May 15 2013, 07:33 PM
A few weeks ago we found the Chummer, this very usefull and great stuff for SR4. Thanks for it !
Well, I'm a bit ashamed because my first post is a bug report (if it is a bug), and not a constructive comment or suggestion.
I tried an uncommon combination, and created an adept character who has cyberware too. (Got it against his will)
And I realised, that some cyber has a BP cost ! (For example : Biomonitor, Wired Reflexes, Muscle Replacement)
Without Adept (or Mystic Adept/Magician) quality it takes no BP.
But if he has a Magic attribute (or even Resonance), and it is reduced, it cost BP.
Maybe I don't know the ruels well, but as I know, the drawback of the lesser Essence is the reduced attribute-maximum.
So if he heas 4.8 Essence, his maximum Magic is 4, right?
But why need BP a Cyber, if he has a Magic 2 only for example? I missed some information in the rulebook or it is a bug in the program?
May 15 2013, 07:39 PM
"Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion" is for News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion of the Dumpshock Website.
Post moved to the Community Projects forum, where Chummer is discussed.
May 15 2013, 07:59 PM
Normally, during character creation reducing your essence lowers both current and maximum magic (or resonance). So 1 point of essence loss would cost 10 BP to keep your magic at 1 (and not burn out). Chummer is set up to do this for you automatically, so whatever your magic is at, when you would lose a point of magic because of essence loss it automatically raises it back up, spending the BP to keep it at the rating you had selected.
There is also an optional rule to make it so that essence loss only reduces your maximum magic/resonance and not your current, but you need to set that in the options. It is not on by default, az that is a house rule.
May 15 2013, 08:18 PM
QUOTE (Kiirnodel @ May 15 2013, 09:59 PM)

Normally, during character creation reducing your essence lowers both current and maximum magic (or resonance). So 1 point of essence loss would cost 10 BP to keep your magic at 1 (and not burn out). Chummer is set up to do this for you automatically, so whatever your magic is at, when you would lose a point of magic because of essence loss it automatically raises it back up, spending the BP to keep it at the rating you had selected.
There is also an optional rule to make it so that essence loss only reduces your maximum magic/resonance and not your current, but you need to set that in the options. It is not on by default, az that is a house rule.
Okey, thanks !
And sorry for posting in a wrong forum
May 16 2013, 02:10 PM
If it helps, think of it this way - Chummer assumes whatever Magic rating you set to be what you want the FINAL score to be, and automatically spends BP as needed to keep it there.
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