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I did a search on forums, and well I didn't find anything there, and I can't seem to find any info in the books, but is there anything on Pixie size weapons and less dmg or something because of how small they are?
Well... per RAW they just need weapons in fitting size. (May cost more) And that's it. Yes that is totally and utterly weird.

A Pixie can use LMG's, Rocket launchers, Claymore/Zweihänder swords, can run around in 16/14 heavy milspec armor and everything.

They just have less strength and body which may limit them a bit. (But they still are FUCKING STRONG - easily as strong as a normal adult human).

I say: break their strength and body completely.. and take down the logic bonus. I HATE PIXIES. (Yes, that may have something to do with one of my players playing a pixie mage).

Ah and not to forget: If you use the combat rules from the arsenal you get even a modifier to shoot them, because they are so small. (While they have a boost to reaction). So yeah, they are vicious little troll-killers.
Lol, thats funny because I am making a Pixie Mage. I was wanting to give him crossbows and a shotgun. Doing a kind of druid/hunter-tracker Pixie Mage.
Well then... prepare to get angry looks from your gm a lot *g* Or be denied that race.

being small in SR is just pure goodness. (Getting concealment, which you can have at will and always, combined with good stealth makes you nearly undetectable too).

At least vampires and nosferatu have to pay for their awesomeness... but pixies... sigh.
About the only size-related cost modifier listed in the books is +50% to Lifestyle.

Nah, page 310, Sr20A: Size customization. Only Dwarves and trolls get really mentioned (And price range from 110 to 125%). But it also says: GM says what's what.
Ah, most GMs I know just use the 150% cost for everything because the Sapient Critters are considerably more extreme in required customization than dwarfs or trolls.

And it's likely most of that customized gear has the Evo logo on it.


Bleh. It's as if they added Pixies as a PC race without really thinking it through. wink.gif That, and RC on flying things of all kinds.

I agree: 150% *at least*, and some things (many things) just aren't physically possible.
Hm, forgot about the critters. Yes 150% it is *g*. (And for other stuff even more. I know i would charge a crapton of money for nanotrodes and such for a pixie.)
Many pixies that even bother to do Matrix stuff probably use Nanopaste.

I have a pixie character that attempted to manually fire a fellow runner's full sized Predator pistol once. It... didn't end well.

(rolled a critical glitch, which is not hard when rolling two dice. And yes, for her it was like firing a rocket launcher)

QUOTE (The FAQ You Guys Still Refuse To Read)
Can pixies really wield guns and stuff as big as they are?

Due to their size and low Strength scores, pixies are not able to easily use most metahuman-sized weapons. As stated on p.84 of Runner's Companion, many items of normal equipment may need to be modified for non-metahuman sapient critters, which includes any weapon or item that common sense suggests would be too large for the pixie to wield; a little bit of practical research with a similarly sized doll suggests that anything bigger than a knife or hold-out pistol is unwieldy.

As further guidelines, gamemasters may choose to apply the Small Target, Misfit Weapon Size, and Dwarfs and Large Melee Weapons rules (p.161, Arsenal) to pixie characters.

Yeah, in my case Agi 7 got knocked down by -2 (wrong size), -1 (defaulting), and -2 (GM special Really Wrong Size).

Two dice left. No Edge remaining. Took the shot anyhow.

A few moments later, rest of team was wondering where the pixie had got to, only to wear a weak, "guys, little help" coming from a hole in the drywall behind where she'd been standing.

You'd think her Logic would have been high enough not to try. smile.gif
Meh, logic dosent always preclude one from doing dumb things. My whole life is proof of that...
Or is it? wink.gif Hehe. Anyway: damned Pixies!
Monofilament Whips have been invented especially for Pixies and their high Agi and Edge
The Jopp
For the wee lads I suggest small arms that are logical to their size.

Most weapons needs the metahuman customization to fix hand grip or in some cases weapon size.

For a pixie I would go with a hand crossbow with neurostun bolts or Stick N Shock Bolts

Alternatively if you like melee get a pixie adept with a spear or monowhip rolling 20+ Dice
you can always add electronic firing and trigger removal
The Dragon Girl
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Oct 20 2010, 01:02 AM) *
Ah, most GMs I know just use the 150% cost for everything because the Sapient Critters are considerably more extreme in required customization than dwarfs or trolls.

And it's likely most of that customized gear has the Evo logo on it.



Nah- Novotech specifically hires, gives corporate SINs to and makes gear for pixies, so a mix of the two
This is true, we can thank Celedyr for that.

First of all: Increased Lifestile costs for Pixies?
NO, just NO.
They may have a one Room apartment and fit in a fucking swimming pool. Their need for food is limited, compared to trolls or humans.
And so on and so forth. Clothing may be the only problem.

So I think they should pay less. But you have to see and consider the problems and drawbacks.
Their refrigerator is the smallest available model. While this is a good thing considering energy consumption, there won't be much room for "stuff if friends come over".
Well, alcohol is another problem. It is complicated enough to get your Water stored. I guess most pixies won't have some beer, because how should they drink it?
I guess a bottle of Jägermeister is possible.

The advantages and disadvantages of the race should be revisited.
They should have less health boxes, then a human with the same BODY-attribute. (This disadvantage already exists and is used for gnomes as far as I know)
They should get their reach modified -2 or -1 and of course they should get more recoil.
QUOTE (Irion @ Oct 20 2010, 10:34 AM) *
First of all: Increased Lifestile costs for Pixies?
NO, just NO.

Well, them's the rules.

But ultimately it's up to your GM.

My pixie does end up buying a lot of stuff for 1:4 scale dolls.

Doc Chase
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Oct 20 2010, 03:36 PM) *
My pixie does end up buying a lot of stuff for 1:4 scale dolls.


Mattel made a comeback in my games. So did Power Wheels.
Irion has a very valid point regarding living space, but generally small creatures eat _more_ calories per pound than larger creatures. IIRC, this is because they lose so much more heat to the square-cube law than larger creatures.

I would keep the lifestyles the same. Pixies' lesser space requirements could equal out the greater food requirements. You just have to realise that your Pixie runner with the Medium lifestyle has likely turned a 1-room efficiency into a comfortable 3-level condo with a vaulted living room to entertain in. (and they shop for furniture at Toys-R-Us, not IKEA.)
QUOTE (Ed_209a @ Oct 20 2010, 06:02 PM) *
Irion has a very valid point regarding living space, but generally small creatures eat _more_ calories per pound than larger creatures. IIRC, this is because they lose so much more heat to the square-cube law than larger creatures.

I would keep the lifestyles the same. Pixies' lesser space requirements could equal out the greater food requirements. You just have to realise that your Pixie runner with the Medium lifestyle has likely turned a 1-room efficiency into a comfortable 3-level condo with a vaulted living room to entertain in. (and they shop for furniture at Toys-R-Us, not IKEA.)

biggrin.gif Why Pay full cost of Lifestyle when u can just share lifestyle and paying 10 % cost (600 y/mnt
for high lifestyle)(and rolling starting cash for 1 year worth of rent)
Pixies are Critters,not metahumans and so not able to get SIN (exept Criminal) sharing a crib
(w/some with SIN) makes sense.
There are a select few nations and corps that offer citizen-level SINs to pixies.

QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Oct 20 2010, 06:31 PM) *
There are a select few nations and corps that offer citizen-level SINs to pixies.


yes,very very few..
Well, yes pixies need more Energy per pound. But they do have less pounds to sustain.

A pixies is is about 0.5 meters. Thats one 1/4 of a human. This means her weight is 1/64 to 1/16 of a human.
So if a pixie would need about the same amount of food, she would probably burst into flames. (Or she would need to live in an refrigerator)
So if a pixie would need 1/3 of the food of a human it would still be pretty much. Still this would cut the cost of living big time.
Doc Chase
QUOTE (Irion @ Oct 20 2010, 03:56 PM) *
Well, yes pixies need more Energy per pound. But they do have less pounds to sustain.

A pixies is is about 0.5 meters. Thats one 1/4 of a human. This means her weight is 1/64 to 1/16 of a human.
So if a pixie would need about the same amount of food, she would probably burst into flames. (Or she would need to live in an refrigerator)
So if a pixie would need 1/3 of the food of a human it would still be pretty much. Still this would cut the cost of living big time.

Hummingbirds don't burst into flames.
I'd say go for the 150% cost, and bump the damage on the weapons down a notch or two. A pixie-sized gun is going to use a much smaller bullet. A pixie-sized sword would be more like a very sharp letter-opener, etc.
Right, but that gets us into the D&D weapon size problem (horrific). frown.gif It's easier to just limit them to the smaller things (hold-outs, knives), with the required size modifications.

First of all hummingbirds are very, very efficient.
2g of nectar (sugar) for 800 km of flight! (Bodymass around 1.8 to 44g)
So lets take 30g. This would mean a human (70kg) would just have (1.8 would mean 318888)
3.5 kg of sugar for the same way. Well, guess what. You won't make it. (would be around 14000 kcal)
Guess what, with a bike you would need around 30.000. (Tour de France) So this bird is around twice as efficent as a human or if you go down to the minimum 10 times less. (But you could to this (purly theoretically calculation with a lighter human are possible too)

The point is, you can not compare "does nothing" to "moves every freaking second".

A human performing on the same level as a hummingbird would need even more energy. (The energy hast to be brought to the muscles )
This would be not possibly not only by biology(we are unable to process that fast) but also by simple physics. We would "overhead" very fast.
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Oct 20 2010, 12:19 PM) *
Right, but that gets us into the D&D weapon size problem (horrific). frown.gif It's easier to just limit them to the smaller things (hold-outs, knives), with the required size modifications.

Honestly it really doesn't matter, Spells don't have a size, nor do adept Fist powers nor do Non-Weapon Foci. Its not like it hard to make a pixie completely dangerous without ever picking up a gun. I mean they can have a base drain resistance pool of 14 right out of the box No problem.
I drew up my perspective pixie build and was just scared how much of a BA caster they could be.
Certainly. It's not purely a question of pixies being stupid-broken, but of the little buggers ruining the immersion if they have giant guns and swords. smile.gif
Doc Chase
QUOTE (Irion @ Oct 20 2010, 07:17 PM) *
First of all hummingbirds are very, very efficient.
2g of nectar (sugar) for 800 km of flight! (Bodymass around 1.8 to 44g)
So lets take 30g. This would mean a human (70kg) would just have (1.8 would mean 318888)
3.5 kg of sugar for the same way. Well, guess what. You won't make it. (would be around 14000 kcal)
Guess what, with a bike you would need around 30.000. (Tour de France) So this bird is around twice as efficent as a human or if you go down to the minimum 10 times less. (But you could to this (purly theoretically calculation with a lighter human are possible too)

The point is, you can not compare "does nothing" to "moves every freaking second".

A human performing on the same level as a hummingbird would need even more energy. (The energy hast to be brought to the muscles )
This would be not possibly not only by biology(we are unable to process that fast) but also by simple physics. We would "overhead" very fast.

We've also established that pixies aren't human. They disappear when they die, even.

Do we really have to constantly repeat it? You know the rule: SR sneers at your armchair 'realistic science'!
Doc Chase
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Oct 20 2010, 07:45 PM) *
Do we really have to constantly repeat it? You know the rule: SR sneers at your armchair 'realistic science'!

Food/booze fuels pixie magic. ergo, 150% lifestyle. nyahnyah.gif
Exactly. smile.gif
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Oct 20 2010, 02:19 PM) *
Right, but that gets us into the D&D weapon size problem (horrific). frown.gif It's easier to just limit them to the smaller things (hold-outs, knives), with the required size modifications.

Fair enough. The idea of a pixie trying to handle a rocket launcher is a bit too ridiculous. It does make sense to limit what they can use by hand, period.

QUOTE (Doc Chase @ Oct 20 2010, 03:48 PM) *
Food/booze fuels pixie magic. ergo, 150% lifestyle. nyahnyah.gif

All those clams, man. It adds up.
Well, I guess the Idea of a pixie shooting a rocket launcher is less ridiculous then the idea of a pixie eating twice to three times as much as a troll.
Because, well I can not tell how strong they are.
Well and since they are able to use their "magic" to fly (which just means they are able to have a magical force compensate the reaction of the weapon fired), it is possible to explain it somehow with the background.

It still would remind me of some cartoons (or animes). But the eating would bring Shadowrun to the level of the Looney Toons.

Really, sometimes I question the sanity of some people. Bring up the argument, that a small creature should not be able to wield heavy weapons, and then this small creature should eat for three trolls. (Or more close to ten)
As a matter of fact, this would end up to a pixie starving to death if she does not eat every second or a pixie beeing able to just eat up a lion in a matter of seconds. (comparable to nibbler, for those who know futurama)
Could you make Nibbler with SURGE?
QUOTE (Irion @ Oct 21 2010, 01:10 PM) *
Really, sometimes I question the sanity of some people. Bring up the argument, that a small creature should not be able to wield heavy weapons, and then this small creature should eat for three trolls. (Or more close to ten)

Where do you get this "should eat for 3 Trolls" think from, because the lifestyle adjustment sure as frak isn't about them needing more foot.
This was the explaination given.
So what would be a reasonable cause for the increase?
Living space is right out, furniture is one of the few possibilites. But as a matter of facts, there is just no fitting furniture. So the pixies will have to get along with the metahuman stuff. They will use open shelfs to store things, rather then cupbords. They will have the small sized version of everything, if possible.
The reason why they do not run into real problems is their ability to fly. Imagine not beeing able to reach the top shelfs at all.

A pixie (if she can not cast levitat) would have a major problem rearranging her furniture.
Dollhouse furniture isn't really significantly more expensive than real-people furniture anyway.

Maybe they need more NERPS?
QUOTE (Irion @ Oct 21 2010, 01:36 PM) *
A pixie (if she can not cast levitat) would have a major problem rearranging her furniture.

maybe she can summon a spirit and ask it for help nyahnyah.gif
But their are enough plastic children furniture to choose from and order at toys'r'us. IF you're a loner or all your friend are other pixies. else you need some real stuff too.

the only thing I can see, is custom tailored clothing...
I played in a game where one of the other PCs played a pixie character. And we all pretty much agreed that the extra cost came from the character needing actual food, not soy crap. There was even a group-fiat that he needed to eat actual produce, honey, flowers, etc. I imagine the cost of those would be huge in 2072. But, yeah, custom-tailored clothes, armor, etc. A pixie-sized Armani suit? Maybe it requires less materials. But, the workmanship? Stunning.
I thought so, too, real grown food. I'd use advanced lifestyle rules.
Necessities low, because you don't need any room, then add the Homegrown Farming quality to it. And some Agriculture Knowledge skill for the fun
That's a good idea. smile.gif It's good to make pixies more different. Why don't they have automatic pollution allergies, for example? At least shifters have (in animal form) been around all this time.
30 BP

BOD 1/3 (5)
AGI 3/8 (12
REA 3/8 (12)
STR 1/3 (5)
CHA 3/8 (12)
INT 2/7 (10)
LOG 1/6 (9)
WIL 3/8 (12)
MAG 1/6
EDGE 1/5

Powers: Concealment (Self Only), Enhanced Senses (Astral Perception), Sapience
Weaknesses: Vanishing, Uneducated, Dietary Requirement (Natural grown food), Fragile (1), Reach -1
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Oct 21 2010, 02:25 PM) *
That's a good idea. smile.gif It's good to make pixies more different. Why don't they have automatic pollution allergies, for example? At least shifters have (in animal form) been around all this time.

Makes sense. And, their medical care costs would be much higher. Someone would have to crunch the numbers on drug dosage every single time they wanted something.

The pixie in question also had a problem with banking in general. He didn't quite get the concept, and often hid his credsticks around like a squirrel burying nuts. So no one ever had a good idea of how much money he had, including him. So, that was another one of his huge money sinks.
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