Vehicle Mask (Realistic, Multi-Sense)
Type: P • Range: T • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2) – 2
This version of the Physical Mask spell (p. 202, SR4) is specifically
used to mask vehicles and drones. The vehicle must be
masked to look like another vehicle of roughly the same size. This
spell can also affect the vehicle’s sound, smell, and other characteristics.
Type: P • Range: T • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2) – 2
This version of the Physical Mask spell (p. 202, SR4) is specifically
used to mask vehicles and drones. The vehicle must be
masked to look like another vehicle of roughly the same size. This
spell can also affect the vehicle’s sound, smell, and other characteristics.
while SR4 Core-book says:
Physical Mask (Realistic, Multi-Sense)
Type: P • Range: T • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 1
Th e Mask spell requires the caster to touch the subject. Th e
subject assumes a diff erent physical appearance (of the same basic
size and shape) chosen by the caster. Th is alters the subject’s
voice, scent, and other physical characteristics as well.
Type: P • Range: T • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2) + 1
Th e Mask spell requires the caster to touch the subject. Th e
subject assumes a diff erent physical appearance (of the same basic
size and shape) chosen by the caster. Th is alters the subject’s
voice, scent, and other physical characteristics as well.
Does this mean (and according to the high drain of Phys.mask.) that this spell can virtually everything and has no specific target or should i take the term "subject" more serious?