QUOTE (Jeremiah Kraye @ Jul 11 2012, 03:09 PM)
Because in a world where you have Meta varients of Meta Humanity, why are you questioning what color, shape, horn structure, eyeball number, limb number, natural dermal armor, fur or no fur, etc when it comes to any species of Meta humanity or its subvarients?
Because there is a difference between a metavariant and a non-metavariant. That's why they're called
variants. Again, you're arguing that the existence of night ones means everyday elves should be drawn as fuzzy or blue, the existence of satyrs means normal orks should have horns and hooved legs covered in fur, the existence of cyclops means it's totally normal for trolls to have just one eye, etc, etc.
And if that
is your argument, then I don't see what the point is in continuing this conversation, because while you're playing in a very interesting and colorful game world, it's one that is barely recognizable to me, and one that is incompatible with the world as presented (especially the parts that describe each metatype, and say nothing at all about any of that).
And saying it's wrong? Lol
That's like saying "People of one color ain't people no more! Because their different colored! It's Wrong!"
1) It's laughable and offensive of you to liken "orks shouldn't be green, because they're not green anywhere else in the source material" to us making some sort of racist argument. It is profoundly dickish of you to make any comparison between the folks arguing (over something this trivial) in this thread, and real-life racists.
2) The skin tones of orks are a canon matter. That skin tone, from edition to edition, has never included "green." Ever. For baseline orks, that skin tone is the normal human range, period. So, yes. Normal orks that are outside that range are wrong, meaning
factually incorrect. The same way something would be wrong with a picture that showed green humans.
Frankly, this argument is a little surreal to me. Shadowrun orks aren't green. They never have been. This is something that's easily verified by looking at the metaracial descriptions from
any edition of the game, ever. Orks are green in other games and game universes, yes, but not in this one. How is that hard to comprehend? How is it even a
thing to argue otherwise?
And cross-thread sniping like this doesn't help matters any:
QUOTE (Jeremiah Kraye @ Jul 11 2012, 03:14 PM)
Yeah it's a special fun-time of counter-intuitive thing.
Especially when it's coming from the guy arguing
against 23 years of published material.