QUOTE (Arsenal @ p. 160)
A character may choose to use a weapon or unarmed attack that normally inflicts Stun damage in such a way that it inflicts Physical damage instead. The character suffers a –2 dice pool modifier on her Attack Test. If the attack succeeds, the Damage Value of the attack remains the same, but the attack results in Physical damage rather than Stun damage.
In a nutshell, the wording here suggests ANY weapon that normally inflicts Stun damage would inflict Physical damage instead. So what if I took a Stun Baton to someone via this technique? That's just crazy, right?
Edit: And a related afterthought, would stun batons receive the +1 DV to clubs for Arnis de Mano? Because the Chummer character generator seems to treat this as the case, but not sure that's not a bug.
Additional Edit: And getting back to the Vicious Blow aspect of things... aside from unarmed, aren't there only three melee weapons that deal non-electrical stun? Saps, chairs, and metahuman bodies. Wouldn't that actually seem to suggest that the inclusion of stun damage melee weapons, which are mostly electrical weapons, was intended to work with said electrical damage? Still seems kinda nuts though...
Since I'm On A Roll: Sledgehammers are listed as Reach 1 weapons. Can you dual wield them?
