There was also "Shadowrun Duels" game - its life was short, but figures are really cool:
Monopoly shadowrun edition ?
That was cruel...
Some of my ideas for mentioned game:
1) Board - Seattle map, with districts divided into parcels. Players need to buy parcels, then put there buildings and upgrade them; upgraded office blocks generate more money, upgraded laboratories - more reseach points.
2) Corps - each corp has some stats: income (how much nuyen it gains each turn from buildings and completed R&D projects), security level, and maybe influence. Perhaps some special bonus - shadowruns against S-K are more expensive, for example.
3) R&D - laboratories, some personnel (sciencists) and gear generates research points, represented by tokens: blue (tech), green (bio), and purple (magic). They can also send runners to steal tokens from other players' labs.
Players need to complete sets of tokens from their Project cards; for example - new cyberarm needs 2 green and 2 blue tokens, new drug - 4 green, cyberzombie - 3 green, 3 blue, 2 purple. Completed project upgrades player's Income stat, maybe something more (completed Project: Security Drone raises also security Stat).
4) Cards - at each turn, players can draw cards from 4 stacks:
a)Gear - example: weapons upgrades security of a particular building, lab gear gives more research points. They are added to buildings.
b) Personnel - just like Gear with higher bonus, but can be kidnapped.
c) Black Ops - some dirty tricks (ex: "Mole" - you can look at other player's hand or Projects)
d) Projects - look at point 3.
Each card has a cost, of course - player has to pay with nuyen generated by his/her Income.
I also think about Event cards ("Omega Order", "Riots", "Matrix Crash"...)
5) Runners - also cards, but to choose, not to draw randomly. Each has Cost and Sterngth, some have skills like Hacking or Demolitions.
To make a shadowrun, player have to make one or more teams from chosen (and payed) runners and send them to enemy buildings. To complete mission, summary of Strenhgt of all runners in team has to be higher than (building's Security + owner Security stat).
Mission can be:
- kidnaping - steal a Personnel card from building:
- datasteal - steal some Research points; needs a Runner with Hacking Skill;
- sabotage - destroy one or more levels of a building; needs a Runner with Demolitions.