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Full Version: Spirit favors
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
THis has been brought up before but I'm still not certain when you ask a spirit to fight in combat as a favor how long does that favor last? a round or a whole combat?
Theoretically, it could last all day. It depends on the wording.
hm I don't think I'd allow that in fact I coulda sworn it said something about limitations... (In my came you can't use semantics to get extra favors) have to dig it out but that sounds like a vote for whole combat.
Oh, I agree. smile.gif I'm just letting you know that it *is* a GM decision. By the book, 'fight all my enemies' basically works, and 1 combat = 1 service definitely does. The trick is to not let it be abused. The spirits don't have to fight with genius tactics and using the optimal powers. Some spirits just *like* punching, or Engulfing, etc.
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