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I'm still waiting for Raiderj's chara.

But thanks for the heads-up. Game beginns in Monday.
Sounds good.

Ah, and by the way, is we lost that a bit the last time: shadowruntabletop appears to be up, running, redesigned and nicer than before. I don't know how you like dumpshock but I really prefer our good ole shadowruntabletop and it seems to be stable now, I think. At least, there are pbps running. What do you think?
Spoilers don't work over there, which is the main reason I still prefer Dumpshock (say what you want about this place, but it is really stable)
Ah, okay. Yeah, without spoilers, it's really lame. Okay, let's stick to the place.
Alright, seems like we are only four players after all, unless Raiderj makes a surprise resurgence tomorrow.

We'll obviously make a split start and hopefully be able to unite the two groups soon.

So stay tuned...
Four's a good number, and four reliable players are better than five unpredictable one.
Ready to ruuuuumble smile.gif
I had found two really great pictures that (in combination) perfectly described Raph, even with a spirit befitting his tradition (sort of). But, smartass that I am, I didn't save the URL, only the pictures themselves and now I cannot find the URLs for the life of me.

So, I searched for a different one (why is almost every mage-like image either a maniac covered in flames or the next Mister Universe? There are no average-looking, averagely sane mages on the internet! biggrin.gif ) and came across this gem: Except for the chain and magical shenanigans, this fits Raph decently well.

So, unless I stumble upon the actual pictures again, I would like you to look at this one to get a gist of how I imagined Raph smile.gif
[img] [/img]

EDIT:For eyes and glasses, this fine gentleman is a great reference (I also really like the style! Only the talisman is, naturally, a cross in Raph's case):

I don't own anything of them blabla, all credit goes to the owners n stuff.
Hey guys! smile.gif

Are you still looking for an extra player?

While I do like mages a lot, I would have no problems making a non-awakened character (probably street sam or rigger or a mix of both would fit in well?).

I can definitely keep up with the time commitment.

Let me know. smile.gif

Well, there is still room and the story hasn't progressed too much yet.

Another streetsam would be most useful at the moment, but a Drone Rigger or Adept wouldn't be amiss either.
Cool! smile.gif

Let me see what I come up with tomorrow, and I will get back to you.

Yeah, I think I am gonna just go the street sam route.

I saw that bnc has a control rig, so he is, technically, also a Rigger. smile.gif

Currently looking into how to spend the money. Even 500k¥ melts away pretty quickly. biggrin.gif

Alright, don't hesitate to ask if you need any infos on background etc.
Ok, here's what I have been thinking, background-wise...

[ Spoiler ]

I'm mostly done with the stats and equipment, just need to finalize things, then you can have a look. smile.gif

Sounds good. I might already have an idea how to introduce you, but the details will depend on the final stats.
There you go. Let me know what you think. One thing I have left out for now is Contacts.

[ Spoiler ]

Just one question to imagine her by... Are the cyber legs/arms obvious or synthetic?
She seems very powerful, actually quite impressed.
They are obvious cyberlimbs. They are, usually, hidden under clothing (and gloves), though.

You will get a description, of course, once everything is settled.

And yes, she certainly is pretty powerful, but with SumTo14 Prime Runner creation you will get that. wink.gif

Overall, she is about on par with Sharky, I think.

More tanky... much more. Only flaw I see is low'ish initiative for a combatant. Though I assume that this is what the auto-injector is for. Cyberlimbs are really nice!
QUOTE (Gilga @ Aug 3 2018, 03:00 PM) *
More tanky... much more.

A bit more for sure, but not that much, actually. He has Bone Density Augmentation and Orthoskin, which also add quite some tankiness; plus a better defense pool. smile.gif

Only flaw I see is low'ish initiative for a combatant. Though I assume that this is what the auto-injector is for.

Yep, it's the cheap alternative, if you cannot afford a real booster. Not quite as good and only temporary (and not much help in surprise situations), but at least it's something.

Cyberlimbs are really nice!

They sure are. But also costly. They literally cost you an arm and a leg (or two). spin.gif

Only problem I see is that agility of one going to 9. Maybe I'm misreading this, and it's talking about the max value or maybe it's not the rules for Prime Runner generation, but
QUOTE (Core @ Core pg 94)
Keep in mind there are three restrictions when it comes to purchasing gear. First, when purchasing augmentations such as cyberware and bioware, each attribute rating (Mental and Physical) can only receive an augmentation bonus of up to +4. If the attribute being raised has not reached its natural maximum limit, the attribute can be raised naturally with Karma; but at no point can augmentations exceed the +4 bonus cap.

Something I'm more confident in is that the final agility for most actions won't be 9, it will be 4. Core pg 455-456
QUOTE (Core @ Core pg 455-456)
Cyberlimbs have their own Strength and Agility ratings. When a particular limb is used for a test (such as leading an attack with your cyberarm), use the attribute for that limb (natural or cyber); in any other case, take the average value of all limbs involved in the task. If a task requires the careful coordination of several limbs, use the value of the weakest limb. The attributes of partial limbs (including cyberhands and –feet) may be enhanced, but their attributes only apply for tests directly involving those limbs (such as a Strength Test when gripping something with an enhanced cyberhand).
The "problem" with cyberlimbs is, that they circumvent that +4 rule, since they do not add to an attribute, but completely replace it (as does the Shapechange spell).

That is one of the two big advantages they offer (that, and the Armor upgrades you can install in them).

The average of the limbs is still the same as if you use one, though, as all four limbs are replaced. It's the average between the four limbs, not the average between natural and cybernetic value. For dice pools you never use the natural attribute.

The one thing, that is a little vague or uncertain is how Limits are calculated. In the german rules, it is clearly stated, that you use the cyberlimb attributes, if you have all four replaced (and only then), which is what I have used for now.

Since I use the German rules too, that's how I'm handling this as well smile.gif
If anything turns out to be too strong or anything, we can still make changes later on. I don't see a problem there. smile.gif

Anyways, I still need Contacts. Should I just put them together, or do you want me to use some existing Contacts also?

You can use contacts of your own - just make sure they are from the southern ADL/Austria

And don't worry about being too strong - there are other ways to challenge players wink.gif
Ok. Contacts are there now. smile.gif

Sounds like a fun concept, like the mixture of fighting skills and social skills.
Looking forward to meeting her smile.gif
I generally try to be a bit more versatile and not just a one-trick-pony. And since we are starting at a higher level, why not branch out a little. smile.gif

Yes it actually seems that all our runners except bnc are sort of socials... Though we have no dedicated face. I think we can get really good with teamwork rules and such.
I will copy my character sheet to the OOC thread. Seems like the better place for it...

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