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Full Version: Help with a Spell
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
A player in our group wants a spell for personal flight so his Combat Mage can fly around faster and with more manuverablity then the core book's Levitate Spell allows. basiclly the Combat Mage wants to create a spell that lifts less wieght per net hit in exchange for increased speed and manuverablity.

I would like to see what examples Dumpshockers can toss out here, to get an idea of what a flight spell would look like at other SR Tables out there.
Ancient History
Captain Proton and his antigrav sustaining focus, awaaaay...

[/edit]On a more serious note, what's wrong with Levitate? This isn't D&D, so maneuverability's not really an issue. As for speed...tell him to bulk up his Magic and Spellcasting skill. Buy a focus. Have a spirit on hand to Aid Sorcery.
Plus he's crazy for wanting to trade the shear flexibility that Levitate brings to the table.
Up, up and away!

Category: Manipulation
Type: Physical
Range: Self
Duration: Sustained
Drain: (F / 2) + 2

This allows the caster the abilty to fly in the air at speed. Force must equal at least the character's Body attribute which is the threshold for the spell.

Roll Magic + Spellcasting (Manipulation), multiply total hits by twice the Magic attribute (up to Force) for total movement speed in metres.

For every 100kg of equipment the character is carrying, increase threshold by 1.


Wimpy Magician McGee has Body 3, Magic 4, and Spellcasting (Manipulation) 3(5). He wants to fly and puts on a red cape before casting the spell.

He rolls Magic and Spellcasting (Manipulation) (4 + 5) and needs to beat 4 (3 + 1 in 100kg gear, even red underwear and the cape). He rolls well enough and gets 5 total hits.

He'll now be able to fly (4 x 2) x 5 or 40 metres per turn.
I agree levitate is a very useful and totally flexable spell, and so does the player who wants his mage to have a personal flight spell......the player just wants a spell that is better for personal flight then levitate is.

In the example above...I have not had time to really examine it, but the "Force must be equal to the body" part seems a bit sketchy.....with the force needing to be equal to the body, and the force being part of the speed equation....seems like it would be near impossible for Troll mages to use the spell for personal flight, but that when ever they do they will be flying crazy go nuts fast due to thier having had to cast the spell at a super high force.
<<Sweet, a flying mage. And the guys scoffed at all my time on the skeet range. PULL!!! -PBTHHHHT>>
QUOTE (jmecha @ Aug 4 2007, 02:47 PM)
I agree levitate is a very useful and totally flexable spell, and so does the player who wants his mage to have a personal flight spell......the player just wants a spell that is better for personal flight then levitate is.

In the example above...I have not had time to really examine it, but the "Force must be equal to the body" part seems a bit sketchy.....with the force needing to be equal to the body, and the force being part of the speed equation....seems like it would be near impossible for Troll mages to use the spell for personal flight, but that when ever they do they will be flying crazy go nuts fast due to thier having had to cast the spell at a super high force.

Perhaps it'd be best if it was based on sheer mass instead of Body then? Makes more sense. But it's still not that fast. With 40 m / 3 seconds that's 48 km/h. Mostly unreliable.

It may be better to have the Force actually determine the speed and then have the total mass be the threshold.

Up, up, and away!

Category: Manipulation
Type: Physical
Range: Self
Duration: Sustained
Drain: (F / 2) + 2

This allows the caster personal flight. Force determines the velocity of travel, the threshold is the caster's total mass plus all the equipment he is carrying divided by 100 kg, round up.

Velocity = Force X 15 m / combat turn (3 seconds)

This may have a problem with higher force spells. Force 6 will allow someone to move 25 metres every second; the running speed of a normal human for a full turn compared to just one third of that turn.

That's 90 km/h, possible at chargen. Overcasting it would let him travel 190 kph from the start.

Recommendation: Provide a bonus to perception and sensor tests (equal to maybe have the Force) to detect the flyer since this is less subtle than Levitate. I'm assuming he'd want to sustain through a Focus some kind of Invisibility spell or have a Spirit Conceal him when he zips around like Neo.
Ol' Scratch
Levitate + Air Spirit + Movement = ZOOM!
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein)
Levitate + Air Spirit + Movement = ZOOM!

Not to mention having Concealment too. Air Spirits, the only way to fly? biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein)
Levitate + Air Spirit + Movement = ZOOM!

That's how I've always done it.
Im disappointed it took 7 posts before air spirits were mentioned. Dont you people know how to abuse spirits yet?
Ol' Scratch
You mean using them exactly as they were intended to be used is "abusing" them?
Tongue in cheek.
Alright.....just pretend the spell caster in qeustion was an aspected mage who could not summon sprits......any other spell ideas out there for Neo/Superman/Underdog like flight?
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