QUOTE (tisoz @ Aug 15 2017, 01:23 PM)
Thanks for not really helping,
I think even if some of the responses recorded here weren't helpful to you, it looks to me as if they were intended to be helpful to you.
I was trying to figure out a combination of using the Programmable ASIST Biofeedback from CC.68 (not related to the
PABX of yesteryear) on a "conduit" metahuman who was sustaining "Control Thoughts" on the Free Spirit in order to relay all the PAB reprogramming into the spirit's mind. It could make a pretty interesting campaign arc: tracking down which megacorps have PABs; which might have been researching magitech crossovers; decking your way into their research files to find out one that had been successful... but it'd all be quite hypothetical since ASIST and Spirits can't talk to each other normally.
QUOTE (Cochise @ Aug 15 2017, 04:55 PM)
That kind of ordering bound free spirits and ally spirits with unlimited services is what always struck me as a bad thing with SR. So either way this has large portential of disrupting the gaming group on so many levels that I'm not sure that it's worth the trouble.
Someone once said:
QUOTE (tisoz @ Sep 10 2003, 03:13 AM)
it would just be another reason not to ever let players be able to bind a free spirit in the first place. NPCs however...
QUOTE (Acenoid @ Aug 15 2017, 07:37 PM)
how were the "true names" visible? The spirit has to tel it to the player and usually it wouldnt do that. So someone must have written it down or smth?
They wouldn't have had time to write down the True Name. A Free Ally only gets its True Name the moment it goes Free (MitS.114 - it supplants the original Ally Formula, and is located at the Citadel of an Astral Quest on the home metaplane, which was chosen by its designer: MitS.108), and it tends to use its next action to snap back to its home metaplane before anyone can snare it. But in that moment between it checking for freedom and getting an action, a conjurer can wrest control of it (SR3.189). Besides, it is established that the PC
has already bound the Spirit so the narrative fast-forwarded through all that. What was "smth"? It's not ItNW...
You're right though that there are contradictions. "You are to use all your abilities to oppose any attempt to free you." could have the Spirit paralyse the master so that he never gets out of bed in the morning. After, it's very dangerous getting out of bed - he could choke on his synthflakes or be run over by an autotaxi while crossing the road. Safest place is to just stay where you are where nobody can hurt you and your pocket prisoner can care for you!
Still, it's a lot better than an End User Licence Agreement!
QUOTE (tisoz @ Aug 15 2017, 01:23 PM)
He has no ill will toward the spirit. In general, he is on great terms with the spirit world, but he knows he just enslaved a being that has no idea what this new master has in store for him. Maybe it is as evil and nefarious as all the posters suggested as far as the spirit knows. My question was what commands would one give to survive until the spirit can judge for itself?
Does this indicate that in this game, there are scenarios where slavery is quite OK? In the real world, I think slavery is one of the few conditions under which breaching extraterritoriality is endorsed. We suggested ways of making the slave
want to be on the bottom while the character wears the pants, but without something like that it's going to resent being locked up. A Free Spirit can provide Services to anyone it chooses; if it were free it could travel the world all day and all night at Fast Astral Movement rates earning karma far more efficiently than the player character can feed it (even with a sleep regulator). Think of the spirit like any other living being with its own hopes and plans; if
you were abducted from your workplace by a stranger and were set to work in his basement for an unspecified duration in exchange for food, would
you think that sounds like a great deal? Even after six months of regular gourmet meals delivered to your dungeon by such a caring friendly considerate captor, what's the probability you would still want to stay?