Dec 25 2003, 08:55 PM
CCOC is a cyberdeck calculator, which will be integrated into the great Shadowrun-computerizing-initiative, by communicating with other Shadowrun programs.
Current version fully supports (calculate statistics, save and load [xml] ) : Normal/Cranial Cyberdecks, utilities, ICs, worms and all the misc. components that can be found in the Matrix sourcebook.
It can be found at
Dec 31 2003, 01:44 PM
Looks cool! Are you planning on having the cyberdeck/cranial detect errors in creation? (IE. Not being able to exceed 3 Response Increases, MPCP calculations between the attributes, etc etc.) Also what is this supposed to be trying to integrate with? The SR3 Tracker or the SCOS?
Jan 1 2004, 08:27 AM
Yeah, sure, it's easy; I suppose that in a couple of weeks I'll be able to program again (busy busy) and it'll be. (AFAIK, the Response Increase is limited. maybe I'm wrong, I can't check it now).
The integration is with whatever wants to integrate. For starters it will integrate with the
Valkyrie Module (because I wrote it, it will be easier to work out).
Once I devise an easy way for this integration (using XML) I'll be able to program DLLs for other programs to use.
Jan 6 2004, 03:15 PM
You were the one that wrote the Valk Module? Didn't you go into the army?
Any plans to finish it? I tried to make my Ultimate Level NPC to go against my Pc's and ran into a few problems. (Which I have conviently forgotten it having been a long time since I tried.)
Sounds very cool. I'll be watching.
Jan 11 2004, 09:22 PM
Yep, I wrote the Valkyrie Module.
And, well, sure, I went to the army

It's been some time (Seargent's course and so on) before I got to a new place with a computer. So I program when I'm not busy.
Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, apart from communicating with other programs the Valkyrie Module is finished. If there are problems please do report them, so I'll be able to fix them.
Concerning the last note - I see home once in two weeks, usually, so report problems ASAP; even if no progress is evident, it might be due to the fact I wasn't around to post the changes. It still doesn't mean you can stop reporting problems and wishes
Feb 18 2004, 10:41 PM
CCOC v1.0 is released, being the first stable version you can actually do something with. The program core is complete, meaning all is left is fancy graphics and integrating SIFF.
Homepage - homepage - -
Feb 18 2004, 11:50 PM
Very nice work. The only thing I've seen so far that I would change is allowing more than 9999 Storage Memory on a deck.
Feb 19 2004, 12:06 AM
Added to 2do list. Will be done by tomorrow, I hope.
Dakhran the Dark
Feb 19 2004, 12:11 AM
Only complaint I have is that I'd like to get total cost of nuyen for each item in the lower listbox, and a grand total. Sure, I could open up the XML and get the totals myself, but I'm lazy...

I may have to play around with the output some as well -- I've been itching to dive into XSLT, this could be a good place to start. Considering that I've been kicking around an idea for a Matrix Run Manager (ta-da) with XML compatibility, I can also make sure I can import decks from your app and have them run against the systems just like my own deck files...
Feb 19 2004, 12:15 AM
1) It's already been added to the 2do list

thanks for the feedback.
2) That's why I created CCOC, so I can later build on top of it to create my final destination - The Matrix Explorer (or Matrixcape, I haven't decided yet).
3) An XSLT will be super-welcomed !
Feb 19 2004, 01:54 PM
Looks nice! I'll give it test run considering I need to do some work with some Matrix Characters anyways.
Feb 19 2004, 03:13 PM
I'll take a look at the output too, I'm having fun with xslt...
-Mike R.
Feb 19 2004, 03:40 PM
Yes, this is cool. I like it, but one thing I think that is left out... This might be difficult... There are rules for a decker with Computer B/R and Electronics B/R to design and build a deck himself. It costs much less newyen, but there are calculations to determine how much time it will take, as well as tests to make depending on the character's skills.
This is kind of the same as with the Rigger Vehicle Design programs. A lot of the cost could be spared if the RIgger himself is skilled at B/R, and has the time to do the work himself.
Feb 19 2004, 03:48 PM
I started coding this feature as well (like in CCOC for Virtual Realities) but decided it would be better to first finish something productive

The second problem is that building such a tool will require interacting with the character data (his skills), which is something not entirely defined in SIFF (Shadowrun Information File Format). It's something that should be done by mcmackie, probably.
Feb 19 2004, 04:09 PM
That's cool. I thought of 2 ways to get around that...
1) You could list the cost an time followed by the Rolls need to be made to reduce the time, so that a user would have a list of how to manually roll it.
2) Just give the user a place to type in the needed stats and skills. In the future you could let the user pick one of mcmackie's xml files for a char and read it for them.
Either way, you're doing a great job, keep it up!
Feb 19 2004, 04:22 PM
K, added to 2do list.
Feb 20 2004, 01:02 PM
CCOC v1.1 is released, fixing lots of little bugs and (hopefully) answering to most of the reqeusts posted.
Maximum memory in decks and CCs is no more limited to 9999.
Page cost is now displayed, as well as total cost.
The whole thing is now resizeable. |
Kanada Ten
Feb 21 2004, 02:09 AM
Cloak utility is misspelled as Cloack.
Feb 21 2004, 09:29 AM
Fixed. Note that xml files of a previous version will have to be manually edited (using notepad, for example) to change any Cloack into Cloak. Thanks.
Feb 21 2004, 11:17 PM
ccoc 1.11 ReleasedMainly fixes from the Matrix sourcebook
errata, as well as the single (!) memory-leak
found in CCOC.
CCOC is now released in 2 versions, each
using a different XML engine - XDOM (an
open-source Delphi component) or MSXML.
HomepageProject homepageDownloadTwo XML engines - the two engines fully support DOM, so they're
basically the same from a programmer's point of view (except one is a COM
object and the other is native Delphi code). I really can't tell which one
is better right now, so I'm releasing both (MSXML is gaining the upper hand
because of its built-in XSLT processor).
XDOM version can be run on any Windows system, the
Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 4.0 pre-installed to run.
XSLT (and viewing CCOC's xml files in a readable format),
I've made some progress (figures it ain't very complicated).
You can find two new files in the source-code archive (you can download it here),
tests.html and first.xslt.
tests.html is where I play around to create a graphical presentation
the way I want. Later I copy parts of this file into
first.xslt, where,
combined with some XSLT markup I create transformations. In the end, I combine one
of the XML files (contained in the archive) with first.xslt in an XSLT processor to
produce a readble HTML.
This whole last paragraph should be understandable only to those who have some
XSLT/XML knowledge (sorry).
You can pick up from where I am, I'm not gonna be able to post updates in the next
couple of weeks. Don't forget to email me, though

By the way, if you really want to, you can SMS me at +972-66-359111
Feb 27 2004, 11:49 PM
Love the program, but a buddy of mine without an account pointed out a potential error. It's a pretty small one, though. I'm not quite following what the bug is, so I'll just cut-paste what she said.
The problem is that the program raises the Design Rating by +1 for every 2 points of Sneak. According to Matrix, it should be +2 per point of Sneak. |
*shrugs* Just something she noticed.
Feb 28 2004, 05:15 AM
I'll check into it. Spotlite - I fixed your bug reports and started thinking on a way to fix the display problems. An XSLT page is almost ready for use with "cyberterminal" elements.
Feb 29 2004, 12:06 AM
ccoc 1.2 ReleasedMore bug fixes and an XSLT page.
Download here.
Mar 16 2004, 09:56 AM
ccoc 1.3 ReleasedFixes all the things you were talking about, and includes the almost-complete xslt page.
MSXML version can perform XSL Transformations (namely export to html) without requiring any external software.
XDOM version, however, performs the transformations using an external program which you should acquire independantly of CCOC;
Saxon and
XT are good examples for Java-based XSLT processors.
Future versions of CCOC-xdom will hopefully be released bundled with and XSLT processor.
Download here.
Apr 3 2004, 06:54 PM
ccoc 1.31 Release1) Finished the XSLT page.
2) Minor fixes to the XSLT-dialog
3) New "Open Old" option to load old xml files
Apr 19 2004, 07:58 PM
ccoc 1.4 ReleasedNow you can see Task Descriptions for Cyberterminal Construction and Programming; The program calculates Tgts and Dice numbers. Really, worth a glance !

Apr 19 2004, 09:52 PM
Wow, the additional stuff for the Programming you added is great.
I would like to put in a request to extend that capability (I did not see this in the 2DoList.txt). If it the program could let you look at the "Cost to Buy" and also the "Hours to Construct"/"Cost to Construct" for each component, and then have the opportunity to decided which way to go for each component, then in the end we see a "Total Cost" that is a Total of the cost of the components bought, plus the construction cost of the components he constructed, and a total of how many hours it will take him to complete the task.
This is just a pie-in-the-sky request. It would make my day easier. I think you've done a great job in what is already finished. Kudos!
Apr 19 2004, 10:02 PM
I am going now to concentrate on linking up CCOC, Valkyrie Module and NSRCG together, so new features are probably going to get delayed. Thanks for the feedback anyway
Apr 19 2004, 10:07 PM
Any chance you want to link in The Shop 3 if anyone get around to finishing it?
Apr 19 2004, 10:22 PM
I think it'd be better done by The Shop's programmer, it would be easier.
May 3 2004, 10:06 PM
ccoc 1.5 ReleasedFixes to the Tasks engine.
Eyeless Blond
May 4 2004, 04:39 PM
Regarding the (beautiful, btw) Valkyrie Module, how do you get interconnectivity to work? Or does it yet? I haven't been able to figure out how it goes yet.
I don't think interconnectivity is ready on any of the projects yet, aside from the Valkyrie, but that doesn't really count, considering that the others don't have the capability yet(?).
Eyeless Blond
May 7 2004, 01:00 AM
er, I meant the interconnectivity of different cyberware devices (eg. routers and datajack ports)
Ah. As I understand it, you just add the router, and there *should* be an option in it that adds connected cyberware to each of the ports. But I might be wrong, since I don't have the VM with me right now...
May 7 2004, 08:10 AM
Regarding InterCon - I can only answer from what I remember, because I don't have VM with me (I'm outta home) and I haven't been working on it for about 1 year now.
So -
Try "dragging" a Router into some other item. Also, you can use the Interconnectivity wizard.
Regarding program interconnectivity (=SIFF) - CCOC already implements an Automation server so other programs can use it; the current (yet unpublished) version of Valkyrie Module can already use CCOC to add cyberdecks. Soon enough Valkyrie Module will itself implement an Automation server, then I'll sling a few lines of code into NSRCG, and we all be happy with three programs that work together.
Eyeless Blond
May 7 2004, 08:42 AM
Drag-and-drop. I didn't even think to do that. *facepalm*
May 7 2004, 09:32 AM
It's my fault if this wasn't clear; should write some kind of FAQ....
May 7 2004, 12:46 PM
QUOTE (Venndigram) |
ccoc 1.5 Released
Fixes to the Tasks engine. |
Very nice.
Though I don't know how happy I should be since it just showed me that some of my calculations were days and days off.

I love this program.
May 17 2004, 09:11 AM
Would anyone want to write some docs for CCOC and/or Valkyrie Module ? It seems it would be better for me to concentrate on whatever I'm good at (programming) rather than try to do whatever I'm not good at (writing docs).
If anyone's interested, write to sf_yourshadow /at\
Jun 9 2004, 03:02 PM
A new CCOC 1.5 was released, together with a new Valkyrie-Module 2.5. Apart from several bug-fixes and little tweaks, these two programs are now as-much-as-possible-tested to work together (!!!).
So, download both new versions (
CCOC 1.5 and
Valkyrie Module 2.5) and then read
this; this will start you off.
Jun 10 2004, 06:11 PM
CCOC 1.6 ReleasedChanges :*From 2do:
61) Add Laser Link
*From bugs:
4) Crash when requesting Tasks on item loaded from file
5) HTML does not show R-Increase and Hardening
6) HTML reports "error on pages" (Karl Kendricks)
7) Setting MPCP to 8, saving, loading then changing to 0, then saving. It doesn't save. (and in other places in CCOC)
*From xslt-2do:
9) Show R.Filter (Metaphor and User) and Masking (SASS)
(which means, it's worth updating

Download here
Jun 20 2004, 02:50 PM
I do so love this thing. Make the world or program so much nicer.
I did notice one thing though. Smart Frames are missing the option to increase their pilot rating (Matrix p90). Also Frame cores can only be coded with Squeeze and Optimization options. You have Sensitive and Optimization listed instead.
Beyond that - Rock on, tin soldier!
Jun 24 2004, 05:17 PM
I'll check it out
Jun 24 2004, 06:40 PM
CCOC v 1.61 ReleasedFixing 3 bugs WolfJack has mentioned about options in Frames and Constructs.
Jul 9 2004, 01:58 PM
Needed: Data entry
I'm currently making Stock Cyberterminals for CCOC; I need somebody to do the data entry, because I'm really out of time on it. So, if somebody could simply create a file (using CCOC) with each stock terminal in Matrix and SR3, it would be really great.
Thanks in advance.
Jul 9 2004, 04:01 PM
Since my day is dead so far I am starting on this now.
Jul 9 2004, 04:57 PM
Done. thing was that nothing really matches up. Cost in the high end decks, partially because I left all the attributes zero-ed, and just the stats for the low-end decks.
If anything is incorrect or needs further editing, let me know. Happy to help out since I love this program.
Jul 10 2004, 10:55 AM
Thanks, you're the man

Could you also create a file for Cranial decks ? I don't remember where they are, Matrix or maybe M&M.
Noting a few things :
1) All low-end decks are not valid (i.e. Bod > MPCP)
2) All Stock decks do not specify various BESM ratings.
Why do you think it's this way ?
Jul 11 2004, 11:43 AM
1) All low-end decks are not valid (i.e. Bod > MPCP) |
Yea, I noticed that same thing. Only thing I could think of is that they are intentionally broken, and allowed to exceed the norm's, because they only have a couple of ratings.
It's a guess, but it's all I got.
All Stock decks do not specify various BESM ratings. |
I'd have to guess and say to be nice to the players. It's not that hard to conceive either, after all I can tweak a Dell PC when I but it online today.
It does seem strange making "stock" cyberdecks and giving them a street index, since they are, by their very nature, illegal. But then I remember it's just a game and the goal is to have fun....and I do.

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