use that multiplier to determine others (none to be higher than the conjurer's)?
Nov 12 2003, 09:47 PM
QUOTE (Artemis) |
And Even dual beings like Shapeshifters and Vampires can learn or already know how to read texts and trid displays. They get the benefit of seeing two realities at once. |
They can read because they have an actual presence on the material plane, whereas Allies do not. Some can materialize, sure, but that's temporary.
Maybe allies with a host body (golem or animal), but I don't think most should.
Herald of Verjigorm
Nov 12 2003, 11:52 PM
If it can take a bullet it can see the letters.
Nov 13 2003, 02:02 AM
That's like "If I can smell I can play basketball" what on earth does one have to do with the other?
Nov 13 2003, 02:31 AM
if a completely physical bullet, nothing astral at all, can hurt it, then why couldn't it interact with the 'physicalness' of the text?
Nov 13 2003, 02:43 AM
If it's materialized, yes. But the physical plane is not its home and it doesn't visit often. It's like you learning to read chinese for the two days you are in Taiwan, where most people speak and write English.
Herald of Verjigorm
Nov 13 2003, 07:09 AM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
That's like "If I can smell I can play basketball" |
Wonderful attempt at a counter-argument. I should have realized that I need to explain everything in the simplest of terms.
If processed lead can affect the spirit, then it must have a physical component. If it has a physical component, then it should have some form of physical sense to be able to aim LOS on the physical plane. If it has a physical sense capable of such determinations, it should be able to sense colors and variations of colors so as to fully understand commands that it may be given ("break the red box" "what is this 'red' that you speak of?"). Thus to be able to interact with the physical, a manifested spirit should be able to see the letters just fine. Whether a spirit will see the need to learn the significance of each letter when it can just look at the emotional intent of the complete document is a different matter.
Nov 13 2003, 07:11 PM
Does seeing the intent of a message or letter only apply if it were written by hand?
Would a letter written by hand and then sent via fax be readable astrally on the other end?
Can you look at a letter written on a datapad and get it's intent from that?
Can you get it from a computer printed letter?
Can you read a novel about some subject that was very emotional and sence the story?
What if the hand written letter was about something with no emotional content at all. Just a bunch of numbers, or a shopping list?
What if I'm just a jackass and should have my internet connection cut to prevent me from asking questions?
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