Mar 17 2010, 12:25 AM
If a Mr. Johnson offers your character a high-risk morally questionable mission with only a single Klondike Bar as payment, would your character accept it?
How far would your characters go for a Klondike Bar? What is the most dangerous thing they would do for one? What if the most morally questionable thing they would do for one? How far would them compromise themselves for that chocolate-coated icecream goodness?
What about a lifetime suppy supply of Klondike Bars are a coupon that is good for unlimited free Klondike Bars at any store in the world and that can be used as often as you want and never expires?
Ancient History
Mar 17 2010, 12:28 AM
I would cut off your face and wear it as a mask for a Klondike bar.
Mar 17 2010, 12:39 AM
I would punch a baby into a fine paste then feed it to its mother for that delicious chocolate coated wonder.
Mar 17 2010, 01:06 AM
I would flip off Lofwyr in person for a Klondike bar, provided that I receive it in advance with the ruling that I must do so within a time limit that takes into account the time it takes to travel to Germany and then score an "Appointment" and that this trip and meeting be monitored via commlink feed.
May seem suicidal, but I'm quite sure Its the first step to becoming immortal.
I'd be the man who flipped of Lofwyr, for a Klondike Bar.
Mar 17 2010, 01:51 AM
I would rig the next major pay-per-view Urban Brawl event with massive chembombs deploying airborne Bliss. Imagine the fallout as millions of violence-craving viewers watch their favorite head-crackers sit around for two hours talking about their feelings.
I'll take that Klondike bar now, Mr. Johnson.
Mar 17 2010, 01:58 AM
For a Klondike Bar; nothing.
For a Ben & Jerry's Peace Pop . . .
Mar 17 2010, 02:51 AM
QUOTE (MikeKozar @ Mar 16 2010, 08:51 PM)

I would rig the next major pay-per-view Urban Brawl event with massive chembombs deploying airborne Bliss. Imagine the fallout as millions of violence-craving viewers watch their favorite head-crackers sit around for two hours talking about their feelings.
That is sooo evil. I LOVE IT!
Mar 17 2010, 05:48 AM
I would allow Carrot top to stare at me while I sleep.
Mar 17 2010, 07:22 AM
QUOTE (Squinky @ Mar 17 2010, 01:48 AM)

I would allow Carrot top to stare at me while I sleep.
We talking early 90's not really funny but still amusing in a dorky, doofy kind of way, or the 2000's "I been mainling 'Roids" Carrot Top?
Either way, hell no. But just checking

Me, I'm not impressed with Klondike Bars these days. They're like half the size they used to be, and are twice as expensive. Frag that noise.
Mar 17 2010, 06:03 PM
*Checks wiki*
Ah for a Choc Ice I would be willing to pop to the shop and pick one up.
What do you mean missing the point?
Mar 17 2010, 10:25 PM
I'd run through the ghoul infested part of bug city wearing nothing but freshly cut bovine parts that are still bleeding.
Mar 17 2010, 10:50 PM
"Do you have the Klondike bar with you now, Mr Johnson?"
"Let me see it."
Johnson pulls out the bar. "Here it is."
Runner shoots Johnson in the face, takes the Klondike bar. "Next time have better pay."
Mar 17 2010, 11:11 PM
For a regular Klondike bar? Not much. For a Klondike bar made with pure NERPS? I'd take on a Daspyus Praegrandis (Juggernaught) aremd with a Tiffani Self-Defender loaded with dye marker rounds.
For two NERPS Klondike bars? I'd sign my self over to Aztechnology.
Mar 18 2010, 02:24 AM
QUOTE (Bull @ Mar 17 2010, 03:22 AM)

We talking early 90's not really funny but still amusing in a dorky, doofy kind of way, or the 2000's "I been mainling 'Roids" Carrot Top?
Either way, hell no. But just checking

Me, I'm not impressed with Klondike Bars these days. They're like half the size they used to be, and are twice as expensive. Frag that noise.
The 'roid' monster. Really, what he has become is probably the scariest thing I can think of
Olaf Eisengeist Magnusson
Mar 18 2010, 03:20 AM
My Dwarven character would ride in a shopping cart towed by a large vehicle down a busy highway munching on that sweet chocolatey square of deliciousness. Ohhhh yeah that is what I would do.
JM Hardy
Mar 18 2010, 04:17 AM
I would mix cocktails in the Yukon for a Klondike bar.
Thank you, I'll be here all week.
Jason H.
Mar 18 2010, 04:48 AM
I would walk through the Redmond Barrens wearing nothing but a sandwich board that said, "I'm walking through the Redmond Barrens with nothing on but a sandwich board for a Klondike bar!"
Of course I would first make arrangements with the company that made Klondike bars to broadcast my trek for signifigant payment and I'd make sure to negotiate addiional payment with each viewing of the trek.
Mar 18 2010, 04:55 AM
I do not have a character, per se... however for a Klondike Bar I would ... *shudder* Listen to my PCs when they complain about mortality rates and impossibility. FOr the lifetime, I might even act on their wishes!
Mar 18 2010, 04:56 AM
QUOTE (JM Hardy @ Mar 17 2010, 07:17 PM)

I would mix cocktails in the Yukon for a Klondike bar.
Thank you, I'll be here all week.
Jason H.
As soon as I can figure out sig's, this will be in it
Digital Heroin
Mar 18 2010, 08:43 AM
I would appologize to all of the GMs/Players here I spaced out and dissapeared on here...
...my characters, they're a whole other bag of marbles...
Kool Kat
Mar 18 2010, 12:29 PM
I would take a huge steamy mooky stank dump on the Chief of Lonestar's desk for a KB! I'd almost sell my mom to a traveling band of Ghouls that have a fetish for old smelly feet... almost.
Mar 18 2010, 02:19 PM
I would hijack a sub-orbital, hack the Zurich Orbital Bank, transfer 1:nuyen: to my account (through a dizzying chain of laundering services), fly back to Earth, and use that money to buy a Klondike bar.
Then I'd fly back into space to eat it. Just for kicks.
Mar 19 2010, 12:22 AM
Use Turn to Goo on a man then sell the goo as some strange shake. Then drop sustaining.
Celt IMC
Mar 20 2010, 02:50 PM
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
This you should do for a Klondike Bar.
Mar 20 2010, 03:15 PM
QUOTE (Celt IMC @ Mar 20 2010, 09:50 AM)

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
This you should do for a Klondike Bar.
Mar 20 2010, 06:14 PM
I would kidnap Kenneth Brackhaven and have a life-like cyberpenis implanted on his forehead for a Klondike Bar.
Mar 20 2010, 10:15 PM
QUOTE (Method @ Mar 20 2010, 02:14 PM)

I would kidnap Kenneth Brackhaven and have a life-like cyberpenis implanted on his forehead for a Klondike Bar.
Why stop at one? Turn him into a full-conversion cyberzombie and he's got room for 84. Well, 85, if you know what I mean.
Mar 20 2010, 10:30 PM
What's become of subtlety?
Mar 21 2010, 06:34 AM
I'd have an affair with the Johnson's wife for e klondike bar.
I'd direct feed it to his commlink for two.
Saint Sithney
Mar 21 2010, 07:50 AM
I'd burn my last point of Edge for a Klondike Bar.
Mar 21 2010, 10:18 AM
I would do a Nanosecond Buyout of
Unilever for all the Klondike Bars.
Apr 19 2010, 10:31 PM
With all of these, it seems so much easier just to rob a store for a Klondike Bar.
Or, ya know, pay a nuyen
Apr 19 2010, 11:16 PM
I would wear a t-shirt that proudly proclaimed, "I was part of the Rite Of Succession and all I got was this stupid t-shirt." for a klondike bar.
Apr 20 2010, 12:57 AM
My character (an elf) would walk into the Big Rhino and order a fuzzy navel to now go with his, now in-hand, Klondike Bar.
Apr 20 2010, 01:54 AM
I would aid Deus in his takeover of the Renraku Archology for a Klondike Bar.
Apr 20 2010, 02:00 AM
I'm lactose intolerant, so I wouldn't even do Nadja Davir for a Klondike Bar.
Apr 20 2010, 02:41 PM
I would toss a NERPS wrapper on the ground in front of Daniel Howling Coyote for a Klondike Bar.
Apr 20 2010, 04:41 PM
There's subtlety, and there's
What would I do for a Klondike bar? Hmmmm.
Aside from the ones that are legally banned in most civilized nations, the rest are executable offenses in the continental U.S., and the reall fun ones are just plain unthinkable, I'll have to refrain from answering.
Apr 20 2010, 06:45 PM
A regular one or the Heath ones? because those toffee enhanced devils... well, I'd dive down a great dragon's throat and cut my way out it's belly with a plastic spork for one of them.
Apr 20 2010, 07:36 PM
I am so introducing Klondike Bar into my campaign's street lingo.
"You hear about that runner team that hit Renraku last week and made off with some SoTA? Lost 2 members to Red Sams, but I hear their pay was a real Klondike Bar..."
Apr 20 2010, 08:53 PM
For a Klondike bar i would:
Make a deal with a dragon.
Trust an elf.
Post nude candids of Frosty on Jackpoint.
Walk into a Sons of Sauron safehouse wearing a "Trogs must die" t-shirt.
Piss off Fastjack.
NOT have sex with Nadja Daviar.
Tell Damien Knight to his face that Lucien Cross had a bigger dick than him.
Walk into Lonestar HQ and start telling Texas jokes.
Ask an Oyabun if he is Korean.
Win a Darwin Award.
Apr 20 2010, 09:27 PM
QUOTE (Mongoose @ Apr 19 2010, 10:00 PM)

I'm lactose intolerant, so I wouldn't even do Nadja Davir for a Klondike Bar.
YOu know, I'm not entirely sure how much Dairy is in those things now. I imagine by 2072 they'll be 100% artificial. Probably 100% soy.

And considering how they keep shrinking, probably wafer thin
Apr 21 2010, 01:44 AM
QUOTE (Sixgun_Sage @ Apr 20 2010, 11:45 AM)

A regular one or the Heath ones? because those toffee enhanced devils... well, I'd dive down a great dragon's throat and cut my way out it's belly with a plastic spork for one of them.
Omg...omg...don't even get me started on those things. While I was boosting my cardio for Ranger requirements they were a constant thorn in my side.
Speaking of weird things people do for food do you think someone would design a BTL specifically so the not so rich could experience the taste of REAL food and not that soy crap? The image of a brain dead elf, a slotted Klondike Bar BTL clearly visible as he hums their theme song with drool coming out the side of his mouth made me giggle just a tiny bit.
Apr 21 2010, 01:56 AM
QUOTE (WyldKnight @ Apr 20 2010, 08:44 PM)

Speaking of weird things people do for food do you think someone would design a BTL specifically so the not so rich could experience the taste of REAL food and not that soy crap? The image of a brain dead elf, a slotted Klondike Bar BTL clearly visible as he hums their theme song with drool coming out the side of his mouth made me giggle just a tiny bit.
Just a little bit?
My eyes widened, my jaw dropped, and I reveled in that imagery.
Apr 21 2010, 02:37 AM
Lol, I'm glad you enjoyed that so much. I may have to create such a thing if nothing else for the laughs of an obese troll looking for the "Icecream Man" a BTL dealer who specializes in the simulation of delicious frozen treats. Even has a heavily modified van to resemble an ice cream truck from which he passes along his product to all the boys and girls of the sprawl.
The Overlord
Apr 21 2010, 04:23 AM
I'd poke a sleeping dragon in the eye with my genitalia.
I'd walk into a Ares weapons depo and try to rob them, while naked.
I'd moon a Troll gang that is on Kamikaze.
I'd run the length of bug city naked and covered in honey.
Apr 22 2010, 04:36 AM
QUOTE (Bull @ Apr 20 2010, 09:27 PM)

YOu know, I'm not entirely sure how much Dairy is in those things now. I imagine by 2072 they'll be 100% artificial. Probably 100% soy.

And considering how they keep shrinking, probably wafer thin

True. I rather enjoy some of the better soy product ice cream that already exists (Soy Dream, yummy). But that would be a Nerpsdike Bar, wouldn't it?
In that case... um, I'd walk into a stuffer shack and pay the 2nĄ?
Apr 22 2010, 04:38 AM
I play Urban Brawl. Naked. On a Dodge Scoot. Armed with a slingshot.
Apr 22 2010, 06:08 PM
QUOTE (WyldKnight @ Apr 20 2010, 08:44 PM)

Omg...omg...don't even get me started on those things. While I was boosting my cardio for Ranger requirements they were a constant thorn in my side.
Speaking of weird things people do for food do you think someone would design a BTL specifically so the not so rich could experience the taste of REAL food and not that soy crap? The image of a brain dead elf, a slotted Klondike Bar BTL clearly visible as he hums their theme song with drool coming out the side of his mouth made me giggle just a tiny bit.
When I need to pack on weight before weigh in for a tournament I pick up a couple boxes of those things. As to the BTL thing.... total gourmand move... or another level of weight management for models. "When I just feel like pigging out my agent gives me a pringles and pizza BTL and, like, oh... my.... gawd!"
Apr 22 2010, 09:28 PM
I can't believe this hasn't been used, so I just have to:
"Are you keeding me? Ahy'd keel you for a Klondike Bar!" -Achmed, the Dead Terrorist (Jeff Dunham)
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