The Sixth World is based on our universe to a not small degree and while technology developed a bit different the foundations are the same, the science behind it is the same and the thoughts people have when designing something are not that different.
This said I can’t wrap my head around the new Matrix. If find the whole idea as presented in Data Trails so stupid that no amount of suspension of disbelieve currently helps me overcome this.
So I wanted to get you opinion on this and thusly turned from a long time reader into a first time poster.
I also want to add that this started with Technomancers, while Otaku made sense to me I also think Technomancers should not work in the context of the Shadowrun Universe.
But now to my point about the matrix.
Let me start with a quote from Data Trails:
In sum, hosts hold humanity’s labor. It’s where we shape our evolution and destiny.
Hosts are what makes the matrix and according to this quote hosts are essential for our existence. This might be hyperbole but not to far from the truth, the matrix in the Sixth World is essential for civilization.
Another quote:
It would appear nobody understands the Foundation. Even the masters of the Matrix, the powers-that-be that supposedly control things, don’t seem to exactly know what’s going on.
THIS is the problem I have!
The matrix is technology, science, not magic and wishes. Actually it was established from the beginning that magic and technology don’t do well together.
So even with the matrix so vast, so huge that nobody can know the extent of it, the technology behind it, the science is something people should… NEED to know.
Why would the corporate world, after two devastating crashes make something and then depend on it for there very existence if they don’t even have the slightest idea about the scientific basis of it?
This goes against logic, self-preservation and basic human survival instincts in my opinion.
And how does this even happen? A system designed by (meta)humans even one so vast and based on such distributed computing (that is what the matrix is) does not suddenly change it’s scientific and technological principals to such a degree that nobody understands it.
What is interesting is that hosts aren’t computers. A host does not exist in a server. You can’t grab a computer and say “this is a host.” Hosts exist in the Matrix. So how do you “get” one? Again, the Foundation comes up. From what we understand, hosts are molded, grown, some designers say from the raw stuff of the Foundation.
This makes no sense as well. As is said the matrix is technology and has to run on something. In 4e my understanding was that this is basically distributed computing. The matrix runs on you commlink, nexus, toaster, t-shirt and all the other stuff.
With 5e they did not rebuild the matrix, they just rewrote the protocols and did something they don’t understand and is fundamentally idiotic?
Again…why would a corporation store their life blood, their most valuable information somewhere they not only can’t control, they also don’t even know where it is physically and scientifically.
Imho it would be more realistic if the Corporate Court looks at the matrix as it is described in Data Trails and goes “Nope… scrap that we start a new!” because nobody understands it, it is unnecessary complicated and at best dangerous as hell.
The whole idea behind the new matrix protocols was more control for them…. But they gave up all control of the technology, scientific basics… the things that actually matter for controlling the matrix? They gave up all physical control of their information?
Building a new matrix from scratch would be less risky by a factor of infinity!