I wanted an awakened raven pet in our game, but was sorely dissapointed when there wasn't one in RW. Really, I was confused. Bird that is a staple of mythology almost everywere (Eyes and ears of Odin anybody?), no awakened variant. Somehow there's an awakened Koala (GODDAMN DROP BEARS), but no awakened Raven. So here one is, statted and priced.
Comments, criticizim, concerns appreciated.
[ Spoiler ]
Habitat: Grasslands, Forests, Urban.
Range: In North America, Northern U.C.A.S./Southern Salish-Shidhe Council in the winter, Tir Tairngire to west C.A.S in the summer.
Identification: The Hrafn is between 60 and 75 centimeters in length, with a 125-140cm wingspan. They weight approximately 4kg. They bear a resemblance to their mundane cousins, the distinctive difference being the red tuftunder a male's neck and a white tuft under a female's. They have fairly large, slightly curvedbeaks tipped with white.
Habits: The Hrafn is the awakened cousin of the Common Raven (Corvus corax). The Hrafn is largelya scavenger and carrion eater, although it will consume seeds, insects, and small rodents ifavailable. They commonly associate with other mundane Ravens, but flocks of Hrafn have been seen in Tir Tairngire and the fjords of Northwestern Europe.
Hrafn mate for life, and frequently travel in mated pairs. When threatened they will fiercely defend their mate and their offspring, using illusion spells to trick predators.
Hrafn are highly intelligent, even when compared to mundane ravens. They exhibit basic problem solving skills, trial-and-error learning, play in younger ravens, and many report that they seemto enjoy a good prank.
2 4 3 1 3 7 5 4 3 6 4 7 1
Movement: 10/40 (Flight)
Skills: Flight 3, Perception 5, Unarmed Combat 2, Counterspelling 3, Spellcasting 4
Powers: Gestalt Consciousness, Dual Natured, Accident, Natural Weapon(Claws/Bite: DV 2P, AP 0)
Weaknesses: Fragile (1), Compulsive(Mild, hoards shiny things)
Note: Hrafn can cast any Illusion spell (At Gamemaster's decision)
Base cost: 6,000
Other notes: When a flock of Hrafn's collective magic score exceeds 7, they gain the Sapience power. Their intelligence is distinctly non-metahuman and they act as a single mob mind, although individuals can still make individual decisions.
EDIT: Added compulsive (Mild, hoards shiny things) to weaknesses.