I've been a bit peeved over a few details so I've made some house rules to AI's.
1: AI's use Hot-Sim without the drawbacks.
They get +2D6 to all matrix actions. Yes, this does improve their matrix perception to +5. And no, they cannnot fry their brain with hot-sim so no drawbacks.
2: AI's can use more programs
Ai's can use the following software
-Sensor Software
-Telematic Infrastructure
-Autosofts (With the Quality as per rulebook)
-ARE Programs
3: Basecode
ANY of the above software as befitting the AI's background is acceptable as a Basecode program
In the end a good hacker can still "beat" an AI since they can optimize their brain-to-computer interface and be a lot faster with the possibility of 5 IP's.
The above rules really shines if you want to make an emergent AI that relies on a lot of programs as basically ALL skills can be replaced with bought programs. It's a crutch but useful and can be fun roleplaying.
What do you guys use?