Jan 23 2015, 04:01 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:35 AM, September 12, 2075
The van rolled up to where Sisco had parked it before, and the team made last minute equipment checks. Dawn was still about an hour and a half away, but time was beginning to be a factor.
Sisco, looked in the rearview window at his three teammates. "Well, what's the plan boss?"
Jack VII
Jan 23 2015, 04:27 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:35 AM, September 12, 2075
Jack took a deep breath and centered himself. With the unexpected personnel shift, his plans were in a bit of disarray, but he was determined to put something together.
"Alright... I think all four of us are going to go. I assume Mr. T is rigged and can be remotely piloted to pick us up wherever we need to be picked up?" After Sisco nodded affirmatively, Jack continued. "The basic plan is to scale the exterior wall of the estate. We've already plotted a route across the estate earlier to get to the house. We'll use that route, with Mel hacking the sensor arrays along the way. We'll need to take advantage of the darkness to try to avoid the foot patrols. Additionally, Snap should be able to provide magic support to help us stay hidden... spells or spirits, your call."
"Once we get to the house, I think we go with our B Plan. I'll scale the outside of the house to the second floor patio and drop a rope. Everyone else comes up and we pull up the rope. We break into the gallery through the patio and secure the items. Up there, Snap is going to cover magic threats, Mel will handle the electronic stuff, and Sisco will cover our exit. Climb back down, then follow our entry path back out to van. Obviously, the key to this deal is to not get detected. There are a hundred things that could go wrong, but that's pretty much always the case, right?"
Looking around at the rest of the team, Jack finishes, "Alright, now pick it apart. Go."
Chrome Head
Jan 23 2015, 08:19 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:35 AM, September 12, 2075
Snap yawned and stretched while Jack was going through the plan again. Even for the most ordinary of movements, the shaman's typically elvish beauty shined through.
"The plan depends a lot on not getting caught by the many sensors that they have. Staying undetected depends on it, as well as not being seen or heard by the guards themselves. A spirit can help us be hard to notice, but we'll still need to be very stealthy and not make any sudden moves. Just keep that in mind."
"The main thing for me is that we need to decide in advance what we'll do if we're caught, or if some kind of alarm goes off. Try to continue as undetected as possible and get rid of the threat? Go loud and scary? Prepare a diversion that we can trigger easily? Run away? It might also matter whether we get caught when we cross to the house or when we're inside the house."
Jan 23 2015, 10:16 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:35 AM, September 12, 2075
Sisco digests what was said for a second and replies, "Mel should have the spybot keep aerial surveillance. Other than that, I'm good to go."
Sisco grabs the clips from Grease's gun: "Never know when you'll need extra ammo."
Sisco thinks to himself, It's a shame we don't have time to modify Grease's equipment. The extra fire support might have come in handy.
Jan 24 2015, 03:25 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:35 AM, September 11, 2075
Mel had been quiet, as she acquainted herself with the flyspy. She had never really dealt with drones before, as that was Euterpe's gig when the Muses were still around. She was AR'ing the specs for it while the others talked.
"I should be able to keep the flyspy in the air and watching overhead. Assuming they don't have a house spider, I should be able to keep a good Matrix eye for sensors. I'm going to run stealthy, at least on the way in."
Jan 25 2015, 12:29 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:35 AM, September 12, 2075
Sisco slams in one of the clips with APDS, gives a little shrug as if the noise reminded him of something, and exits the van.
The night seems still- too still. Bad omen that. Ah, well, it's why they pay you the big bucks. Hopefully Mel knows her drek. Stop being antsy, Sisco. You've done this before. Yeah. And kids die too. Let it go, let it go. Easy for you to say- jeez, having an argument with myself. I'm really turning into one of them head cases. These guys need to get a move on.
"Ready to go, guys."
Jan 25 2015, 12:29 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:35 AM, September 12, 2075Sisco adjusts his suit jacket.
Never know when someone's going to take your pic- might as well look good. Hell, if I beautify myself enough, the next time some schmuck takes a bead on me, I just might be too pretty to hit. Ha! Ha. I made a funny. A joke that is. Damn I shouldn't have watched all those old time vids Uncle Mort had.
[ Spoiler ]
Items on me:
Erika Elite Commlink w/sim module,hotsim running silent
Ingram Smartgun X loaded with Stick n Shock, GasVent 2, Sound Suppressor, Folding Stock (deployed) running silent
2 clips with APDS
My built in Shock Hand of course
Area Jammer (4), Bug Scanner (5), Tag Eraser, all off at the moment
And I might as well carry the First Aid bag- never know.
Jack VII
Jan 26 2015, 03:08 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:35 AM, September 12, 2075Jack inspected his gear, checking the wireless settings one more time before they went over the wall. Tapping Mel on the shoulder, the ork said,
"I'm only going to be running two devices wirelessly, my comm and skilljack. Do you have room to slave them to your deck?" Looking at the rest of the crew, Jack continued,
"We've been told Huiquing is more of a tech hombre than anything, so his defenses may be oriented in that direction. I'd suggest running as little wireless as possible. If we're spotted, we can turn everything on then..."
[ Spoiler ]
Streetline Special [APDS] w/Gecko Grip, Internal Smartgun, 1x Spare Mag [REG] & 1x Spare Mag [S&S]
HK227 [REG] w/Foregrip, Improved Range Finder, Low-Light Flashlight, Sling, 2x Spare Mags [REG], 1x Spare Mag [APDS], & 1x Spare Mag [GEL]
Armor Jacket w/CP (2), FR (2), IS (2), NC (2) & Drag Handle
Forearm Guards
Helmet w/Flare Compensation, Thermographic Vision, Vision Enhancement (1), Vision Magnification, & Ultrasound (2)
Earbuds w/Audio Enhancement (3)
Hermes Ikon (5) [Browse & Signal Scrub] w/Subvocal Mic (W)
Meta Link (1)
Gecko Tape Gloves
100m Rope
Medkit (3) (3/3 Supplies)
Trauma Patch
Datajack [Alpha]
Handblade [Alpha]
Internal Air Tank (3) [Alpha]
Muscle Replacement (2) [Alpha]
Skilljack (4) [Used] (W)
Skillwires (4) [Used]
Skillsoft: [Automatics (4), Sneaking (4), Unarmed Combat (4)]
Smartlink [Alpha]
Wired Reflexes (1) [Alpha]
Jan 26 2015, 04:30 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:35 AM, September 12, 2075Sisco turns off the wireless function on his Ingram. He runs his data line to the gun and plugs it in.
"Alrighty Yank. I got everything off except my commlink. [ Spoiler ]
Items on me:
Erika Elite Commlink w/sim module,hotsim running silent
Ingram Smartgun X loaded with Stick n Shock, GasVent 2, Sound Suppressor, Folding Stock (deployed) wireless off, jacked in physically
2 clips with APDS
My built in Shock Hand of course
Area Jammer (4), Bug Scanner (5), Tag Eraser, all off at the moment
My Executive Suit is turned off too.
And I might as well carry the First Aid bag- never know.
Jack VII
Jan 26 2015, 04:32 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:35 AM, September 12, 2075
While the rest of the team checked their gear, Jack took a closer inspection of the wall.
"Frag... there's monowire along the top of the wall. Anyone familiar with how that stuff is set-up? If we cut it... if we even can cut it... is that going to set-off an alarm?"
Chrome Head
Jan 26 2015, 04:51 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:35 AM, September 12, 2075
"No idea, Jack. But if there's an alarm going off this early into the run, we'll have to call it off and think of a different plan." Maybe it was because of Snap's inexperience, but she seemed obviously pre-occupied with setting off alarms and being seen. I took too many risks last run. This won't happen again this time.
Jan 26 2015, 07:02 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:35 AM, September 12, 2075
"Mel, now that we know it's there, if its connected to a some sort of motion/tamper sensor you should be able to find it even if its well hidden in the Matrix. Well, assuming, his matrix setup isn't totally self enclosed. And who does that besides a Corp. If it's connected to the Matrix security, Mel either deals with it or we come up with a plan B. If it's not, we cut it- wait...you need monowire or a diamond to cut monowire, right?
Man, I would have had monowire and a diamond cutter in my go bag if I was still working with Phelps. Damn, I must have gotten lazy depending on all those toys they'd hand us. Maybe get a sewer cover and place it gently on the monowire to hold it down- hopefully it wont go through the steel all the way. Let's see what they come up with before offering this dumb idea.
Jan 26 2015, 07:54 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:36 AM, September 12, 2075Mel finds Jack's device icons, and sends the slave request.
"Jack...accept the slave request on your devices. I've got room, so you should be good."She then nods at Sisco's comment about the tripwire.
"If I can access the physical alarm that the monowire is attached to, I can crack it easily. If not, I'll have to search, and that'll take a little more doing. If it's pressure-sensitive, I can convince the alarm that these aren't the runners it's looking for. Problem is I'm shit at climbing over stuff...flunked gym and everything."
Matrix[ Spoiler ]
A: 3
S: 6
D: 5
F: 5
Virtual Machine
Signal Scrub
Gear[ Spoiler ]
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit
+ Non-conductivity [Rating 2]
+ Chemical Protection [Rating 2]
Stun Baton
Ares Crusader II
+ Integral Smartgun System
+ Gas Vent (Recoil Suppression 2)
120 rnds regular ammo
40 rnds Gel ammo
5x spare Clips
Ares Viper Slivergun
+ Integral Smartgun System
+ Integral Silencer
120 rnds flechette ammo
5x spare Clips
Flash-Bang Grenade x3
Flash-Pak x3
Burner Commlink
Electronics Kit
+ Low-Light
+ Flare Comp
+ Smartlink
Datajack [Alphaware]
Cyberears [Rating 2]
+ Sound Link
+ Select Sound Filter [Rating 2]
+ Damper
+ Audio Enhancement [Rating 3]
+ Spatial Recognizer
Medkit [Rating 4]
Fake SIN [Rating 4]
Fake Gun License [Rating 4]
Fake Explosives License [Rating 4]
Fake Melee Weapons License [Rating 4]
Fake Cyberdeck License [Rating 4]
[Note: Currently the only thing that is Wireless Active is the Jumpsuit. Mel will active Wireless on other devices as needed]
Chrome Head
Jan 26 2015, 08:04 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:36 AM, September 12, 2075
Snap nods at Mel. Us weak girls can't climb walls... If only stereotypes weren't so true. Well, maybe I can conjure up a solution to the problem myself. Snap missed the pun in her internal monologue and offered an alternative to the team.
"Well I could ask a spirit to assist us. The ones attuned to earth are surprisingly strong and one of them could carry us over the fence in her arms. This could be the same spirit that conceals us from view as we sneak towards the house."
Jack VII
Jan 26 2015, 10:30 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:36 AM, September 12, 2075
Having witnessed the power of Snap's spirits in the past, Jack was confident that if the spirit could be summoned it would perform the task adequately.
"Spirit sounds good. Hopefully it won't stand out too much carrying everyone over. Just remember that we're going to need another one to get back out when the time comes... which might be under fire."
Jan 26 2015, 11:58 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:36 AM, September 12, 2075
I hate spirits. They're so, well, unnatural. I especially hate letting them touch me. What would my granddaddy's granddaddy say if he saw me being lifted up by some damn Yank's conjuration. "If you had stayed in the military like all the Hood's before you, you wouldn't be being lifted by no damn Yankee's conjuration." That's what he'd say. Blast me. But a jobs a job and you do what you got to do.
"Guess the spirit piggyback is fine by me."
Damn me any which way and that's that.
Jan 27 2015, 12:08 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:36 AM, September 12, 2075
Mel smiles "Sounds good...just make sure you don't get one that's too grabby."
Chrome Head
Jan 28 2015, 09:16 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:37 AM, September 12, 2075
There must have been something about this place. Some latent astral signature, some strange background astral vibrations that spirits dislike, because nothing was going well for Snap in her summoning attempts.
Why are they not cooperating? What am I doing wrong?
Snap's head hurt, badly. Twice she had attempted to summon powerful earth spirits, and twice they had refused the offer. The second one was even quite angry with her and the back and forth between them had left the shaman bruised and exhausted, mentally.
I can't keep doing this, and I really have to do something about the pain too. Drek, everyone's counting on me and I can't even summon the help I promised. How can I protect them if I'm the first one to go down when bullets start flying?
She casted a spell to alleviate the pain, but it wasn't quite enough to get completely rid herself of the discomfort. Now it was time for yet another summoning attempt, this time a spirit that's less powerful, one she will control with more ease.
And it worked this time. A short, 5-foot tall dryad-like being appeared in front of Snap, slowly rising to a standing position. "I'm heeeeere. To seeeeerve. You can ask meeeee, three thiiiiings." "Okay, thanks for being here. We will need your help very soon for crossing this fence, but most of all for concealing us from view. I'll let you know when I want you to do it."
Shaking her head and grimacing, Snap informs the team of what was happening. "Okay, so I failed to get a strong enough spirit that could bring everyone over, but it should be easily enough for me and Mel at least. Sorry for letting you down.."
Jack VII
Jan 28 2015, 10:06 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:37 AM, September 12, 2075
Jack looked at Snap with some concern, the physical exhaustion of her attempts clearly having taken a toll. Realizing that positive reinforcement might be needed, he said, "That should be fine, I imagine Sisco and I can probably make it over the wall okay. Good job." Addressing the rest of the team, he finished, "Once we get on the other side of the wall, try to find some cover, even shadows, and wait for everyone else to get across. I'll take lead, but let's put a drone over the wall to make sure we're not climbing directly into a patrol."
Jan 29 2015, 12:09 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:37 AM, September 12, 2075
On the bright side, I don't have to let one of them creepy things touch me. On the other hand, I got to haul my fat ass over that wall. Lucky me.
"When you get over the wall, I'll toss over the medkit. Hopefully, we won't need it, and if we using it in there, we're probably cornered. But better to have it than not. After I toss it, I'll go over. Then when we sound the all clear, Snap can have that, um, spirit carry them over. Y'all alright with that?"
Jan 29 2015, 02:31 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:37 AM, September 12, 2075
Mel puts her hand on Snap's shoulder. "Don't sweat it, girl. No run goes right one-hundred percent...by the end, we'll probably be making shit up as we go." She then looks at Jack. "I'll do my level best to control the fly-spy."
Jan 29 2015, 03:00 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:38 AM, September 12, 2075
Mel sits down against the base of the wall, and sends out a quick message to the Fly Spy. <<@Fly Spy [Mel] Ok little one, go over the wall and scan the area for heat signatures.>> With that Mel closes her eyes and slips back into the Matrix.
<<Flitting her way to the now-familiar skyscraper, Mel once again felt her persona warp and change as the reality filter overrode her deck's programming. Presenting her ID badge to the guards, she slipped inside the building and headed down a long corridor, a commlink again appearing in her hands. Pressing a flurry of buttons, she pulled up a schematic of the building, finding what she was looking for on a lower floor. She attempted to float through the floor, but the system would not allow three-dimensional movement, and so she was forced to go to an elevator. Waiting impatiently, she quickly stepped inside as two well armed security guards made their way down the hall, their movements too robotic to be anything other than Patrol IC.
Stepping out of the elevator, she followed the AROs thrown up by her 'link toward a door marked 'Maintenance'. Stepping inside and closing the door behind her, she searched through a series of circuits until she found the one she wanted. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out...two clips with a wire strung between them. Frowning, she attached them to either side of the wire she knew was the sensor on the monowire fence, checked the video feed from the Fly Spy, and then signaled the rest of the team.>>
<<@Team [Mel] I'm set here, go now if you are going.>>
Jack was also monitoring the video feed from the drone, and was relieved to see no heat signatures anywhere in sight. Heaving himself up over the wall, he winced as he felt himself slip on the top and his forearm came down heavily on the monowire strung several centimeters above the lip of the wall. His reflexes pulled his hand away quickly, and he froze, waiting to see if an alarm went off. Hearing nothing, he quickly dropped to the other side of the wall, checking his sleeve. He could see a deep-cut groove through his armor jacket, and halfway through his forearm guards. Damn lucky I didn't lose the arm.
<<Inside the host, Mel could see the tension on the monowire spike, but smoothly diverted the information flow. The sensor, still blithely unaware of Jack's slip, continued to show green.>>
<<@Sisco [Just Jack] I'm over, your turn.>>
Sisco followed the other ork, his big frame agile despite his bulk, hauling himself up and over the wall, and landing in a crouch next to Jack. <<@Mel [Sisco] We are over, ma'am.>>
<<Mel unclipped both wires and slowly shifted her perception, her form fading from the Host.>> She came awake just in time to see the spirit grab Snap gently and fly her over the wall. In a moment, the spirit was back, and she could feel its bark-like skin underneath her as it lifted her as well, depositing her gently on the ground next to the rest of the team. Crouching, the group prepared to follow the path they had marked out earlier.
Jack VII
Jan 29 2015, 03:34 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:38 AM, September 12, 2075
Jack took a long, slow look around the grounds, trying to spot anything they had failed to previously notice. Satisfied, he sent a message to the team.
<<@Team [JustJack] Alright, let's follow the route we planned. Locations of the sensor arrays are marked with AROs. Once we get close, Mel will edit them while we clear past them quickly. Let's go ahead and send the FlySpy up high as eyes on the entire estate. We'll use the 'skimmer as our close drone ground support. Mel, if you can handle the FlySpy, I'll take the 'skimmer. Make sure the drones are running silently though. Comms are through our 'links, nothing spoken unless we're spotted. Frio?>>
Jan 29 2015, 03:45 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:38 AM, September 12, 2075
<<@Team [Melpomene] Copy that. >>
Mel concentrated on the fly-spy...she could hear it buzzing in the air, and she used that info along with the video feed to picture in her mind exactly where it was in relation to them.
...making shit up as we go...
Jan 29 2015, 04:36 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:38 AM, September 12, 2075
<<@Team [Sisco] Wilco. Since Jack will have his attention divided between real time and the drone, I'll take point. >>
So far, so good. Let's just hope it stays that way. Snap sure looks beat. I hope we don't need too much more magical talent on this run or I'll be carrying one passed out mage.
Jan 29 2015, 05:48 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:50 AM, September 12, 2075
The team moved quickly through the early morning, the two orks in the lead. Despite their size, the combination of vat-grown muscles and skill-wires combined to make them move from tree to tree with barely a whisper. The two elves, however, were having a more difficult time of it.
Snap cursed every time she stepped on a branch, or caught her foot in a tangle of undergrowth. Why couldn't have this job been in the city somewhere? She could move through the empty alleys and rooftops of the Warrens with ease, but the trees and manicured lawns here were foreign to her.
The team continued along, the Microskimmer about 20 to 25 meters in front of Jack, gliding along the ground like a tiny manta moving through the ocean. Jack strained to see where he was going as a fog started to swirl in from the west. Blinking, his vision switched to thermographic, but he wasn't sure whether the fog was a blessing or a curse. They had come about 150 meters from the wall, and they stopped briefly behind a copse of trees. 50 meters on the other side of this tree is first sensor array.
Checking the footage from the drone, the area was clear of patrols. The infrared camera mounted in the Fly Spy picked up the outlines of two metahuman heat signatures near the entrance of the main building, along with two parked cars. It was impossible to tell make or model from the thermal imaging, but Jack could see that the engines gave off a residual heat in the cool morning air.
Jack VII
Jan 29 2015, 02:57 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:50 AM, September 12, 2075
Jack paused and held up his fist, simultaneously squatting down and calling the microskimmer back to him. I wonder if Grease ever named this one? Mentally, the ork composed a message to the team.
<<@Team [JustJack] So far so good. We're about to hit the first sensor array. Mel will distract it and we're going to move past it as quickly and quietly as possible. There are two people by the main entrance as well as two cars. The odd thing is that the car engines are still warm, even at 0450, meaning they arrived probably within the last hour or two. Once we get past the array, we may want to organize ourselves a little better.>>
Jan 30 2015, 04:48 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:55 AM, September 12, 2075
The team nodded their understanding of the plan, and Mel went to work. Splitting her focus between the meat world and the digital one, she moved through the hallways of the skyscraper, quickly finding the computer terminal which represented the sensor array. A few deft keystrokes later, and she nodded at Jack, who pumped his fist up and down. Sisco, recognizing the hand-signal, was up and moving quietly, his Smartgun at the ready, his bulky form crouched low as he sprinted across the open area covered by the camera. Snap went next, stumbling slightly from the fatigue of summoning, her knuckles white on the handles of the cases, holding them firm so they didn't bounce around and make noise. Jack nodded to Mel to go, and she went at a quick trot, her Crusader slung over her shoulder, her pace a little slower than the others due to the distraction of acting in two worlds at once. Jack brought up the rear, the microskimmer hovering along at his side, and then darting in between his legs, almost tripping him. The drone then sped on to catch up with the others, leaving Jack to grit his teeth and press on.
The team didn't stop till they hit another group of trees. There, reasonably certain they were out of view of the camera, they regrouped. Jack looked around, trying to keep his head on a swivel. Now that the team had overcome their first series of obstacles relatively cleanly, he started to feel better about their chances. With that said, he wasn't about to assume they didn't need all the help they could get. Reviewing the footage from the Fly-Spy, the ork quickly developed a plan. Sisco's going point since he isn't controlling a drone at the moment, should be the most observant. Mel's taking the left flank, there shouldn't be much between us and the southern wall. Snap's taking the rear, she's seems a little spent after that summoning... at the same time, she can poleaxe a troll with her magic and can clear our path if we need to abort. I'll take the right flank... most of the patrols seemed to be in that direction plus there was that possible guard shack. Tallying it all up in his head, he transmitted the plan to the rest of the team.
<<@Team [JustJack] Alright folks, we're going to borrow a page from the CAS Army. Over the last month, I spent some time with a military training sim about small unit tactics. I think that could be útil here. There's a maneuver called a diamond formation that's used to cross enemy territory. It's pretty basic, we form a diamond and each cover a sector. Sisco, you're on point. Mel, you've got the left flank. I'll take the right flank. Snap, you're taking the rear. Spread out, no less than five meters between each point of the diamond, front and rear should have about ten meters between them.>>
Sisco nodded, taking his position quickly and easily. Mel and Snap were a little more unsure, but caught on fast enough. The team was now 300 meters away from where they started, almost halfway to the house. The rope slung over Jack's shoulder was irritating, but he didn't have a better way to carry it. Sisco led them, half crouched as he moved smoothly through the grounds when a quick "Hsst. Down" came from Mel. Her ears, top of the line models from Chiba, had picked up a grinding sound from the southwest.
All four members of the team dropped to their bellies and waited. Jack sent a quick message to the drone to bank left and get a visual. The feed from the drone showed a limousine approaching up the main road to the house, the grinding sound Mel had heard was the gates opening to let the car pass. Their own eyes could see headlights through the fog as it approached the house.
Jack VII
Jan 30 2015, 02:55 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:55 AM, September 12, 2075
Limousine at 0500, what the frag is going on? Typical, drek always has to get complicated, like some unseen force can't just let us put together a plan and stick to it... Jack thought as the new developments played over the drones sensor feed.
<<@Team [JustJack] OK. The new additions don't really change anything, just may make it more difficult. My guess is the two by the door may be an advance team of some sort for whoever is in the limo, it would explain why the engines had been running recently. Someone important apparently, either Huiquing or someone else. We're just going to have to circle around it all and hope they don't visit the gallery. Let's move out, but really, really slowly. The guards are going to probably be on higher alert until whoever is in the limo is inside.>>
Jan 30 2015, 11:11 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
As the team watched, the limo moved up the long drive to the house at a sedate pace. As the car passed them, Sisco signaled the team to start moving again. As they moved parallel to the road, Snap checked the astral plane for any surprises. At this hour, even the denizens of the astral were quiet, and only a few Watchers roamed back and forth, busy on their errands.
Mel stumbled slightly, unused as she was trying to stay in formation, move, be quiet, and run the Matrix all at the same time. <<Still, while her physical form may might stumble, her Persona was smooth as ever, flitting down the corridors of the skyscraper, looking for a duplicate of the sensor array that had barred their way forward earlier. She found a receptionist at a desk in the main lobby, the blank face of the secretary marking her as a construct of the host. Recognizing the Mark on Mel's Persona, the 'bot spoke, "How may I help you miss?" Nodding, Mel said, "Yes please, run me a diagnostic on all the perimeter sensors please." The 'bot's fingers flew across its keyboard, simply a visual representation of the inner workings of the machine. After a moment, the schematics were uploaded to Mel's deck, and she almost thanked the 'bot before realizing how pointless the gesture was.>>
She pushed the window showing the Matrix to the side. and focused on the real world. "I've uploaded the next sensor location to your AR, We should be okay in this direction for another 150 meters." A breeze had come up, and the fog was beginning to disperse, allowing the team to move more rapidly, although at a slightly greater risk of being spotted.
Meanwhile, the car pulled to a stop in the main courtyard, and both front doors opened. A slight Chinese man stepped out of the driver's side, while the hulking form that came out of the passengers was recognizable as Hao Fe even at this distance. The big man opened the rear door of the limo, a Rolls Royce Phaeton, and the Huiquing stepped out of the back. He straightened his Armante jacket and spoke in hushed tones to Hao Fe. The bodyguard bowed, and then headed to the door. The two guards had waved briefly at them as they had arrived, but were now busy talking to one another.
Hao Fe approached them, barking at them, although the exact words were lost at this distance, but the guards seemed to ignore him. Getting more agitated, he approached them, while the chauffeur took Huiquing's bags out of the trunk, and the owner of the estate himself was retrieving something out of the car.
The team was far enough away that they saw the chauffeur's head explode before the sound of the gunshot hit them. The two guards turned on Hao Fe, but they had let him get too close. Both trained their HK's on him, but he stepped inside their arc of fire and took one of the gunman's arm off at the elbow with a handblade. The finger still tightened reflexively, and the HK sprayed bullets as the arm fell to the ground, the hand still locked around the handle of the submachinegun.
The other guard shifted and fired point blank at Hao Fe, the bullets hitting him in the chest, the force of the bullets forcing him back, although the low caliber ammunition flattened against the ballistic weave of his armor. Hao Fe screamed "Kuài pǎo!" and leaned in to grapple with the guard, while Huiquing took off at an impressive speed for an older man, leaving behind the car and sprinting off into the undergrowth. He made it to the trees an instant before another round took out a chunk of an old oak, and he zigzagged, his path taking him directly towards the team...
Feb 3 2015, 02:19 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Flattening at the sound of gunfire, Sisco instinctively crawled a couple yards to try and gain a little more cover. Snap threw out a quick message through her trodes.
<<@Team [Snap] We should capture Huiqing. Tell me what you want from me, Jack. >>
Mierda, nothing is ever easy. Flipping open the case of the linguasoft he got from Tara earlier, and quickly slotted it.
<<@Team [JustJack] Hit the dirt, but try to get in position to nab the guy. Could be a useful hostage>>
Mel hit the dirt, her ears recording everything for future playback. Even if I can't understand what they are saying, Jack can translate it later.
Huiquing continued to zig-zag through the trees, a scream erupting from the last guard as Hao Fe buried his handblade deep into his chest cavity.
Feb 3 2015, 07:07 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Gǒupì, just what we needed. Nothing can be simple.
Sisco registers Jake's transmission: <<@Team [JustJack] Hit the dirt, but try to get in position to nab the guy. Could be a useful hostage>>
Good thing I have the Stick-N-Shock loaded
Sisco turns on his smartgun system using his dni connection, takes aim and fires a six round burst at Huiquing. It's hard to see the exact result but it appears that Huiquing is hit center mass and drops like a stone.
Now we see if we have to shock him again and that bodyguard may need the APDS. In any event, doesn't look like we're getting the items tonight. No pay and I'm using up ammo. Just great.
Feb 5 2015, 03:28 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Dropping to a crouch, Snap sent off a quick mental command to her spirit. "Come to me, and conceal us from any watchful eyes."
A few hundred yards away, Snap's astral vision saw the shift in the spirit's aura as it materialized onto the physical plane, its bark-skin taking on shape and substance. Turning her gaze back to Huiquing, she took the measure of the man, finding him to be what she expected, a mundane who had traded away bits of his soul for the quick-fix gains that cyberware offered.
<<Mel, relieved at being out of the constrictive confines of Huiquing's reality filter, sighed with relief as she reached for the normal tools of her trade. I viola appeared in her hands, and she played it lovingly, the bow moving slowly across the strings as she played an old Brahms' piece in A minor.
The notes reached out across the Matrix, piercing the distance and fuzzy connection of the grids to reach out and caress Hao Fe's commlink icon. The music reached back across to Mel, and she could read the information from his 'link as easily as a piece of sheet music. When she had the information, she prepared to take up a more strident tune, one that would render his 'link useless to him.>>
<<@Team [JustJack] Well, even though we didn't do it, our cover is pretty much blown. When el jefe is attacked at home, the whole place is going to be on high alert. If anyone has non-lethal and a silenced weapon, take Huiquing out. It may draw Hao Fe to us so we can gang up on him.>>
Jack's message was barely sent when Sisco's Ingram opened up, the suppressor reducing the full auto burst to a dull roar. He groaned inwardly as he saw Huiquing drop from the outgoing fire. He couldn't have waited till he got a little closer?
Snap looked around for somewhere to get a better position to engage from. Casting her eyes back and forth, she found nothing that seemed much better than where she was now. Crawling behind a low mound, she decided to trust here spirit and hope for the best. Concentrating, she send a message out.
<<@Team [Snap] Jack, I can try an attack on Hao Fe, even from this distance, should I?>>
Feb 6 2015, 07:33 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Snap hunkered down preparing herself to launch an attack against Hao Fe on Jack's command. She could feel the Spirit of Earth preparing to cloak them with its magic, the shadows around them drawing tighter.
Sisco switched targets, hammering another full auto burst downrange. This time his bullets are targeted around Hao Fe, who leaps behind one of the cars still parked in the driveway, Sisco's rounds sending arclight-intensity sparks in every direction as they impact the car.
Hao Fe, crouching behind the car, looks around for the source of the incoming fire. He spots the muzzle flash of Sisco's weapon and returns fire, the HK spitting flames. Sisco tries do make himself part of the well-maintained lawn, yet can feel as several rounds slam into his body armor despite his best efforts.
Seeing a member of her team in danger, Snap no longer feels the need to await confirmation from Jack. She concentrates for a moment, a ball of mystical energy shooting out from her fists that rockets over Hao Fe's shoulder as he dodges to the left. Cursing, she gathers herself for her next action, all thoughts of her fatigue forgotten as her blood was getting up.
<<Mel, her physical form motionless as she tries to stay out of the gunplay, manipulates her persona, her form growing bigger and bulkier as she prepares for combat. Lashing out with a strident version of Beethoven, the notes hurtled toward Hao Fe's Persona, an ancient Chinese warrior, and collided heavily with a quickly upraised shield. The impact between the two changed the tone of the music, discordant notes vibrating back along their path, ringing painfully in Mel's ears. Gritting past he pain, she broke the connection and prepared to try again.>>
As this unfolded, the team picked up a new sound, engines, the high pitched whine indicating drones, coming from the north of their position, heading toward the driveway. Any visual was blocked by a stand of trees, but the noise was unmistakable. Jack could see Huiquing was still moving, weakly crawling deeper into the woods, not knowing which way was safe.
Madre de Dios, sighing as he swapped out his Gel ammo back for his Regular ammunition.
<<@Team [JustJack] Drones incoming from the north, probably that shed. I've got that area covered. Take down Hao Fe, Huiquing is crawling. Mel, see if the Fly-Spy can acquire and follow him>>
Feb 7 2015, 09:59 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Sisco took aim at Hao Fe and noticed he moved slightly as if punched in the shoulder.
The mage must have cast some sort of spell or there's somebody else shooting rounds that I can't spot.
Sisco lets loose with another 6 round burst. Hao Fe staggers somewhat but he refuses to go down.
Wow! Center-mass shot and he's still standing. Got to hand it to him: that's one tough Shenshi.
Sisco thinks about switching to APDS but decides that an SOB that lucky deserves to keep on breathing.
Well, Ani, if your still standing in a few seconds, your getting another blast from my trusty little friend.
Feb 9 2015, 03:15 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
As Hao Fe staggers from Sisco's blast, the rest of the team gives him no respite. Snap again launches a magical attack, this time connecting with Hao Fe's shoulder, jerking up upright just a little.
Jack, seeing Hao Fe momentarily exposed, hold down the trigger and slams three rounds into his shoulder. The low-caliber rounds fail to penetrate Hao Fe's armor, but the cumulative concussive force drops him seemingly unconscious to the ground.
Taking the quick break in the action, Jack put a glowing ARO on the spot he last had eyes on Huiquing. His new datajack allowed him to do this without taking his fingers off his weapon, and he snapped out a quick message to Grease's microskimmer to go to that location, hoping that the little drone would just listen and not behave as erratically as he had seen them in the past. The dog-brain of the drone seemed to register the command, and it began humming along the grass, its disc-like shape almost invisible in the early morning darkness.
Seeing Hao Fe fall, Snap turned her attention to Huiquing. not wanting to risk killing Huiquing, but wanting to make sure he didn't run off, she decided against just smashing him directly with her spells.
Realizing he was in the middle of a grove of trees, she launched her spell at him, and the area around him glittered on the Astral. She knew to Huiquing's mind, he would see the number of trees multiply, the paths between them grow more confusing and disappear, and hoped her spell would hold him until he could be retrieved.
Feb 10 2015, 03:12 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Closing her eyes, Snap attempts to maintain two spells at the same time, not an easy task, but one which Hubert had worked with her on constantly until she could master it more times than not. With Huiquing's mind already weakened by his wounds and her previous spell, it should be child's play to manipulate him now.
With a wave of her hand, her spell reached deep into his brain, manipulating the synapses until he saw two large men in UCAS uniform stand up suddenly in front of him, their shapes materializing from behind the tree trunks. The larger of the two, an ork with a hideous scar across his cheek, yelled at him. "Get over there, now!" Their assault rifles gave emphasis to his command.
Satisfied with her work, she quickly sent a triumphant message to her team, <<@Team [Snap] I got us some reinforcements. wink.gif >>
Great kid, now don't get cocky. Clipping his Flashpak to the front of his jacket, he mentally switched the wireless setting, seeing the icon appear next to his Persona in AR.
<<@Team [JustJack] Alright, good job everyone. We've got drones inbound, so this might get nasty in a sec. Mel, can you see about taking down the rigger controlling them? If we can despejar el tablero, we might be able to take them for ourselves.>>
Getting his ass as low as possible, he finds a slight depression in the ground, and crawls into it. Not much, but better than nothing.
Feb 10 2015, 09:05 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
A growing metallic ratcheting sound got closer, and closer to the team. They could see small branches whipping back and forth in the treeline about 120 meters to their north. The low, sleek forms of three tracked drones moved to the edge of the woods. Their turrets tracked left and right, sensors reaching out to feed a target resolution back to their fire controls.
A high pitched sonic whine reverberated in Mel's ears, and she could a dark shape pass in front of the moon, the size of her deck that vanished almost as quickly as it had come.
Feb 11 2015, 03:00 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Spinning around to face the drones, Sisco had a brief moment to regret not bringing along his Doberman to the fight. Goddamn Stone. Aiming down the extended sight of his Ingram, chewing through another few rounds of his ammo. The ARO displaying his gun's statistics flashed orange, letting him know he had expended over three-quarters of his ammunition. The Stick and Shock worked even better against the drones than it did on humans, and the first Doberman in the treeline showered the immediate vicinity in sparks. The ground, still wet from the early morning dew, smouldered in a few areas, but did not catch on fire.
Satisfied at his success, it was almost a very short lived one. It seemed one of the drones had malfunctioned somehow, its weapon ripping the night apart with its discharge, the ripping sound it made very distinctive. Sisco barely had time to register it as one of Fabrique Nationale's latest models before the other drone, having acquired his position, returned fire. Making himself as small as possible, he could feel the bullets impacting, ripping his expensive Armante suit in a half dozen places.
<<Mel was tired of the interference from the substandard grid she was forced to rely upon. It made her music full of static, the notes no longer crisp and clear. Reaching out, she played a quick tune on her viola, parting the curtain between herself and the CAS local grid that here opponents seemed to be using. She began to move towards it, already looking forward to the clarity it would impart to her, when Jack's message came through. She watched as the drones began chewing apart the area with their automatic weapons, and decided that her comfort would have to wait. A quick series of whistles, and the dark grey shape of one of the drones began to glow, its icon, previously obscured by the surrounding digital haze, came into bright focus.>>
To this cacophony was added more sounds. The windows of southeast tower of the Huiquing estate blew outward with concussive force. Gunfire erupted from inside the house itself, both semi-auto and fully automatic weapons seemingly involved. Two men came out the front entrance of the building and began running, toward Huiquing, firing back at the house, and one of them went down as a bullet took him in the upper shoulder. The man hit the ground hard, the sound of his head striking pavement almost loud enough to be heard over the 100 meter distance.
To Amy's Astral vision, Huiquing's demeanor changed from scared to terrified. Following the instructions of the two soldiers, his mind too shrouded by spell and pain to wonder why they wore UCAS uniforms, he began to run toward the team, heedless of anyone else, just trying to get out of the crossfire.
Chrome Head
Feb 11 2015, 05:01 AM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Good, at least we have Huiqing coming towards us, just like I wanted. What is going on at the house though?
The elf was hesitant about what to do next, looking at the scene as it unfolded in front of her.
<<@Team [Snap] I don't wanna get caught in the cross fire. Once we get Huiqing, let's beat it. >>
Feb 11 2015, 09:14 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Damn, no way to know which one Mel is going after. Hoping for the best, the rangefinder on his Ingram feeding its data into his smartlink, he dashed off another quick burst toward the drones, this time at the drone who was peppering Sisco.
The drone's dog-brain, registering a new threat, threw its engine into reverse, backing the drone far enough back that Jack's bullets either went into the dirt at its feet, or spanged off the sloped frontal armor.
<<@Team [JustJack] Job's not done. We need to try to retrieve the objects. The chaos may help us get in and out... or it may make it worse. Let's see if we can get to the north side of the house first before aborting.>>
The other drone ceased covering the landscape to the team's right with lead, and moved swung its turret around toward Sisco, joining the other drone. Sisco felt the amount of impacts increase, more painful now, and only his vat-grown skin prevented it from spraying blood everywhere. Even as it was, he felt the wind knocked out of him.
Feb 12 2015, 06:27 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Wincing in pain, Sisco returns the fire of the drone, the ammo indicator in is vision spiking from orange to bright red as his clip ran almost empty.
Fortunately, his wounds and the recoil had not thrown off his aim, the ammunition adhering to the Doberman's outer surface long enough for its capacitors to overload, the charge resulting from the successive impacts frying the circuitry of the drone, leaving it a lifeless metal hulk in the trees.
Snap felt a momentary adrenaline surge as Sisco was injured, but she felt it go as quickly as it came. Steadying herself, she cupped her hands, and a ball of glowing white-hot energy coalesced between them. Pushing her hands forward in a throwing motion, she hurled the ball towards the last remaining operational drone. As the lightning reached its destination, it exploded outwards, sending arcs of electricity along the drones body. However, although the drone was burned, its outer hull scarred by scorchmarks, it continued to rumble along.
<<Seizing her opportunity, Mel continued to play, this time focusing on the glowing icon of the drone. Notes flashed away from her in succession, each one burning its way onto the drone, strengthening her ability to manipulate it. At the same time, she could feel another MARK forming, the notes appearing on a robot-like persona. Having MARKed the slave, she now had access to the master as well.>>
Gunfire continued to flash and echo from the interior of the house, but it was lessening quickly.
Chrome Head
Feb 12 2015, 11:28 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Snap was busy shooting relatively weak spells at the drones while continuing the conversation with Jack.
I sure want to complete the job and get paid too, but not at any cost...
<<@Team [Snap] Roger that, Jack. But if we're under too much fire, we better try again later, maybe with the help of Huiqing.>>
Feb 13 2015, 02:47 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
<<@Team [Melpomene]>> Update: I've MARKed the wounded drone, and in doing so, gained a mark on their Rigger. She's now my target...if you need to, you can scratch that drone.>>
Feb 13 2015, 07:29 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Snap launches another ball of lightning at the drone, less powerful this time, the amount of magic channeling through her body causing her to grow more fatigued as the fight wore on. Again, the lightning ball traveled unerringly toward its target, sparking and scorching the metal body of the Doberman. However, this time the drone remained unscathed, and continued to trundle forward undeterred.
Sisco, knowing he had to make this shot count, got off a short burst, the last rounds out of his gun splanging against the drone, and with the circuitry already damaged by Snap's earlier spell, the drone began to billow smoke out of the casing and ground to a halt. Ejecting his clip, looked around for new foes. Maybe I should have brought more ammo on this job.
As his Microskimmer continued to travel toward its predetermined point, it zipped right by Huiquing, who was running in the opposite direction. Shaking his head, Jack put a new ARO on Huiquing was now, and then shot a new message off to the drone to change course.
<<@Team [JustJack] Alright, take the last drone and the other guy heading toward Huiquing. Not sure what we're doing with him yet, but if he thinks we're rescuing him, he may drop his guard>>
<<Now that she knew the location of the rigger, Mel gathered herself to strike at him. Still dealing with the degraded signal of trying to hack across grids, she began a ferocious fugue, one designed to shatter the robotic icon into pieces. Unfortunately the notes warped and bent as the crossed from one grid to the other, and as they hit the rigger's firewall they changed, rebounding back at Mel, infecting her deck with the virulent code that should be attacking the rigger's Persona instead.>>
The man behind Huiquing started to pick up speed, "Xiānshēng, xiānshēng, qǐng shāo hòu!"
Feb 16 2015, 02:49 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Reaching for his clip of APDS, Sisco slams it into the gun, as he watches Snap throw magical energy at the man following Huiquing. The ball of energy slammed into the man's chest, almost knocking him down.
He aimed down the sight of his Ingram, ready to finish the job if Snap couldn't. Another ball of energy flew past him, this time missing the man wildly, and he heard Snap call out in pain behind him.
Snap stemmed the fresh flow of blood from her nose, feeling the pain from the binding early come back in full force. Damn it, now what we needed right now!
Feb 17 2015, 08:24 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Holding her head in pain, Snap fought back the pounding in her head and focused her Astral energy inward. She could feel the headache lessen, her breathing getting a little easier as the spell took effect, but was getting worried. I can't take much more of this.
Sisco aimed down his scope at the man following Huiquing. Don't know which side this guys on, I don't want to kill him if I don't have to. A quick burst, and the man cartwheeled to the ground, although not before screaming in agony as several of the Discarding Sabot rounds punched right through his armor into the flesh beneath. He moved slowly, making piteous cries as he clutched his leg. Well, I didn't kill him, but I don't think he's going to be happy.
<<Mel had decided she had had enough of the constant interference of the terrible connection she had on this side of the FRFZ. Having already hacked the local grid, she "stepped" from one to the other. The signal immediately became stronger, everything coming into focus, and she felt herself for the first time since she crossed the border.>>
While this was going on, Jack pulled up the AR feed from the Fly Spy overhead. The bodies of the various Triad members were sprawled out where they had fallen, and the smoking wrecks of the drones could be seen where they lined the perimeter of the woods to their north. More troubling was the house itself. Lights were coming on all over the house, illuminating the inside and the area around it. While Jack couldn't see anyone exiting the house at this time, it was clear that security systems were beginning to come online.
Huiquing himself, stumbling forward at a dead run, is now only 25 meters from their position. Jack looks down his barrel, keeping his gun on the goon that Sisco had kneecapped.
Feb 18 2015, 08:47 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
Seeing Huiquing getting closer, Sisco struggles to stand, grunting as he shakes off the pain from the bullet wounds. He starts to run toward Huiquing, trying to remain non-threatening, yelling out to him, "Gēn wǒ lái, xiānshēng!"
Seeing her teammate's move, again shifts the energy of her Mass Confusion spell onto Huiquing. The older man, almost insensible with pain and distraction, seems shift direction, staggering toward Sisco.
<<With the interference gone, Mel redoubled her efforts, the notes increasing in volume, the sound shaking the digital air of the Matrix as she launched her attack against the enemy rigger. The robot-like Persona began to vibrate as well, its arms and legs shaking as the volume increased, until the music reached its crescendo, and the robot shattered into a thousand pieces, vanishing from the digital landscape.>>
Jack VII
Feb 19 2015, 05:12 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075As the sound of small arms fire hit a lull, Jack focused on their situation. Sisco had taken a light hit and Snap was looking a little wobbly. That didn't bode particularly well, but then none of them could have anticipated an all-out attack on their target happening at the exact same time as their attempted break-in.
Fate sure is fraggin' fickle...With Huiquing stumbling their way, the ork sent a message to the team.
<<@Team [JustJack] Everyone okay? What's the plan with the 50,000
man? Whatever security system they have in the house is booting up right now, so we may need to consider aborting. As it is, I'm not sure if those items are going anywhere anytime soon, unless they were the target of the attack, in which case we're fragged anyway. Thoughts?>>
Feb 19 2015, 09:32 PM
Chen Huiquing's Estate, CAS Zone, 4:57 AM, September 12, 2075
<<Mel screamed exultantly as she watched the rigger's persona shatter. Sonic reverberation raced through the "nerves" of her digital being. Clenching her fists, she centered herself.>>
<<@Team [Melpomene] Y'all won't have to worry about the rigger, at least for the moment. As for us, I think getting the artifacts is going to be orders of magnitude harder than two minutes ago. Huiquing is a solid consolation prize, though.>>