Searched for it... but all Karma-questions are about awards given to players.
Well, the questions are: How much Karma (and BP) does a normal guy on the street have, and earn?
I have, for example, problems with "For-hire-enchanters", who anchor spells on the wealthy. They have a calm job and don't push themselves, but use up huge amounts of Karma for enchantments and fortified anchoring. How much would they charge for their services? How often could they do it?
I think a normal character would start out at about 300-350 BP when he is done with all education (School, Job, University), when he is about 16-25 years old. But after that? Maybe about 1 Karma every month, until he is so soulcrushed by his mundane life at age 35 that he gets maybe 1 every six months? What is with the highly magical lifestyle of a mage? Even though he is no runner it is very likely that he experiences new things all the time (I assume that with the low costs of initiation pretty much every mage will get up to 4 of those in his life, so pretty much every mage will do metaquests just for the hell of it?)
Oh and just another thing: I've got an VERY specialized mage in my group and she steals the show with her spirits. Any ideas how i could protect normal fighters from spirit powers? Some of them are just impossible to block and are an instant takedown, even in high background-count. No one protested yet, but i got the feeling the other players feel a bit annoyed at that. For example the "Engulf" of her air-spirits pretty much got EVERYONE down in the campaign, except TWO people. (One was a mage who dissolved that thing with a stunball for physical draindamage (and was killed afterwards). And one was a Vampire who is imune to that kind of damage... but he couldn't escape either, but was freed while the PC's weren't looking *g*)
Hm, i really have to say: having force+hits against willpower is just unbalanced anyway, inculding mental manipulations. The old Power vs. Attribute min. threshold half attribute was so much nice to people with high willpower. As it stands now it is highly unlikely to fail with any kind of spell or magical aptitude.
Ah well, too much offtopic. How are your thoughts to Karma-earning, how much will a magician charge for a anchored, reeinforced force-10 spell? 200.000? More, less?