Jan 24 2012, 04:37 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 23 2012, 09:06 PM)

When I click on the ammo drop down on the reload weapon window I get an unhandled exception.
Clicking continue causes no further exceptions, and selecting an item in the list causes no problems.
The type drop down is showing a number, in this case 4, would it not be better to show the name of the type instead?
Type should actually be labeled Qty since you're selecting the number of rounds to load into the Weapon. For most Weapons there is only one possible value, but some will have things like 50 or 100, or 50 or belt as their choices. The current label is an artefact from when I was first working on that window. I have no idea why I never changed this before. I just got used to it being there.

I'll have it labeled properly and that dropdown error corrected in the next update.
Jan 24 2012, 09:50 AM
is it possible to show the notes i have attached to cyberware/gear/... in the charsheet? In the cyberware section i see only a template (<xsl:call-template name="cyberware" />) but it seams to be an internal thing i can't change.
Is it possible to add a second base charsheet(xslt) ? If i make changes in the "Shadowrun 4 Base" Sheet each update will reset the changes or if i don't select the sheet to update i will not see new changes in the charsheets that i have to include in my modified one.
How must i add a commlink to see the commlink in the commlink section of the char sheet and not in the gear section ?
With kind regards
P.s.: Great work! I love this Tool.
Jan 24 2012, 01:12 PM
QUOTE (Askahain @ Jan 24 2012, 04:50 AM)

is it possible to show the notes i have attached to cyberware/gear/... in the charsheet? In the cyberware section i see only a template (<xsl:call-template name="cyberware" />) but it seams to be an internal thing i can't change.
Is it possible to add a second base charsheet(xslt) ? If i make changes in the "Shadowrun 4 Base" Sheet each update will reset the changes or if i don't select the sheet to update i will not see new changes in the charsheets that i have to include in my modified one.
How must i add a commlink to see the commlink in the commlink section of the char sheet and not in the gear section ?
With kind regards
P.s.: Great work! I love this Tool.
copy the character sheet and rename the new file to what you want.
You can then make any changes you want to that file and it won't get overwritten.
Jan 24 2012, 06:10 PM
Jep this works as a backup. But i can select it in the printing dialog. I have to change to original base sheet. This will be overwritten with the next update and i have to copy the backup sheet over the original file.
I think its maybe easieer to allow more than one xslt base sheet. so you can create many different sheets without any update problems.
(I have a translated sheet as backup but i hope that there will be a multi language support for the sheets in the future)
BTW: if you select youre native language it is not shown in the charsheet there is only this language with a pool/rating of 0.
With kind regards
Jan 24 2012, 06:39 PM
QUOTE (Askahain @ Jan 24 2012, 03:50 AM)

is it possible to show the notes i have attached to cyberware/gear/... in the charsheet? In the cyberware section i see only a template (<xsl:call-template name="cyberware" />) but it seams to be an internal thing i can't change.
Is it possible to add a second base charsheet(xslt) ? If i make changes in the "Shadowrun 4 Base" Sheet each update will reset the changes or if i don't select the sheet to update i will not see new changes in the charsheets that i have to include in my modified one.
How must i add a commlink to see the commlink in the commlink section of the char sheet and not in the gear section ?
With kind regards
P.s.: Great work! I love this Tool.
As ShadowWalker already mentioned, it's just a matter of copying the existing files. You would need to create a copy of both the .xsl file you're wanting to use and the Shadowrun 4 Base.xslt file. Edit your copy of the XSLT file to include notes where you want them, and update your copied XSL file to use your copied XSLT file. This will make sure your changes won't be overwritten by anything else that gets uploaded later.

The current Shadowrun 4 Base.xslt file is used for the various Shadowrun 4 sheets that are listed in the window. It started as just one sheet and grew into a few variations, so the base file was created to make life easier. If I ever come up with different sheet styles, they'll need different base files of their own.
In order for the Commlink to appear on the character sheet, you only need to add one to your characeter using the Add Gear button. It should be able to find it once it has been added like that. The Commlink will also show up in the Gear section though since it is a piece of Gear, though it will just give you the name and none of its info.
On the current Shadowrun 4 sheets, Languages with a Rating of 0 are showing up as "N". The application exports the value as 0 since it is a numeric field; it's up to the character sheets to actually catch this and change it to an "N", so if you're creating your own sheet (or tweaking one), it will need to include this.
Jan 24 2012, 07:29 PM
Exporting for the Squad Manager is a neat idea(I wanted to use it once... but didnīt have the time to put in all necessary chars).
I got a bug though:
When trying to import a mage with magic>6 the Manager threw an error, only importing about half of the available stats(the import had all attributes 1 f.e.).
Jan 24 2012, 08:37 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 24 2012, 01:39 PM)

In order for the Commlink to appear on the character sheet, you only need to add one to your characeter using the Add Gear button. It should be able to find it once it has been added like that. The Commlink will also show up in the Gear section though since it is a piece of Gear, though it will just give you the name and none of its info.
I'm not a web developer, and so don't know html/xsl very well, would it be possible to get a sheet that would include on it just the living persona, and all comms/nexi?
Have it organized in a similar manner to the fillable pdf found
Jan 24 2012, 10:21 PM
I added rating 4 cybereyes to a character and every time I add a plugin to them it gives me a message saying that I need to first select a piece of cyberware to add a plugin to.
It only does this when I do, Add & More, it doesn't bring the window back up, but it does properly add the selected plugin.
Jan 25 2012, 09:02 AM
I found the problem.
I'm working with the german translation files and it seams that the category from the commlink in the xml save file is translated too.
So if the template trys to find "Commlink" it can't be found but if i changed the search string to "Kommlink" its working.
I think it's maybe an error that the translation is in the xml save file of the character.
Original line from Shadowrun 4 Base.xslt:
<xsl:for-each select="gears/gear[category = 'Commlink']">
Modified (Working German Translation) line from Shadowrun 4 Base.xslt:
<xsl:for-each select="gears/gear[category = 'Kommlink']">
The commlink part of a german character save file:
<name>CMT Clip</name>
<extra />
<name>Vector Xim</name>
<extra />
<children />
<notes />
<notes />
The commlink part of a english character save file
<name>CMT Clip</name>
<extra />
<name>Vector Xim</name>
<category>Commlink Operating System</category>
<extra />
<children />
<notes />
<notes />
The problem is the category which can't be triggerd by the line in the xslt file. In this case the commlink isn't in the commlink section of the sheet but appears in the gear section.
It's the same problem with the native language the "xslt if" cant trigger the word "Language" in a german save file.
And sorry for the questions about the xslt templates. I have understood the xslt schema now an i see that it's very easy (i worked with xslt the first time

Jan 25 2012, 11:56 AM
i have translated the charsheets to german an modified some litte things i describe below. All the translation problems with translated names should be fixed

If someone want to use this sheets. They can be downloaded at Modifikations:
Normal Sheet:
- added the notes to cyber/bioware.
GM Sheet:
- Nativ language is now shown in the knowlegde skill section.
(If you want to change this in the english sheet you have to replace the following part)
<xsl:if test="skills/skill[knowledge = 'True' and (rating > 0 or total > 0)]">
<p><strong>Knowledge Skills: </strong>
<xsl:for-each select="skills/skill[knowledge = 'True' and (rating > 0 or total > 0)]">
<xsl:sort select="name" />
<xsl:value-of select="name" />
<xsl:if test="spec != ''"> (<xsl:value-of select="spec" />)</xsl:if>
<xsl:text> </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="total" />
<xsl:if test="spec != ''"> (<xsl:value-of select="total + 2" />)</xsl:if>
<xsl:if test="position() != last()">, </xsl:if>
--------------------------------REPLACE WITH:--------------------------------
<xsl:if test="skills/skill[knowledge = 'True' and (rating > 0 or total > 0 or rating = 0)]">
<p><strong>Knowledge Skills: </strong>
<xsl:for-each select="skills/skill[knowledge = 'True' and (rating > 0 or total > 0 or rating = 0)]">
<xsl:sort select="name" />
<xsl:value-of select="name" />
<xsl:if test="spec != ''"> (<xsl:value-of select="spec" />)</xsl:if>
<xsl:if test="rating = 0"><xsl:text> </xsl:text>N</xsl:if>
<xsl:if test="rating > 0"><xsl:text> </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="total" /></xsl:if>
<xsl:if test="spec != ''"> (<xsl:value-of select="total + 2" />)</xsl:if>
<xsl:if test="position() != last()">, </xsl:if>
- Changed the sparators in the gear/spell/... listings from "," to ";". It is now better readable because in some equipment names are comma.
Hope this helps a little bit

With kind regards
Jan 25 2012, 05:44 PM
The Quality Record on File should allow for some text to be associated with it as it requires that one or more corporations be selected at the time the quality is take as having up to date info on the character.
Jan 26 2012, 03:55 PM
QUOTE (Askahain @ Jan 25 2012, 05:56 AM)

i have translated the charsheets to german an modified some litte things i describe below. All the translation problems with translated names should be fixed

If someone want to use this sheets. They can be downloaded at Modifikations:
Normal Sheet:
- added the notes to cyber/bioware.
GM Sheet:
- Nativ language is now shown in the knowlegde skill section.
Ah, sorry, I didn't realise that the Native languages were not working properly on the Game Master sheet. Thanks for clearing that up. I've updated the Game Master sheet to include your fix and also changed the Shadowrun 4 Base file to separate items with semicolons instead of commas to make identifying individual items easier. I forgot there were commas in a bunch of those names.

I'm going to make Commlinks easier to identify in the next update by adding <iscommlink>True</iscommlink> to the printout XML for commlinks so they can be identified by their tags instead of language-dependant strings. I want to make the output XML as language neutral as possible so that things can be identified by their tags instead of by their string content.
Jan 26 2012, 03:55 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 25 2012, 11:44 AM)

The Quality Record on File should allow for some text to be associated with it as it requires that one or more corporations be selected at the time the quality is take as having up to date info on the character.
Quality file has been updated to add this.
Jan 26 2012, 03:56 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 24 2012, 04:21 PM)

I added rating 4 cybereyes to a character and every time I add a plugin to them it gives me a message saying that I need to first select a piece of cyberware to add a plugin to.
It only does this when I do, Add & More, it doesn't bring the window back up, but it does properly add the selected plugin.
I'll have this fixed in the next update. Apparently re-sorting the list in alphabetical order clears your selection
Jan 26 2012, 04:10 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 24 2012, 02:37 PM)

I'm not a web developer, and so don't know html/xsl very well, would it be possible to get a sheet that would include on it just the living persona, and all comms/nexi?
Have it organized in a similar manner to the fillable pdf found
I'll take a look at these after the next update when the changes to identifying Commlinks are in place.
Jan 26 2012, 05:52 PM
I think its a good way that data in the file isn't language specific but then you have to update many more things.
- Language skills are defined by the word "language"
- The programs identified by the category "Matrix Programs" this is english, too

- The skills on the vehicle sheet are all linked to english skillnames.
- The vehicle programs are linked by their names on the vehicle sheet.
Ok, thats what i have in mind from the translating
Btw. if you assign ammuniton to your vehicle it is shown on the vehicle record in the program but disappear on the character sheet.
With kind regards
Jan 26 2012, 06:06 PM
I already took the Matrix Programs snag into consideration and have changed it to <isprogram>True</isprogram>, so more than just Matrix Programs will be consiered to be programs for the list. It's easier for the application to just look at all of the categories and identify what is and isn't a program instead of making long if statements on the sheets and having to revise it each time a category is added.
Completely overlooked the Language one though. I'll be sure to include a change for that as well, so they'll appear as <islanguage>True</islanguage>. Sooner or later, the printout XML will actually be fully language independent. I hope.

You'd need to create a language-specific version of the Vehicle Block one if you wanted it in another language (much like all of the other sheets). Since it's looking for specific Skills, there's not much that can be done for that one. A German version would just have to look for the German version of those Active Skill names.
Jan 26 2012, 08:48 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 26 2012, 11:10 AM)

I'll take a look at these after the next update when the changes to identifying Commlinks are in place.
Awesome, and thanks.
I really like that particular pdf as a character sheet. Lots of good stuff in it.
Jan 26 2012, 10:30 PM
Build 296- Ammo qty is now properly labeled as "Qty" in the Reload window
- expanding the Ammo dropdown in the Reload window no longer throws an error
- Cloning Machine now uses the Select Number window instead of Select Text
- Nexi now include the cost of their Signal component
- fixed an issue where re-sorting the list of Cyberware/Bioware would cause the item to become deselected, making the Add & More button no longer work
- added support for renaming Locations
- added <iscommlink /> tag to Gear in the printout XML so Commlinks can be identified by their tag instead of by their string content
- added <isnexus /> tag to Gear in the printout XML so Nexi can be identified by their tag instead of by their string content
- added <isammo /> tag to Gear in the printout XML so Ammunition can be identified by their tag instead of by their string content
- added <isprogram /> tag to Gear in the printout XML so Programs can be identified by their tag instead of by their string content
- added <islanguage /> tag to Skills in the printout XML so Languages can be identified by their tag instead of by their string content
Jan 27 2012, 12:16 AM
Hey, great job with the Character Generator. Best one I have seen for this game.
It appears that the latest update has introduced a minor bug.
Qualities where you select an Item from a drop down or type into a select a value field upon adding them are now showing whatever item you select from the drop down or type into the value field preceded by String_Attribute
and Then followed by Short.
Specific Example, if I select Aptitude and then Select Aeronautic Mechanic from the drop down list it will then display as:
Aptitude (String_AttributeAeronautic MechanicShort)
I have also so far noticed this is happening with Black Market Pipeline, Gearhead, and Buggy 'Ware, probably happening with some others also.
Thank you,
Grim Dark Knight
Jan 27 2012, 12:49 AM
Nuts. It never showed up in my debug version because of how the translation stuff behaves a little differently for the purpose of catching strings that I forgot to include in the language file. Turns out the way I handled it worked but wasn't ideal. I've revised how it's done to correct this.
Build 297- fixed an issue with some strings incorrectly containing "String_Attribute[xxxx]Short" in their name
Jan 27 2012, 04:19 AM
Not sure if this is on your list or not, but it would be nice if it was possible to edit the text associated with qualities. Either with a double click or an "Edit" on the popup menu or both.
Jan 27 2012, 10:02 PM
Iīm currently trying to get a new AR-Game into my chummer... but he wonīt let me...

I donīt get it. Several other items I created work flawlessly with the Chummer, but this program just doesnīt want to be integrated:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<name>Schlachtfeld 2080</name>
<category>ARE Programs</category>
Jan 27 2012, 11:07 PM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jan 27 2012, 04:02 PM)

Iīm currently trying to get a new AR-Game into my chummer... but he wonīt let me...

I donīt get it. Several other items I created work flawlessly with the Chummer, but this program just doesnīt want to be integrated:
Looks fine to me and I can get it to work (though I changed source to SR4 since I don't have the MCD book in any of my files). The three things to check are:
- is the file name valid, such as custom_programs.xml?
- do you have an entry in custom_books.xml for the MCD source book?
- did you enable access to the MCD book in the Options window for the Settings file that you're using?
Also, you don't need the <version /> tag. That's only necessary for the core data files so the update process knows when something is out-of-date, though you can use it for your own needs as well.
Jan 28 2012, 01:12 AM
And that is what irritates me so much... I do have a book-file with MCD, the file is called custom_McDougle_programs.xml and the setting is checked(my Hoverboard is showing up after all), but I still canīt get it to work even though Iīm using exactly that codefile i uploaded here...
Could you send me the file you created, so I can compare them?
Jan 28 2012, 06:34 AM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jan 27 2012, 07:12 PM)

And that is what irritates me so much... I do have a book-file with MCD, the file is called custom_McDougle_programs.xml and the setting is checked(my Hoverboard is showing up after all), but I still canīt get it to work even though Iīm using exactly that codefile i uploaded here...
Could you send me the file you created, so I can compare them?
Here's the link to the working file I have: to check - are you looking for the item on the Complex Forms tab or the Gear tab? Programs are actually Complex Forms for Technomancers. If it's a Matrix Program that should be available to a character through Gear, then it needs to be added to a custom Gear data file instead.
Jan 28 2012, 08:16 AM
Alright... that was the problem i guess... i was looking fkr a prog.

Dunnow why, but i thought, that those r in the same file.
Jan 28 2012, 09:28 PM
In some ways it might actually make sense to have all software in one file. And have a flag on it saying it can also be used as a complex form.
Jan 29 2012, 04:17 AM
I was wondering.
On the Skill Group list for skill groups that can't be purchased would it be possible to enable the Skill Group name, but disable the other components?
This would allow for the tool tips to work.
The other idea was double clicking on the skill group name and have it filter the skills list by the skills in that group.
This would allow for finding a lot faster.
Can use the skill drop down filter list to get rid of the skill group filter.
Jan 29 2012, 09:08 AM
A filter on skills by related attribute would also be nice for karma expenses purpose, would make it easy to see which skills are affected when you upgrade an attribute.
Jan 29 2012, 09:54 AM
I was thinking, would it be feasible to move all of the Categories out into a separate file?
I know it would probably be a lot of work involved in doing so, but the idea is to have a name and a code, the code doesn't change from one language to the next, but the name can.
The problem of course is all the save files would need to have conversion code run on them.
Jan 29 2012, 12:25 PM
Would be pretty cool to see an entry like "Career Money income".

We r currently trying to keep of track of the "average group money"(we get new chars every few weeks) and that would help alot.
Jan 30 2012, 12:43 AM
QUOTE (deurk @ Jan 29 2012, 03:08 AM)

A filter on skills by related attribute would also be nice for karma expenses purpose, would make it easy to see which skills are affected when you upgrade an attribute.
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jan 29 2012, 06:25 AM)

Would be pretty cool to see an entry like "Career Money income".

I'll have both of these included in the next update.
Jan 30 2012, 12:49 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 29 2012, 03:54 AM)

I was thinking, would it be feasible to move all of the Categories out into a separate file?
I know it would probably be a lot of work involved in doing so, but the idea is to have a name and a code, the code doesn't change from one language to the next, but the name can.
The problem of course is all the save files would need to have conversion code run on them.
It's not feasible, nor do I see any benefit to doing this. The idea is to keep all of the information for Cyberware (for example) contained in one file, rather than having to piece the information together from multiple files (books is the one pseudo-exception to this). If placed in their own categories file, those categories would still need to be separated by type (Bioware categories, Cyberware categories, Weapon categories, etc.) because each of the selection windows needs to fetch the list of categories for the type of item it's showing.
Jan 30 2012, 07:46 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 29 2012, 07:49 PM)

It's not feasible, nor do I see any benefit to doing this. The idea is to keep all of the information for Cyberware (for example) contained in one file, rather than having to piece the information together from multiple files (books is the one pseudo-exception to this). If placed in their own categories file, those categories would still need to be separated by type (Bioware categories, Cyberware categories, Weapon categories, etc.) because each of the selection windows needs to fetch the list of categories for the type of item it's showing.
Well the idea was to treat them in the same manner as books. It just seems, and I can easily be wrong that there has been multiple times now where there have been difficulties related to translations and categories.
On another note, what object in .net are you using to read, write and parse the xml?
Jan 30 2012, 08:14 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 30 2012, 01:46 PM)

Well the idea was to treat them in the same manner as books. It just seems, and I can easily be wrong that there has been multiple times now where there have been difficulties related to translations and categories.
On another note, what object in .net are you using to read, write and parse the xml?
If Chummer used a relational database instead of XML then I'd put all of that category info into a single table. I've found that having all of the related information stored in the same XML file makes my life a lot easier (I also hate working with XML files as DataTables). Sourcebooks can get away with how they are because I keep the codes of the selected books stored in the options object that's part of the character so it's always accessible, and it has a method that builds the sourcebook Xpath query for me.

Edit: there have been only 2 real issues with translating categories:
- I missed adding the logic for using the translated version to a dropdown list or field
- the character sheets were looking for Matrix Program, Commlinks, etc. by their English category name when the printout XML dumps out the translated version. Those items should be identified by tags instead of by their string content to make the output XML as language neutral as possible and was addressed a few builds back.

Most of it is done just using XmlDocuments then grabbing XmlNodes or XmlNodeLists as needed. Saving is done using XmlTextWriter.
Jan 30 2012, 11:53 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 30 2012, 03:14 PM)

If Chummer used a relational database instead of XML then I'd put all of that category info into a single table. I've found that having all of the related information stored in the same XML file makes my life a lot easier (I also hate working with XML files as DataTables). Sourcebooks can get away with how they are because I keep the codes of the selected books stored in the options object that's part of the character so it's always accessible, and it has a method that builds the sourcebook Xpath query for me.

Edit: there have been only 2 real issues with translating categories:
- I missed adding the logic for using the translated version to a dropdown list or field
- the character sheets were looking for Matrix Program, Commlinks, etc. by their English category name when the printout XML dumps out the translated version. Those items should be identified by tags instead of by their string content to make the output XML as language neutral as possible and was addressed a few builds back.

Most of it is done just using XmlDocuments then grabbing XmlNodes or XmlNodeLists as needed. Saving is done using XmlTextWriter.
I'm playing around now with the xmlDocument critter. Wanted to try and create something for chummer data file data entry. Will be a while before I get anything usable since I'm leaning .net while I'm doing it.
Mostly use delphi, which I still prefer as an environment.
Does the Express version have visual form inheritance? I have read about a template called Inheritance Picker, but I don't see it listed in the template list.
Jan 31 2012, 12:06 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 30 2012, 05:53 PM)

I'm playing around now with the xmlDocument critter. Wanted to try and create something for chummer data file data entry. Will be a while before I get anything usable since I'm leaning .net while I'm doing it.
Mostly use delphi, which I still prefer as an environment.
Does the Express version have visual form inheritance? I have read about a template called Inheritance Picker, but I don't see it listed in the template list.
Yup, C# Express allows you to create inherited forms. You need to select "Windows Forms" beneath the "Visual C# Items" entry in the Add New Item window, then your options should show Inherited Form and Inherited User Control.
Jan 31 2012, 12:13 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 30 2012, 07:06 PM)

Yup, C# Express allows you to create inherited forms. You need to select "Windows Forms" beneath the "Visual C# Items" entry in the Add New Item window, then your options should show Inherited Form and Inherited User Control.
When I get to the Add New Item window all I have under the Installed Templates is
Visual C# Items and under that is XNA Games Studio 4.0
When I have the Visual C# Items selected there is no Inherited Form or Inherited User Control.
I've built the solution, which the help said I needed to do before it will show up.
Edit: Well although I can't find the template I can still do the inheritance. Add a new form, go to the code and edit it's progenitor and viola the [design] for the form changes to that of the form it's now inheriting from.
Jan 31 2012, 01:49 AM
Yikes! As of this update, Chummer is now over 100,000 lines of code (not including the code to actually design the windows), and 111,000 lines of data!
Build 299- added support for Stacked Foci
- Move to Vehicle button on the Weapons tab is no longer enabled if the character does not have any Vehicles
- Active Skill filter list now includes options for filtering by Attribute and Skill Group
- added Career Nuyen to Other Info tab in Career Mode which tracks how much Nuyen the character has gained over their career
- Nuyen Expense window now shows the Refund checkbox to mark an income as not counting towards the character's career Nuyen total
- fixed an issue where Power Focus was adding its Improvements to a character when added, before it is marked as Bonded (resulting in the same bonus being applied twice)
- Skill Groups now show their tooltips when disabled
New Strings- Label_OtherCareerNuyen
- Checkbox_Expense_RefundNuyen
- Button_CreateStackedFocus
- Message_CannotStackFoci
- Message_StackedFocusMinimum
- MessageTitle_CannotStackFoci
- Message_DeleteStackedFocus
- String_StackedFocus
- String_SelectItemFocus
Jan 31 2012, 02:24 AM
On Critter Powers (Mundane)
VendomDrake characters have a flying speed of twice their normal movement (not added).
I presume ally spirits are done as their own creature? Just a guess.
I've been sharing Chummer with other players, and getting praise from most of them on how easy it is to use.

However, when someone hits the - on Edge in the Common tab, you might want to have it ask if they
really want to spend a permanent Edge (my wife thought it was temporary Edge).
Jan 31 2012, 02:38 AM
QUOTE (Tashiro @ Jan 30 2012, 08:24 PM)

On Critter Powers (Mundane)
VendomDrake characters have a flying speed of twice their normal movement (not added).
I presume ally spirits are done as their own creature? Just a guess.
I've been sharing Chummer with other players, and getting praise from most of them on how easy it is to use.

However, when someone hits the - on Edge in the Common tab, you might want to have it ask if they
really want to spend a permanent Edge (my wife thought it was temporary Edge).
Whoops. I've updated the Critter Powers data file to correct this. The Drake one is going to take a little bit of work. At the moment you cannot say that a character gets a Fly speed equal to their Movement rate (or a multiplied number of that rate), only a fixed value.
Yup, Ally Spirits are handled as Creatures. You can find them in the Spirits category; they're the first item in the list.
The - button for Edge on the Common tab should ask you to confirm that you want to burn the point of Edge. None of the options turn off the confirmation and nothing in the code's logic actively prevents it from doing so, so there shouldn't be any reason for the app to not ask you. The +/- for Edge on the Condition Monitor tab don't ask for confirmation since that's the temporary (spending) Edge reduction.
Jan 31 2012, 02:58 AM
Speaking of Categories, is it possible to create custom categories?
I had tried making a category called Peripheral Devices, and put in some devices but the list comes up with Chummer.ListItem when I select the category.
Basically I wanted to be able to put in the Peripheral Devices listed on page 222 of SR4A and 48 of UN.
Now the real changer would be allowing for the ability to take any comm, nexus or peripheral device and link them all together to make a temporary gear item that would work as clusters from page 55 of UN.
Also for Comms and software having the ability to say what software is running, and have it use that to calculate the effective Response using the Processor Limit on page 222.
I would suggest that only software on the comm directly be used for this.
Jan 31 2012, 04:05 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 30 2012, 08:58 PM)

Speaking of Categories, is it possible to create custom categories?
I had tried making a category called Peripheral Devices, and put in some devices but the list comes up with Chummer.ListItem when I select the category.
Basically I wanted to be able to put in the Peripheral Devices listed on page 222 of SR4A and 48 of UN.
Now the real changer would be allowing for the ability to take any comm, nexus or peripheral device and link them all together to make a temporary gear item that would work as clusters from page 55 of UN.
Also for Comms and software having the ability to say what software is running, and have it use that to calculate the effective Response using the Processor Limit on page 222.
I would suggest that only software on the comm directly be used for this.
Ooh, I like the Commlink/software idea. On to the list it goes!

Yup, you can create your own categories in the custom data files. Here's an example for custom_gear.xml with a new category and an item that's a part of it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<category>My New Category</category>
<name>Some Item</name>
<category>My New Category</category>
Jan 31 2012, 04:55 AM
Thanks I'll try it out. Maybe it was that I was giving the gear I wanted commlink stats?
Jan 31 2012, 05:31 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 30 2012, 10:55 PM)

Thanks I'll try it out. Maybe it was that I was giving the gear I wanted commlink stats?
Only items in the Commlink and Commlink Upgrade categories are allowed to have Response and Signal (technically Gear does have a Signal property that is used by a few pieces), and only items in the Commlink Operating System and Commlink Operating System Upgrade categories are allowed to have Firewall and System. Both of these are classes that inherit from the Gear class. If you try to add those properties to an item that isn't in those categories, they're ignored since Gear doesn't know (or care about) them as they're Commlink-specific things.
Jan 31 2012, 06:11 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 31 2012, 12:31 AM)

Only items in the Commlink and Commlink Upgrade categories are allowed to have Response and Signal (technically Gear does have a Signal property that is used by a few pieces), and only items in the Commlink Operating System and Commlink Operating System Upgrade categories are allowed to have Firewall and System. Both of these are classes that inherit from the Gear class. If you try to add those properties to an item that isn't in those categories, they're ignored since Gear doesn't know (or care about) them as they're Commlink-specific things.
That would explain why I'm getting the error then.
I'm trying to create the Peripherals and they are basically like commlinks with response, signal, system, and firewall.
Although they just have all 4 with no need to specify an operating system.
Jan 31 2012, 08:20 AM
Although I found the Chummer Wiki using Google, I can't seem to see a link anywhere on your dndjunkie website.
Jan 31 2012, 10:37 AM
Received a lot of praises from fellow players and GMs as well here, the only real downside I feel now is the unresponsiveness of the application. It feels very sluggish each time you change tab and I'm working on a quadcore/8Gb ram machine. I find it difficult to use ingame since having only 3 separate characters open make it take like 5-10 seconds to switch from one tab of a character to another tab on another character.
Jan 31 2012, 10:38 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 31 2012, 09:20 AM)

Although I found the Chummer Wiki using Google, I can't seem to see a link anywhere on your dndjunkie website.
Often thought the same thing.
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