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Full Version: Retired runners
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
In the 'sanity not required' thread it was suggested that we create a thread for retired characters, so that other people can use them as NPCs. Here's a start:

Joel Hardinger
[ Spoiler ]

Joel is a former government special operative turned shadowrunner turned private investigator/information broker. His specialty is recon, and in his stomping grounds in the Seattle Barrens there are good odds that he knows what's going down due to his massive network of bugs and spy drones. Always assume he's prepared for whatever eventuality comes up to some extent or other, even if the plan is 'fake my own death and lay low until I figure out what the heck's going on'.
He's currently dating the elf rigger from his old crew.

Another thing we might want to give is an estimated connection rating of the chars, so they can be taken more easily as (fully-fledged) contacts at char-gen.
Am I understanding these just being put out there for other GMs to use as NPCs? I've used my own PCs as NPCs when I'm running before. Was surprisingly effective: no one wanted to go there.
QUOTE (Krishach @ Oct 19 2012, 12:47 PM) *
Am I understanding these just being put out there for other GMs to use as NPCs? I've used my own PCs as NPCs when I'm running before. Was surprisingly effective: no one wanted to go there.

Sounds about right.
just a note to GM's: please remember, this is Dumpshock, use posted PC's at your own risk lol
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