There you go. Let me know what you think. One thing I have left out for now is Contacts.
Height 1.68m
Weight 56kg
Eyes Green
Hair Blonde
Skin White
Ethnicity Slavic
Special Obvious Cyberlimbs (both arms and legs)
Metatype C : Human (5)
Attributes A : 24
Magic or Resonance E : -
Skills A : 46/10
Resources A : 500,000¥
Body 1+3 4
Agility 1 1[9]
Reaction 1+5 6
Strength 1 1[6]
Willpower 1+4(+2) 5(7)
Logic 1+4 5
Intuition 1+4 5
Charisma 1+4 5
Edge 2+5 7
Essence 2.61
Initiative 1d6+11
Physical Damage Track 14
Stun Damage Track 12
Physical 8
Mental 8
Social 7(8)
Cyber Singularity Seeker 12
Prototype Transhuman 10
Jack of all Trades, Master of none 2
Biocompatibility (Cyberware) 5(10)
First Impression 11(22)
Allergy (Antibiotics) (Uncommon, Moderate) -10(0)
SINner (National, Natalya Romanova) -5
Poor Self Control (Vindictive) -5
Prejudiced (Organized Crime) (Common, Biased) -5
Wanted (Vory) -10
Firearms 6
- Automatics 6
- Longarms 6
- Pistols 6
Influence 4
- Etiquette 4
- Leadership 4
- Negotiation 4
Gymnastics 6
Locksmith (Maglock) 6
Sneaking (Urban) 6
Unarmed Combat (Cyber Implants) 6
Pilot Ground Craft 1
Swimming 1
Con 6
Perception (Visual) 6
Computer 1
First Aid 6
Survival 1
Fashion & Style 3
Night Clubs 3
Organized Crime 2
Security Systems 2
Street Drugs 1
Street Gangs 1
Russian N
English 4
German 4
Euphemia Leon, Fixer (Munich) (Connection 6, Loyalty 1)
Dr. Ivana Novotny, Street Doc (Munich) (Connection 3, Loyalty 4)
Mickey, Troll Bouncer (Sky Dome, Munich) (Connection 3, Loyalty 3)
Joey, Barkeeper (New Dawn, Munich) (Connection 4, Loyalty 2)
Rowdy Cooper, Gun Range Owner (Munich) (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
Toxin Extractor 5 (1.0) 24,000¥
Left Cyberarm [A6, S6] (alpha) 0.7 54,000¥
- Agility 3 [3] 23,400¥
- Armor 3 [3] 10,800¥
- Optimization (Longarms) [2] 2,400¥
- Hand Razors [2] 1,500¥
- Cyberlight [1] 660¥
Right Cyberarm [A6, S6] (alpha) 0.7 54,000¥
- Agility 3 [3] 23,400¥
- Armor 3 [3] 10,800¥
- Optimization (Longarms) [2] 2,400¥
- Hand Razors [2] 1,500¥
- Cyberlighter [1] 660¥
Left Cyberleg [A6, S6] (alpha) 0.7 54,000¥
- Agility 3 [3] 23,400¥
- Armor 3 [3] 10,800¥
- Optimization (Longarms) [2] 2,400¥
- Large Smuggling Compartment [5] 9,600¥
- Hydraulic Jacks 4 [4] 12,000¥
Right Cyberleg [A6, S6] (alpha) 0.7 54,000¥
- Agility 3 [3] 23,400¥
- Armor 3 [3] 10,800¥
- Optimization (Longarms) [2] 2,400¥
- Cyber Holster [5] 2,400¥
- Hydraulic Jacks 4 [4] 12,000¥
Auto-Injector (alpha) 0.035 600¥
Expanded Reservoir (alpha) 0.035 300¥
- Jazz (6) 450¥
Datajack (alpha) 0.07 1,200¥
Image Link (alpha) 0.07 1,200¥
Smartlink (alpha) 0.14 4,800¥
Vision Magnification (alpha) 0.07 2,400¥
Sound Link (alpha) 0.07 1,200¥
Tetrachromacy 0.1 8,000¥
Savalette Guardian 870¥
- Silencer (Barrel) 500¥
- Guncam (Side) 350¥
- Flashlight (Under) 50¥
- Personalized Grip 100¥
- Custom Look 300¥
- Extended Clip (100%) (2) 70¥
- Spare Clip 5¥
- APDS Ammo (30) 360¥
- EX-Explosive Ammo (30) 360¥
- Stick-n-Shock Ammo (30) 240¥
Enfield AS-7 1,100¥
- Smartgun System (Under) 200¥
- GasVent System 3 (Barrel) 600¥
- Easy Breakdown (manual) (Side) 750¥
- Personalized Grip 100¥
- Sling 15¥
- Extended Clip (100%) (2) 70¥
- Spare Clip 5¥
- Shot Ammo (50) 100¥
- EX-Explosive Ammo (50) 600¥
Ares Desert Strike 17,500¥
- Smartgun System (Under) 200¥
- Silencer (Barrel) 500¥
- Easy Breakdown (manual) (Side) 750¥
- Personalized Grip 100¥
- Sling 15¥
- Spare Clip 5¥
- APDS Ammo (30) 360¥
Zoé Executive Suite 2,000¥
- YNT Softweave 2,000¥
- Nonconductivity 6 1,500¥
Securetech PPP Arms Kit 250¥
Securetech PPP Legs Kit 300¥
Securetech PPP Vitals Kit 350¥
Ballistic Mask 150¥
Transys Avalon Commlink 5,000¥
- Sim Module 100¥
- AR Gloves 150¥
- Satellite Link 500¥
Credstick (Standard) 5¥
Credstick (Silver) 20¥
Credstick (Gold) 100¥
Credstick (Platinum) 500¥
Contacts 3 600¥
- Vision Enhancement 3 1,500¥
Glasses 4 400¥
- Flare Compensation 250¥
- Low-Light Vision 500¥
- Thermographic Vision 500¥
- Ultrasound 2 200¥
Ear Buds 3 150¥
- Audio Enhancement 3 1,500¥
Lockpick Set 250¥
Gecko Tape Gloves 250¥
Survival Kit 200¥
Biomonitor 300¥
Medkit 3 750¥
Medkit 6 1,500¥
Medkit Supplies (6) 600¥
Low Lifestyle 2,000¥
TOTAL 497,420¥
Natalya was born without arms and legs. Her russian parents weren't rich, but they wanted their child to live, so they spent all of their money on expensive genetic treatment, which was necessary to give her a fighting chance. Luckily, she was born in a time, where cybernetic prosthetics are pretty common. Unfortunately, they were also pretty expensive, so she had to make do with fairly basic models during her early life. When she was older, her parents borrowed enough money from a local crime organization, the Vory, to buy top-notch cyberlimbs for their daughter. That turned out to be not the best idea, since they fell behind payment and eventually the Vory seized Natalya as part of their payment to make her work for them in one of their clubs as a dancer. She was pretty good at that, actually, and befriended some of the enforcers who were willing to teach her some skills, especially combat-related. She was eager to learn to fend for herself, being sure that someday it would be necessary.
That day came when her parents were in trouble with the Vory again. This time, they went too far, though, and Natalya's parents were killed during the debt "reminder". She snapped and created a bloody mess with the ones responsible, after hunting them down. That was also the time, when she had to leave russia for good. She went west, naturally, towards central europe, where she found her way into the shadows and continued with her life as a shadowrunner.