Oct 3 2010, 05:15 AM
I was wondering...
As I was at the Battleshop site debating whether to buy the Dawn of the Artifacts stuff, an idea popped into my head.
How difficult would it be to adapt DotA into smaller chunks suitable for SRM play?
Is the campaign written such that the runners are "locked in" to the plot for long periods, or could you conceivably have different teams playing different parts?
Just some idle thoughts at 1 inna morning...
Oct 3 2010, 07:31 PM
Gonna assume you mean 'Dawn of the Artifacts', and I'll give some thought as to how you would chop it up.
The second one chops up fairly easily if you split it into a Chicago Block, a Denver Block, and an L.A. block.
Oct 3 2010, 08:07 PM
Edited the topic title - if that wasn't wished, drop me a PM and I change it back.
Oct 4 2010, 03:27 AM
No, that's what I meant, it's cool. Thanks.
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