Oct 19 2010, 08:57 PM
"It could be the solution to the problem of world hunger. Or it could just solve the problem of a few people having far less nuyen than they want.
There's a new breakthrough in food science, a plant that can grow rapidly in almost any climate and could solve food shortages across the globe. It could be the breakthrough of the century, which means it's worth an awful lot to some of the Sixth World's powers. Mr. Johnson's about to drag you into this mess--it's up to you to see what you can get out of the whole thing. And survive, of course.
Appetite for Vengeance is a new scenario that will give players fun wile also giving them a chance help out a local food bank. A canned food donation gets you in the game; additional donations let you re-spend already spent Edge points during the run. This holiday season, pull a run to help you those in need! For more details, check out www.catalystdemos.com and www.shadowrun4.com."
Oct 19 2010, 08:57 PM
This is a special themed event we're doing in conjunction with the Catalyst Demo Team this year. It's a brand new event, and will only be run during the months of November and December. Check the CDT site for games that might be running in your area, or sign up and volunteer to run one yourself! Heck, if you have the gaming community, run it more than once.
For now, the adventure is only available for Gamemasters running this event through the CDT website to promote the canned food drive. One of the CDT Agents is coordinating Gamemasters who need help connecting with a food bank in their area. On top of that, for anyone who plays in this event, there is a unique item that they can get as a reward!
This is a great charity, and there are a great many people around the world who are going hungry, so even one game can help out a family this holiday season. So please, come out and play and bring a lot of canned goods, take advantage of the extra Edge you can spend! And if you don't have an Agent running events in your area, this is a great time to sign up and become one!
Nov 8 2010, 03:28 AM
Update: SMH 2010 "Appetite for Vengeance" has been posted to the CDT Agent site! All Agents should schedule an event at their local Firebase and grab this adventure and run it! Help out a worthy cause by playing Shadowrun! Win/Win!

Nov 8 2010, 03:37 PM
I will be at Game Theory in Raleigh, NC at 1:30pm on 11/20, for the running of this Mission.
Nov 8 2010, 10:51 PM
Whats the details, Mesh? I'll post it to the Missions facebook page (Or, if you're on FB, you can

Nov 9 2010, 02:55 PM
QUOTE (Bull @ Nov 8 2010, 06:51 PM)

Whats the details, Mesh? I'll post it to the Missions facebook page (Or, if you're on FB, you can

Not on FB, but here's the link to the Meetup:
http://www.meetup.com/Game-Theory/calendar/15384990/We're going to try to run at least two tables at Game Theory in Raleigh, NC starting at 1:30pm on Saturday, November 20th. Come out, join us, meet the Mission writer, and help raise canned goods for the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina!
Nov 10 2010, 05:16 PM
I will try to play this if it is run anywhere remotely near me.
Also, there is a typo in the topic title.
Nov 10 2010, 05:35 PM
I know. It's an embarrassing one, too.
Nov 11 2010, 03:44 AM
I would love to play this, and would bring a case of canned goods just because, but nobody near the upper Westchester area of New York seems to run Shadowrun anymore.

Nov 11 2010, 06:20 AM
See if you can set something up and run it yourself at a local FLGS?

Also, fixed the typo

Nov 18 2010, 05:48 PM
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Nov 10 2010, 10:44 PM)

I would love to play this, and would bring a case of canned goods just because, but nobody near the upper Westchester area of New York seems to run Shadowrun anymore.

Whaaaat? Are you kidding me!?
KarmaInferno, that's where I live!
Nov 19 2010, 12:18 AM
Huh. Been trying to find SRM in the area for ages, the only places I've seen it is at Connecticon and Anonycon, both times run by the same GM.
I get most of my play time at Origins and DragonCon.
Dec 31 2010, 01:01 PM
Anyone know or any groups or players near Seattle, Washington. The real one not in the game.
Jan 19 2011, 09:11 AM
Is this for download somewhere? The event is over, and it sounds interesting enough.
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