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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
So, last time I ran SR was before the AR/Wireless additions, so I have a few questions that I cannot find the answer too, so I am seeking community support. I am sure I will have more questions as I run the game, but the two I have now are as follows:

Can skin linking be applied to guns and cyberware?

If a weapon, such as the Ingram White Knight LMG, that has this cannot be further upgraded...are they saying you cannot add any other upgrades, or are they saying that weapon upgrades in said weapon cannot be further upgraded with additional versions of weapon upgrades that it already has?

what is the technical advantage of Bioware over Cyberware other than the reduced essence cost? ie, is it harder for security systems to detect

Thanks folks
QUOTE (FBT @ Jan 16 2012, 06:34 PM) *
So, last time I ran SR was before the AR/Wireless additions, so I have a few questions that I cannot find the answer too, so I am seeking community support. I am sure I will have more questions as I run the game, but the two I have now are as follows:

Can skin linking be applied to guns and cyberware?

If a weapon, such as the Ingram White Knight LMG, that has this cannot be further upgraded...are they saying you cannot add any other upgrades, or are they saying that weapon upgrades in said weapon cannot be further upgraded with additional versions of weapon upgrades that it already has?

what is the technical advantage of Bioware over Cyberware other than the reduced essence cost? ie, is it harder for security systems to detect

Thanks folks

Skinlink can be added to any electronic device that will be in close contact with the user's skin, so yes, it can be added to guns, goggles, cyberware, commlinks, and so forth.

The Ingram White Knight is specifically referring to the fact that its recoil compensation cannot be further upgraded--but other upgrades, such as to the gun's electronics and sensors, are allowable.

Bioware is much harder to detect; you need 2 hits on an Assensing test to spot regular cyber, 3 hits to spot alphaware, and 4 hits to spot betaware and regular bioware, while it is also completely undetectable to cyberware scanners.
Thanks for the prompt response! However I was using the LMG as an example, so does that apply to all weapons with that tag line or is it a case by case basis?

I appreciate your response though, very helpful!
Usually it refers to the integral system that the guns contain. They can still be upgraded with all of the weapon upgrades in Arsenal--except for the referenced system (usually recoil compensation)--but all other options, like smartguns, safe target systems, chameleon coating and so forth.

Glad to help!
sweet, thanks man!
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