Crimson Jack
Mar 4 2004, 07:51 PM
Sounds like the Shadowrun Xbox2 game may be myth? Click
here for some details.
Mar 4 2004, 08:10 PM
Better nothing than something on XBox.
Mar 4 2004, 08:52 PM
I agree. Unfortunately.
Mar 4 2004, 09:23 PM
If it pans out... that particular rumor has been about for a few months now and nothing has been confirmed so far.
Mar 4 2004, 09:53 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Better nothing than something on XBox. |
oooh! Trolling! Let's play!
Mar 4 2004, 10:01 PM
Does trolling require intent? It may have been an ill-advised and somewhat knee-jerk reaction on my part, but I wasn't trying to spark a flamewar. If I were, I'd've made it more offensive.
Mar 4 2004, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (Adam) |
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Mar 4 2004, 03:10 PM) | Better nothing than something on XBox. |
oooh! Trolling! Let's play!
Eh -- I've yet to see a pen-and-paper rpg make a good transition to a computer system unless the primary focus is combat and little else.
I happen to enjoy a good round of Halo, but a first-person shooter could only cover so much of the depth of a rpg.
Mar 4 2004, 11:05 PM
should do something more in tune with Fallout:Tactics, control a small amount of troops through an infiltration and completion of objectives. I'd say if Microsoft truly wants to make something true to the game of SR, do it with Fallout Tactics, and add maybe some FMV's of Dante's Inferno and some other cooler portions of the Game world.
IMHO I think Black Isle could do it better than MS, but MS owns the license, so we're all screwed.
Black Isle can't do that much anymore, they're defunct. A sad, sad turn of events.
Mar 4 2004, 11:18 PM
QUOTE (Req) |
Black Isle can't do that much anymore, they're defunct. A sad, sad turn of events. |

I'd heard something like that. They put out lots of good work, oh well, that's life in the Comp Gaming Biz, you're big for only a short time, live it up while you can, then get a new job with the next big thing!
Yeah. That, and Interplay is a bunch of pigf*****s.
Not that I'm bitter, but they cancelled a work-in-progress Fallout 3 when they shut down the studio. That's just WRONG.
Mar 4 2004, 11:24 PM
Yeah, interplay could've at least taken the Fallout 3 code elsewhere when they shut down Black Isle
Large Mike
Mar 4 2004, 11:41 PM
Actually, I think it could work on XBox, as much as I dislike the concept of XBox. Morrowind is a good example of what I expect shadowrun for the XBox would look like.
Crimson Jack
Mar 5 2004, 12:52 AM
I definitely wouldn't mind it either. I don't have any problems with the Xbox.
Skeptical Clown
Mar 5 2004, 01:32 AM
Even if it's true, the development doesn't sound very promising.
Mar 5 2004, 02:18 AM
First, some admissions.
I have never played on an XBox. I felt (and sortof do now) that I have spent several hundred nuyen (er ...

) on making my PC a relatively kickass gaming rig, so why should I buy a game for a console if I can get it for PC? Specific games: Halo, SWKOTOR, and Morrowind.
That said, I've heard nothing but rave reviews for each of these games on XBox. I suspect that I might have enjoyed SWKotor a lot more on XBox than PC (My hands HURT after holding the mouse buttons down for running all over ...). Halo, well, it's a shooter, I gotta admit I love my mouse and keyboard too much to give up hope easily.

But for an RPG, I don't think I'd have a problem at all with a Shadowrun game on XBox, or XBox2, or really any other console. If they manage to build a game with the depth that some of these other games did (and I know, Fallout2 and KOTOR and Arcanum set a high bar;)), I could conceive of buying the system to play it. And a lot of games now get ported for multiple platforms; a PC release might not be that farfetched (as compared to a PS2 only title, for example).
I rather hope this is more than rumor. I'd not like to see it go the way of XCom:Alliance or Fallout3. (Yes, I agree totally on a previous poster's analysis of Interplay.)
Herald of Verjigorm
Mar 5 2004, 02:25 AM
You can convert an Xbox controller to standard USB. Either by cutting wires or buying a $20 wire.
Mar 5 2004, 02:34 AM
Yup ... you can also get similar adapters for PS2 and GC controllers. There are adapters available (I believe) for jsut about any controller from system A to be used in system B (for A and B in {XBox, GC, PS2, PC-usb-controller}).
The thing is, the PC version of SWKotor (and Halo and probably morrowind too, tho I'm not sure) isn't even made to be controlled with a gamepad. Halo expects mouse use, since they took out auto-aim, KOTOR doesn't include it at all (Major UI changes make it impractical/different/something), and I believe Morrowind for PC predates Morrowind for Xbox - tho I might easily be wrong on that.
That said, I plan to get one of those $16 adapters so I can use my (analog capable) GC controller on my PC. (Because NFS:Underground is way too uncontrollable otherwise...)
Mar 6 2004, 03:45 AM
Come on guys, crimson skies turned out great on xbox. And mechassualt, although dumbed down, is a blast to play online. Thats two FASA products on xbox that made realtively good games (high scores all around). MS is using some of its FASA stuff recently (Mech has beena round on pc for years, but this is the first rather mainstream Crimson skies I know of), and SR would be a logical step. Personally, I think an rpg heavy Rainbow six 3 would make an awesome SR
edit: also a note, just cut an xbox controllers wires after the break away, cut a usb cord, match wire color to wire color, leaving the yellow one on xbox loose, and there's you're adapter for that at relatively no cost. You could splice it in and leave both ends dangling and not lose functionality for either
Mar 6 2004, 03:56 AM
Yes, but both Crimson Skies and BattleTech are good computer conversions as opposed to the depth and complexity associated with a shadowrun game.
Mar 6 2004, 04:55 AM
If they made "Shadowrun: Urban Brawl" as a multiplayer console game then fine, but uniformly console RPG's SUCK compared to PC RPG's IMHO, and not because ot technical limitations, but because they aim consoles at less mature markets.
Mar 6 2004, 08:19 AM
Can anyone say, Knights of the old Republic?
Mar 6 2004, 12:03 PM
QUOTE (Shadow) |
Can anyone say, Knights of the old Republic? |
"Wow, we can parry light sabers with swords!"
"Gosh, this blaser fight in a short hallway with four bad guys sure is taking a long time. Oh, wait...they're only down half their hit points..."
Mar 6 2004, 04:49 PM
I have a PS2 not an XBox, never will have an XBox, and I believe just about any game worth having is or will be ported to PC or PS2 at some point. I don't cry over proprietary games. I just hope they don't "dumb-down" SR to put it on XBox, then we'll end up with a bunch of SR fanboys that don't know a nuyens worth of good sense when it comes to battling the corps. the mere mention of Mech Assualt makes me shudder. It's too limiting to a person who has Mech 3&4 with all the expansions.
Mar 6 2004, 06:34 PM
Well, everyone will probably hate me for saying this, but I think if they want to make a Shadowrun game for X-Box it would have to be a shooter of some sort(FPS or 3rd person shooter). Why would I blaspheme like this?
Here's why: An Shadowrun RPG on X-Box could never do justice to the game. It would be a hack-fest with guns. A futuristic dungeon crawl if you will. F*** that noise.
I'd rather see a GOOD stealth shooter than a BAD 'RPG'.
Mar 6 2004, 07:10 PM
closest thing to SR on Xbox is Deus, and DeusX.
played both, liked them both. Both played well as SR type games. Restrictions however include only one character type, Street Sam.
Mar 6 2004, 07:35 PM
Not true, in the original Deus Ex you could make more of a combat decker easily.
Though it often took some fancy manouvering to take advantage of the subverted turrets, sadly.
Mar 6 2004, 07:53 PM
i was very happy with the genesis SR game, which was coincidently on a console

, and i think that the SNES one had great atmosphere, and was a great game. (also console)
i have faith in Mr. weissman (sp) since ive heard hes involved in the project and he has always had a high standard for liscensed products (look at the
almost perfect duels figures)
i agree that in almost all cases i would not accept a console rpg over a pc one, but as experience has shown us, SR makes good action/rpg hybrid games. and KOTOR was pretty good, it showed quite a bit more depth than most console rpgs it seemed, though still not my cup of tea
So though i prefer pc, xbox does not deter my hope, and i loved deus ex and immediately thoguht that it would make a great rpg (on pc this is), but i would prefer a 'remake' of the genesis style game before a deus exxy 'action' game.
my 2 cents
Mar 6 2004, 08:01 PM
just to clear things up, Deus Ex was out on PC a good 2 years before going to XBox, Deus Ex 2 was a cross-platform designed game.
Mar 6 2004, 08:17 PM
which really brought down deus ex 2 down a notch IMHO
Mar 6 2004, 08:20 PM
Oh hell yes it did.
"Everything fires the same ammo!"

Mar 6 2004, 09:31 PM
I thought Deus Ex2 suffered horribly for cross platform development, the interface took a bunch of steps backwards, as did functionality (no leaning) and gameplay (universal ammo).
I felt like the game was beaten with the retard stick, and that's 100% the fault of it's console intentions.
That's a perfect example of how I feel consoles affect games in general.
Crimson Skies and Battletech are Combat games. They translate well to consoles. Shadowrun is not, unless you shoehorn it into an action game, and if you do that you eliminate a majority of what makes shadowrun great.
Mar 7 2004, 12:34 AM
the question in my mind is how many people were unhappy with the sega shadowrun game? the only gripes ive ever heard about the game stem from the platforms technical limitations, i think this shows that (depending on ones opinion of said game) that a console can make at least an 'ok' shadowrun game, if not a great one.
Mar 7 2004, 12:36 AM
It was ok for its time. No one complained for much the same reason no one complained about the graphics in Pac-Man. There were a lot of enjoyable things about it, but if a new game is going to be made that isn't going to be a small shareware exercise that'll cost about $15 when it's released, I think people are going to demand a bit more than the Genesis game.
Mar 7 2004, 01:23 AM
QUOTE (Siege) |
QUOTE (Shadow @ Mar 6 2004, 08:19 AM) | Can anyone say, Knights of the old Republic? |
"Wow, we can parry light sabers with swords!"
"Gosh, this blaser fight in a short hallway with four bad guys sure is taking a long time. Oh, wait...they're only down half their hit points..."
Ok fun boy. I didn't say it was perfect. Can you tell me a game that is? I was just saying that it was a great game, a great RPG, and it was built for the XboX. I am not saying use that as the basis for a SR game, just that good games do come out for the XboX. My own personal pref would be for a Xcom/JA/FOT type game. That would be the only way to accuretly portray reaction enhancements imho.
Mar 7 2004, 01:35 AM
I think he wasn't just saying that it wasn't perfect, but that it was actively bad enough to not be an example in his eyes of something done right.
Mar 7 2004, 01:55 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
I think he wasn't just saying that it wasn't perfect, but that it was actively bad enough to not be an example in his eyes of something done right.
~J |
Sorry Shadow, Kage was right -- you didn't say that you liked Knights.
My instinctive dislike just manifested, which led me to believe you were citing it as an example of a similarly bad game.
Although the engine potential is there -- most of my dislike comes from the d20 Universe it's wrapped in.
Mar 7 2004, 02:00 AM
Understood. I feel that people are taking square pegs and pounding them into a D20 shaped hole

I was just saying that it is possible to make a good game. I wish I was rich, cause then I would buy the SR rights form MS and make my own damn game....
Hey there are like
5,000 members on this board, any millionaires with nothing to do with their money? It wouldn't take that much to secure the rights, set up a studio. Lure some underpaid but talented programmers away from Interplay and walla, you got yourself a game. Of course the producer would have to be a hardcore SR fan. Just please, no Johnsons that are dragons, and no 'Richard Villers' as an NPC. Just a nice normal run.
Mar 7 2004, 02:02 AM
Oh, a draconic Johnson would be nice, I think. Just make it a young Adult dragon and have him or her get the runners (and itself) in way over their heads. Then have a section where the runners change identities and countries.
Mar 7 2004, 02:09 AM
QUOTE (Shadow) |
Hey there are like 5,000 members on this board, any millionaires with nothing to do with their money? It wouldn't take that much to secure the rights, set up a studio. Lure some underpaid but talented programmers away from Interplay and walla, you got yourself a game. Of course the producer would have to be a hardcore SR fan. Just please, no Johnsons that are dragons, and no 'Richard Villers' as an NPC. Just a nice normal run. |
It might take more than you think. Microsoft has been approached about this a few times in the past. I know that they have been offered a fair amount for the rights, but up till now they don't seem to have any interest in parting with them.
Mar 7 2004, 03:33 AM
what are the legal issues about doing a freeware game taht is free of charge, a hobby game, but if you publicly distribute it? anyone know? ive been thinking about doing one for years, but wasnt sure if id be stopped in my tracks, i emailed m$ about it and they gave me an ambiguous answer, basically just saying that they own the rights to SR software, but does that extend to free software, after all its not competing with them, especially if they dont make an SR rpg game on the computer. the JA 2 source was recently released with wildfire (so i hear) and i would like to try and use that (with all the logic replaced with the sr 3 stuff). I have almost 1/2 dozen years of indy game dev now, the last 2 'full-time' (ie no day job, just program all day long) so i think i am in a good position what with the sr books to balance/create a system, a good engine (if it is clean enough for me to wade through) and if this little legal question can get an answer that says 'go ahead'.
anyway, the idea of doing such a game is what got me learning directx and then gamedev to begin with, and i would love to dive into it, given the opportunity.
Mar 7 2004, 03:51 AM
*Hisses, recoils at mention of DirectX*
Mar 7 2004, 05:11 AM
QUOTE (Siege) |
Although the engine potential is there -- most of my dislike comes from the d20 Universe it's wrapped in. |
The d20-like system in KOTOR is very well done; superior to the Star Wars RPG Revised from WotC, certainly. Hopefully WotC will take a close look at KOTOR before doing the inevitable Star Wars 2nd Edition.
Mar 7 2004, 07:16 AM
Yes Adam, but IMHO the original West End games mechanics for Star Wars: The Role Playing Game were FAR better that the current rules where WOTC cluster#*%%^# it into yet ANOTHER mediocre d20 game.
Mar 7 2004, 10:27 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
*Hisses, recoils at mention of DirectX*
~J |
You may not like it Kage, but with out it gaming would suck. I was there before it, and before you spout the OpenGL bandwagon... remeber it wasn't that great. A lot of people may not like windows but it revolutionized gaming and brought it to the general public. We would still be trying to free up 640k by editing our config.sys without windows. (And yes I know Linux is the second coming but there is a reason games arn't made for it, it's damn hard to code for).
Mar 7 2004, 02:29 PM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
Yes Adam, but IMHO the original West End games mechanics for Star Wars: The Role Playing Game were FAR better that the current rules where WOTC cluster#*%%^# it into yet ANOTHER mediocre d20 game. |
Dr Komuso
Mar 7 2004, 06:41 PM
I'm surprised noone has brought up Deus Ex, either the first or second one. Both take place in very dystopian, Shadowrunlike universes (Minus the magic, sadly), and both combine FPS and RPG elements in a very original and successful way. I think an SR game would be best if modeled after Deus Ex, perhaps with elements of Rainbow Six (For commanding other runners, and whatnot.)
Personally, I'd want to see an SR game be just as much about business managment as shooting and sneaking. It's hard to get past that maglock when you speant so much money hiring that novahot decker who's sitting offsite that you couldn't replace the electronics toolkit that got slagged on the last run.
Mar 7 2004, 07:00 PM
Deus Ex could capture the flavor, if only slightly. The reason I nominate Fallout Tactics is that it uses skills to determine outcomes with random "dice" rolls. You control multiple people in Real Time or in Turn Based(most likely better turn based if doing things like Decking and Rigging, and micromanaging) it handles the ideas of stealth well, and could be easily adapted for the SR world. If I could, I'd write a mod for Fallout Tactics to use the SR setting, and if I could manage, the SR rules system.
Mar 7 2004, 07:06 PM
QUOTE (holychampion) |
closest thing to SR on Xbox is Deus, and DeusX. played both, liked them both. Both played well as SR type games. Restrictions however include only one character type, Street Sam. |
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Not true, in the original Deus Ex you could make more of a combat decker easily. Though it often took some fancy manouvering to take advantage of the subverted turrets, sadly.
I'd say it was mentioned.
Mar 7 2004, 07:45 PM
I totally took the Decker route with Deus Ex, what can I say, I love Deckers... and I saw it mentioned myself, I think FPS is totally not the way to do an RPG justice. I don't want to see SR be nothing but a twitch game
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