Nov 4 2003, 03:13 PM
For those might be interested - I hope to have the first issue of the
New Seattle Intelligencer newsfax edited and laid out next weekend. After that I'll be mailing it out to the old "regular" subscribers (and probably asking Adam to add it to the page he put together to house previous issues).
If you are interested in receiving this and future issues of the NSI please post here (or send me a PM or mail) including a mailing address and whether you would prefer the file as a PDF or a Word.doc.
I'd also to send out my thanks to JongWK, Kanada Ten, Sepherim, Granite and everyone else who contributed to the
First Issue and urge anyone interested to jump aboard and help with
Issue 2 (guidelines and pointers can be found
Aside from the regular features (
CrimeWatch, Local News, Corporate Life, MediaLine, International Front and
Sports Desk), we've expanded the NSI format to include a nightspot review column
Night on the Town and a
Headline Act corner for concert reviews.
Nov 4 2003, 03:22 PM
I'd like a copy, in .doc format, please.
Nov 4 2003, 03:36 PM
Me too
Nov 4 2003, 04:07 PM
Free Shadowrun stuff! You know I can't pass up an offer like that. PDF please.
Nov 4 2003, 04:34 PM
More international news on the way!
Nov 4 2003, 05:06 PM
What would be great is if the SI could be set up as a 'real' newsite,
a la Slashdot. Each article gets posted on the main page in chronological order, with the latest news appearing at the top of the page. Each article would also have a comments section for users to carry on in-character discussions, kind of like the flavor text in the sourcebooks. A full-on karma system (like Slashdot uses) would probably be overkill, not to mention resource intensive. Post-Nuke could do it... hmmm... lemme think about this a bit...
Nov 4 2003, 05:07 PM
What the hell, sign me up:
Nov 4 2003, 05:13 PM
QUOTE (Spookymonster) |
What would be great is if the SI could be set up as a 'real' newsite, a la Slashdot. Each article gets posted on the main page in chronological order, with the latest news appearing at the top of the page. Each article would also have a comments section for users to carry on in-character discussions, kind of like the flavor text in the sourcebooks. A full-on karma system (like Slashdot uses) would probably be overkill, not to mention resource intensive. Post-Nuke could do it... hmmm... lemme think about this a bit... |
Could work nicely, but it would require a lot of individuals to participate so it was kept active and not start to buzz off and dissapear.
Nov 4 2003, 05:44 PM
QUOTE (Spookymonster @ Nov 4 2003, 05:06 PM) |
What would be great is if the SI could be set up as a 'real' newsite, a la Slashdot. |
In an ideal world that's how I would like it too. Unfortunately I have neither the programming skills nor the time to put it online in such a format, if anyone wants to volunteer please contact me.
Regardless of this though the NSI is meant to be a customizable handout for GMs rather than just generic atmosphere, which means it needs to retain it's printed version.
Nov 4 2003, 05:48 PM
Check this out, Synner -
Spookymonster: SIJust to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.
Nov 4 2003, 05:56 PM
I'm interested. Hook me up!
I think I'd prefer a Word version of the SI. Thanks!
Nov 4 2003, 06:01 PM
SM, that rocks. Could be quite interesting.
Nov 4 2003, 06:04 PM
QUOTE (Synner) |
In an ideal world that's how I would like it too. Unfortunately I have neither the programming skills nor the time to put it online in such a format, if anyone wants to volunteer please contact me. |
This could tie in very well with some plans we have.
I'm in.
req AT u DOT washington DOT edu. Doc format, please.
Nov 4 2003, 06:26 PM
Adam - Argggh, you tease! Well, content has always been my thing and you have my mail in case it's needed...
Spookymonster- That looks very cool and pretty close to how I envisioned it to begin with. Depending on what Adam's plans are this might be an interesting opportunity. Should I take this as an interest on your side in hosting it if necessary?
Which brings me to the big problem I've always forseen if the SI left the Dumpshock Forums, which is that aside from myself and a couple of other hardcore contributors the SI has always depended on Dumpshock regulars to take up the slack and file reports (there's no way I can keep it regular by myself, I know, I've tried) and in this format it would go double for the shadowtalk posting.
Of course this might not be such an issue if I can convince the DSF mods for a link on the DSF Matrix or the Dumpshock page... and I am (in)famous for pimping my projects

Nov 4 2003, 06:38 PM
Or if it ends up on the front page of Dumpshock.
Nov 4 2003, 06:44 PM
Now that would be nice
Nov 4 2003, 07:04 PM
Please add me to the mailing list.
I don't have any content to add, because we are currently in Oct, 2056. Not much curernt stuff
Nov 4 2003, 07:05 PM
I used
Post-Nuke, a free Open Source web content management system (CMS), to build that sample page. It took about 5 minutes to define the category (Shadowrun) and cut-and-paste the articles from the first SI into 2 news items. The comments are easy enough to add and moderate. I disabled unregistered users from commenting; only registered users can comment, making it easier to track and ban/censure if necessary.
If you're interested in setting something like this up on Dumpshock, I'd be more than happy to volunteer my time and skills to the project.
As for me hosting, my site is really just a vanity page hosted on for about $7US a month. IIRC, I get about 30GB of bandwidth per month. Any idea how much traffic Dumpshock gets in the average month?
The front page of Dumpshock would be ideal for this!
Nov 4 2003, 09:14 PM
If I do take it this way I'd be grateful for your help Spooky. Let me talk to a couple of people about the idea and the hosting and see what turns up. I'll drop you a line as soon as I know something.
I dropped by the Post-Nuke site and found myself at a complete loss in under 30 seconds (new record for me

). Don't know even where to start so I'd be very happy to have your expertise if we do go this way. I do think that it'd be a great idea especially if the NSI gets front page profile.
I'll be in touch as soon as I know more.
And now back to our regular broadcast...
Dun Fe'Ran
Nov 4 2003, 10:29 PM
please add me to the list
Oh, and PDF would be great
Nov 5 2003, 12:25 AM
Don't forget to include me.

dreamrhythm at hotmail dot com
Nov 5 2003, 12:32 AM
.pdf please
Nov 5 2003, 09:49 AM
Also note that Slashdot itself has a open-source version of its software that it uses for its webpage and there are more than a few news websites that use it. Basically, it's a stripped down version that looks like crap, but has all the functionality. Just play with the style a little and change the colors and you've got your own Shadowland BBS on the web...the only thing you couldn't do would be post messages in the middle of a document. I've been scratching my head on that one for a while and the only thing I could come up with is after every paragraph, post a "Click Here to Comment" link or something equally distracting...
Sign me up too since everyone else is posting it on here instead of letting you know in PM

abstruse at, should also be in my profile.
The Abstruse One
Nov 5 2003, 12:39 PM
Slashcode's nice, but it is pretty OS-dependent. If you're running your server on Linux, you're fine. Anything else (Mac, BSD, Win) requires tweaking and kludging. (at least, that's what the FAQ sez).
Check out
Google's listing of Content Management Systems for more choices. PHP-Nuke, Post-Nuke, Xoop, Zope... they're all pretty full featured.
Random Voices
Nov 5 2003, 02:40 PM
QUOTE (Synner @ Nov 4 2003, 03:13 PM) |
If you are interested in receiving this and future issues of the NSI please post here (or send me a PM or mail) including a mailing address and whether you would prefer the file as a PDF or a Word.doc. |
Could you add me to the list also?
Random Voices at
D' OH! Word format please!
Nov 5 2003, 03:09 PM
I opt-in!.
*braces for data miners*
Nov 5 2003, 10:10 PM
Random - Is that address one word or is it underscored?
Nov 5 2003, 10:53 PM
sign me up for the NSI.
spooky and synner, the slashdot idea would be really cool. I only wish i could help.
Random Voices
Nov 6 2003, 05:02 PM
QUOTE (Synner) |
Random - Is that address one word or is it underscored? |
It works as one word, or two words with a space in between.
Nov 6 2003, 05:09 PM
I think he's asking if it is "Random_voices" or "random voices".
Nov 6 2003, 06:12 PM
Email addresses cannot have spaces in them.
Nov 8 2003, 02:10 PM
Last call for subscribers.
Nov 9 2003, 01:09 AM
Can we still get in on the subscription?
sahandrian at hotmail, PDF preferred.
Nov 10 2003, 06:47 PM
Sent. Please check your email boxes. Any problems please PM me.
Nov 11 2003, 09:45 PM
Now that it's out, I'd appreciate comments, suggestions and
constructive criticism in general. There are limitations to what we can do in a volunteer effort like this but there's always stuff we can improve.
Interested parties in volunteering for the current issue please report
here. If you need more information or guidelines check
Nov 13 2003, 11:03 AM
*bump* What no reviews? Sheesh...
Nov 13 2003, 11:55 AM
Sorry, caught up in work.
I will give it a good and thorough read when I get a chance tonight.
Nov 13 2003, 01:06 PM
I didn't get mine. Abstruse at and either format will do fine.
The Abstruse One
Nov 13 2003, 02:40 PM
Good job!

Some very minor mistakes I've already told you, but I haven't seen a typo yet (applause).
Perhaps next issue should have two text columns per page, it would certainly look more like a newspaper.
How about some Seattle SB-style fake ads?
This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please
click here.