QUOTE (Daedelus @ Apr 19 2010, 08:16 PM)

Basically can edge be used when buying hits for downtime events. For example a face has a pool of 12 dice and 4 edge. He buys 3 hits and uses edge to rebuy from the 9 remaining die for 2 additional hit and a total of 5. the next round he buys from a pool of 11 dice and re buys from the pool 9 dice for 4 hits. This process continues. Bull any input?
Short answer, no. Slightly less short answer, the answer for Season 2 and 3 till this point was no, and we're not changing any rules mid-season. We can review it as we look tooward Season 4 and refining the Missions rules and FAQ for that season.
Now, for the longer answer...
Mainly because due to the nature of Missions and the way downtime works, Edge essentially becomes a nearly infinite resource. Under normal circumstances, with the calendar system Missions uses, there's no "penalty" for taking as much time as you like individually between Missions, other than paying Lifestyle costs. And even with the 4 to 1 buy rate and the diminishing returns on extended tests, you can get all but the most out there items within a month or two of game time as it is. It's not until you start hitting really expensive items with availabilities of 16 or better that it starts to even become a real issue. Caine Hazen broke down a simple table
Now, that said, I'll note a couple things we will look into when we review things for Season 4...
1) Some folks play with a regular group and a regular GM, but want to leave themselves open to playing special events and the like at Missions. For these groups, one option could be to allow them to roll for their downtime purchases rather than go with the straight buy method, and having the GM sign off on their log sheets and/or Calenders. Of course, if you're only playing in a home game and never plan to hit conventions or any other outside organized play, then none of this is necessary anyways.
2) Another thought might be to allow your Edge Pool to be used, but the Edge Pool does not refresh until your next Mission. This would need to be noted on your log/calender for record keeping purposes. It would let you use the edge, but wouldn't allow you to abuse your edge.
Neither of those are official options though. If we do make any changes or open things oup any, it will be noted in the Season 4 FAQ. It's something we'll have to talk about, and something we'll have to see how it balances.