Feb 25 2022, 04:32 AM
It's a viable option. You don't know how far it might get you, but you think you have a chip to play with the mayor from your Thanksgiving job at the Fun House.
Feb 25 2022, 11:55 PM
Good discussion. Everyone has said something correct, although I won't identify what.
Are we fast-forwarding to the evening then?
Feb 26 2022, 06:16 PM
We're actually going to rewind a bit. I've been debating about this but I want to play it out because it's potentially important.
Jack pushed things forward a bit too far when flew straight home as a seagull. The hawks were waiting for him outside the garage and aren't going to be deterred by a larger target. They're going to attack Bobby the Seagull.
Hawks' initiative:
1d6+8 13@JackRoll initiative. You can't lose the roll so go ahead and declare your actions and roll as needed.
Feb 26 2022, 10:22 PM
Sorry, didn't mean to jump the gun here - I just didn't realize the hawks were more than flavor text. (Provided they aren't disguised drones or spirits, those aren't really a challenge)
Feb 27 2022, 09:27 AM
Technically I was going to send Trouble to keep an eye but you moved quickly for me. Let's flow with it as is.
Feb 28 2022, 10:12 PM
Feel free to add that Trouble is keeping an eye on the astral for him - should those falcons be something else than normal birds of prey
Mar 1 2022, 01:41 AM
He'll just use the animal control power to keep them at bay
Mar 1 2022, 05:32 AM
Apologies for the delay; my wife and son have been sick for the last week and a half. I can feel myself fighting it - and so far I've been winning - but I've been flying solo on keeping everyone intact.
Hawk resistance:
Logic + Willpower:
2#4d6t5 2 hits 3 hitsThat second hawk almost beat it, but not quite. Bobby's net hits don't beat their Willpower but they're going to rethink things. They'll break off; combat complete.
Mar 1 2022, 08:51 PM
Well, better than the alternative of you being in the Ukraine and fighting for your live there...
Wish you all the best for you and your family, get well soon!
Mar 2 2022, 01:27 AM
Sorry you have been dealing with health stuff int he family, Tecumseh. I hope your kids manage to dodge it.
Mar 2 2022, 02:11 AM
I think he's past the worst of it, although it lasted much longer (10 days) than usual. Now it has passed to my wife, where it is migrating back and forth between her lungs and her sinuses.
Meanwhile, the tree pollen count is very high and so my eyes are burning. Part of me wonders if I'm fighting what they have or if it is just seasonal allergies.
As for Ukraine, I find myself being somewhat preoccupied these days. My company CEO sent an e-mail out saying, "I'm feeling distracted; it's okay if you are too." I appreciated that. My grandfather's family is from southern Poland and I still have distant relatives there (that, admittedly, I haven't spoken to since the 1990s), so it all feels just a little bit more relevant than the usual world conflict.
Just to see if I have the B&E plan straight, the idea is that Bobby transforms into a weasel, cuts a hole in the glass, slips inside, prepares the explosives for transport, then Jawsey's spirit brings them back to the car? AM and Jawsey on Matrix and Astral overwatch, respectively.
I suppose my primary concern from a practicality standpoint is how Bobby is going to get up to the window. Weasels are good climbers but the walls are cinder blocks / concrete masonry units, which don't readily lend themselves toward being climbed.
If we're doing Weasel Pants
TM then I suppose Gecko Gloves for Weasels
TM is not out of the question. For convenience we'll say that there's no rain in the forecast, although this is somewhat unrealistic for February in Seattle
Mar 2 2022, 03:29 AM
Spirit lifts Bobby up, perhaps?
The Ukraine situation is certainly distracting at the least. We had the omnicron wave, as it started receding my city had its core occupied by trucks and protesters for over three weeks before the federal government finally invoked never-before-used emergency legislation to help clear the problem away (setting a precedent that is worrisome), and just as that situation was being literally cleaned up, this war started. It feels like every time we go "Phew, finally that is over" then something worse happens. I don't have any personal connections to the Ukraine, but my company has a substantial office in St. Petersburgh, Russia, and my group was about to be working with them on something, but due to sanctions they've been essentially cut off from the company (the stuff we work on is covered by the sanctions), so I am reminded that this Putin is bringing pain to his own country with this, too.
Mar 2 2022, 06:44 AM
I was thinking Trouble/spirit can use psychokinesis to pick the weasel up from a distance weasels are not that heavy.
@Tec sorry to hear you guys are sick. We've been having a lot on our plate health-wise but luckily it is the grandparents. So we all are fine. The feeling of flying solo is shared, I stay home to look for the kids and my wife goes looking for her family.
Ukraine is an interesting angel from over here because it feels very close as Israel has a very large diaspora of ex-soviet,
and many of them have relatives staying behind, and we also have many people going to study in Ukraine (possibly the lack of language barrier). So many many people are trying to help their families get out of there to the point where there is an unprecedented internal political pressure to take refugees in.
It also feels very relevant because Russia has military bases on our northern border, and we managed to keep good relations with them until now. So there is a very heated political debate about how much we can be involved in this conflict without alienating Russia.
Mar 2 2022, 04:13 PM
I wasn't going for a weasle to go up - but I found Weasle Pants to be funnier than Squirrel Pants
But yes, just flying up with a spirit would be also an option - provided we can do so unobserved at this point. Otherwise, I'd put my Weasle Pants on my western gray squirrel body to climb up and break in.
As for the Ukraine, I just got off the phone with our PR Agency in Poland. People are massively worried - it's a bit like an abusive ex turning up drunk in front of your home. I'm certainly not in favor of getting into Shadowrun History with the start of the Eurowars...
Mar 3 2022, 01:39 AM
Calling up a spirit F5, man, optional power phychokinesis
summon F4+1=5 spirit of man:
11d6t5 6spirit resist:
5d6t5 2drain resist vs 4:
13d6t5 8Nice rolls! 4 services, no drain.
Mar 3 2022, 04:05 PM
Body Boost:
9d6t5 3Taking squirrel form (based on domestic cat):
Shapechange F6:
16d6t5 7B3(6) A6 R4 S3
Drain resist:
11d6t5 2No Drain
Focused Concentration
Mindlink with Trouble
Mindlink F3:
15d6t5 7Drain resist:
11d6t5 1Taking one point of physical damage - not a good start, but I need my edge for the demolition rolls
Don't think I need a climbing test, but just in case:
6d6t5 3 (-3 included for sheer brick wall - using strength for small animals somehow doesn't translate well through the rules)
Breaking and entering through a window is likely a Locksmith test, despite not actually picking a lock
7d6t5 3Followed by Demolion tests - don't know how many packets I can reach that won't be missed from below, but I'll make three for the moment and add more if there are more to make
8d6t5 0[8d6t5=2, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 1, 2] and right at the start, I use edge - no glitch, but no successes isn't how I want to start either
Demolitions Edge:
8d6t5 2Demolitions:
8d6t5 3Demolitions:
8d6t5 4A steady improvement
For the moment I'm just describing the climb up and break in.
Mar 3 2022, 06:47 PM
A bit too beat to post - I'll try to get one tomorrow.
Mar 3 2022, 07:12 PM
I would suggest that a rat or a ferret would be a better baseline for a 1.5kg squirrel, but it probably doesn't matter much other than an attribute point here or there.
The climbing rules are making me roll my eyes a little bit. I see the -3 modifier the book suggests for a brick wall, which seems fairly absurd as it implies that anyone sufficiently strong can just... muscle? ... their way up a flat wall. For "realism" purposes I would prefer the psychokinesis approach we discussed earlier, but ultimately it doesn't matter as there's a viable workaround available.
It would make a little more sense to me to Mindlink with AM and have her spirit-summoner connection relay things to and from Trouble, but - same as above - it probably doesn't matter much. I guess I would have a question about whether the Mindlink would persist across planes if Trouble materializes and dematerializes. To the degree that it's a mana spell it may not matter, but there's a part of me that thinks that being on different planes would break it. (Although if Bobby is assensing the whole time and Trouble is dual-natured then maybe that solves it... but then Bobby assensing impacts his ability to use Demolitions...)
How is Bobby using Demolitions? He doesn't have the skill. I presumed he would be using the Analyze Device spell, but it wasn't cast.
Mar 3 2022, 07:50 PM
Bobby has the Demara power
This power grants the adept the ability to use an un-
trained skill at minimal effectiveness after watching a per-
son or recording of a person using the desired skill. Once
the adept has watched their reference material for at least
one hour, they can use the skill as if they have a skill rat-
ing one. This knowledge remains effective for a number
of hours equal to the adept’s Magic Attribute. The ability
does not provide any Karma assistance in learning a skill
through character creation or advancement.
Mar 4 2022, 05:30 AM
I am not entirely sure why we want to make noise? AM would do it but do explain is Bobby breaking the window? Trouble is with him with psychokinesis power that can open it, or perhaps put out the glass neatly.
Mar 4 2022, 09:30 AM
If Trouble can do that - all the better - will edit my post - might even be possible to put the glass back in than too
Mar 7 2022, 06:28 AM
As for Demara, that's not something we RPed in advance. Again, I'm not as worried about the mechanics since there's a workaround available with Analyze Device, but we should at least pay some narrative lip service toward setting up Demara. It's somewhat questionable whether watching AM (with Demolitions 1) would be sufficient, as her expertise is limited and the available equipment with which to demonstrate is even more limited. Nor is this the type of content (in terms of videos) that's readily available via Matrix Search. There are ways around the issue, but we should explore those and work our way through them. Perhaps a flashback when the time is right.
Are we going with the distraction or not? I'm not sure if the goal was to cover up the cutting of the glass or popping out the circle. Cutting the glass will make a coarse, scratching sound. It's a quiet night - no rain or wind or storms this time - so there's less white noise in the background.
Once inside, we'll need a Sneaking roll from Bobby. Alternatively, if we just want to keep this psychokinesis thing going, then Bobby could just get levitated to where he wants to go since that's probably the quietest away to move around.
Mar 7 2022, 08:31 AM
I did in fact mention it twice
http://forums.dumpshock.com/index.php?show...t&p=1358375As for videos: I'm pretty sure there are online resources on bomb defusal basics in SR - since I watched two on YouTube before writing my post 😄
If necessary I could use a tutorsoft to reduce learning time to zero per the rules in core (rating one skill can be taught in one day, every hit on instruction test reduces learning time by one day, so tutor rating 2 would be enough to buy one hit)
The distraction was mainly meant for breaking the glass, but if the glass cutter is that loud, it would probably be a good idea to get one anyway.
13d6t5 2Certainly not my best sneaking roll.
Mar 7 2022, 09:43 PM
I didn't know those previous posts were in reference to Demara. I thought that perhaps Bobby had spent some karma on Demolitions, which would also be viable.
I wouldn't take our current (2022) state of information decentralization to be the same as what to expect in the Sixth World. If we're going to ratchet up the corporate dystopia to a 10 then we need to put almost all information behind a paywall and/or actively suppress whatever the corps frown on. A tutorsoft it probably one of the more realistic approaches, if only because it allows some corp to wet their beak.
Did anyone play Alpha Centauri in the late 1990s or early 2000s? There's a quote from the game which always seemed directly relevant to Shadowrun: "Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart, he dreams himself your master." That pretty much what the corps want to do.
As for the glass cutting, I was laying in bed last night looking at the ceiling and thinking, "If we just keep this psychokinesis thing going, why don't we just have the spirits telepathically open the window from the inside?" Then Bobby can float through the place nice and quietly and Sneaking isn't as relevant.
I presume this is agreeable to everyone but I'll ask first to make sure, or if there's a potential complication that I've overlooked.
Mar 7 2022, 09:56 PM
I'd agree with that, but for a single fact: There is still a massive amount of shadow content in the matrix. Sure, you can't find stuff like that in the Ares net or any of the other big corps, but the public matrix has still loads and loads of suspect corners. Shadow forums abound on all possible topics, not to mention polyclubs discussing their personal favorite things and sharing homemade media. The core book even talks about the failed struggle of the corps to completely get the new matrix under control.
It's finding stuff like that, that can be a problem. But then, Bobby has a high Intuition and one dot in computer
And yes, I've not only played Alpha Centauri - I've still got it installed and play a couple of rounds now and then

As for the spirit materializing and opening the window...
I didn't realize those were windows you could open.

I assumed a window high up under the ceiling meant just to let in some natural light. But of course if has a latch to open it, psychokinesis would be the way to go.
Mar 8 2022, 01:14 AM
Well in my head it opens from the inside, but I guess the caveat would be that you wouldn't necessarily know if the window has an alarm or a sensor. You don't think that it does because AM doesn't see an icon for it, but maybe there's something hardwired that would only show up if you hack into the host...
I'm not sure I've played Alpha Centauri in 20 years. I played it a lot in college.
Mar 8 2022, 01:50 AM
I guess the flipside to all this psychokinesis is that the spirit needs to be materialized to do it, but most spirits suck at Sneaking.
GM-Nissan Doberman:
Pilot + Clearsight:
6d6t5 1 hit@Beta, gilga The Hunter Brother isn't going to be very good at Sneaking; Trouble will be better, plus Concealment can eat up almost that entire dice pool.
The Demolitions tests are Extended tests against a threshold of 8. Bobby doesn't need to use Edge (his second roll) unless he wants to preserve that dicepool of 8.
If he uses Edge, then the first satchel is done (8 hits) and can be transported (probably) without detonating.
If Bobby wants to preserve the Edge, he could roll 4 dice to get the remaining 1 hit he needs (currently has 7).
Mar 8 2022, 02:12 AM
What is the status of lights, inside and outside the workshop?
For sure it will be better to use Trouble for this part, since it has the powers with limited services, and the force would be the same.
and now knowing that the window can be opened, the process would likely be:
- Jawsey and Trouble go into the workshop in the astral, and Jawsey uses his 11d6 astral perception to identify the window latch, and shows it to Trouble (and keeps pointing at it)
- Trouble materializes in a place hopefully obscure to the drone, uses concealment on itself, then uses psychokinesis to unlatch and open the window.
- Jawsey pays close attention to the drone to see if it starts behaving suspiciously (challenging from the astral, so here is a roll:
11d6t5 5 )
Mar 8 2022, 02:19 AM
Lights are off inside the garage.
There are lights on outside: like street lights illuminating the parking lots of the business complex. These seem to be for security purposes. Some of this light is coming in through the windows. Overall conditions inside would be Dim Light in most places.
I suppose that does bring up a question about how Bobby is seeing in the darkness, especially up in the rafters. Some quick internet research suggests that squirrels have great vision during the day but have a hard time seeing in dark, nighttime conditions.
Mar 8 2022, 11:39 AM
4d6t5 1Alright, I'll keep the edge for now.
If there is low light environment and an open window I'll change shape to a
pygmie raccoon.
Shapechange F6:
16d6t5 5Drain resist:
8d6t5 4No Drain
Handing the packet off to psychokinetic transport seems to be our best bet.
Going for a second packet:
8d6t5 1Demolitions:
7d6t5 3Demolitions:
6d6t5 1Demolitions:
5d6t5 1Demolitions:
4d6t5 1Ok, this is getting really dicy - Orokos likes to keep it tense
3d6t5 2And done.
Mar 8 2022, 08:42 PM
There are just the two satchels available. Nothing else is readily accessible.
Mar 9 2022, 10:24 PM
@gilgaYes, if you want to give commands to the drone then the best way is to go through the host. With her 6 hits, AM easily gets a MARK on the poor Huge's host.
And, yes, Orokos has had database issues for a couple weeks now.
The roll results are stored sequentially. If your rolls are right after each other, you can often adjust the last digit to find them.
For example, the 1-hit roll was:
https://orokos.com/roll/935764Since we know the Edge roll was made right away, we can just check roll
945765 and there's the zero-hit roll:
Spoof command edge:
11d6t5 0 hits And it looks like you made one more after that, which wasn't necessary but further cements AM's terrible luck with spoofing commands:
Spoof command:
12d6t5 2 hitsSo that's 3 hits on 36 dice, which is very lamentable. Not just 1st Percentile rolling, but 0.05 Percentile rolling.
But, in any event, thank you for your honesty.
The bad news is that the Spoof doesn't work. The host successfully defends, immediately gets one free MARK on AM's persona, and immediately spots her.
Let's roll for Initiative. Physical for Bobby and Trouble, Astral for Jawsey and the Hunter Brother, Matrix for AM.
Huge's Host:
Matrix Initiative:
4d6+8 19Edit to add: in a nod to IC/OOC separation, we'll need Trouble to inform everyone else that something went wrong. So anyone who beats Trouble's initiative should probably hold their action until Trouble tells them what's going on.
Mar 10 2022, 09:42 AM
Sometimes the dice just disagree.
I tried again because I did not feel that letting the drone get a mark on AM was that much of a big deal (it is the drone, not the host) so I do not expect it to hack or anything, perhaps raise an alarm as he did.
Why are Bobby and Trouble in combat? Are they detected?
Init - trix:
8+4d6 17Init -:
10+2d6 17
Mar 10 2022, 11:30 AM
12+4d6 23Bobby is ready to run, but as a raccoon my sneaking is likely much better now
12d6t5 5Yeah, I say, it's the natural eyemasks of the raccoon that let's me get away with breaking and entering
Mar 10 2022, 12:44 PM
I posted in the IC:
25: Bobby - (acts in 17?) - sneak out of window.
19: Host (Spawn a patrol IC?)
17: AM (informs/reboot).
17: Trouble tries to distract the drone/dematerialize.
Mar 10 2022, 08:41 PM
Apologies, I often use "combat" synonymously with "combat turns / initiative passes".
Trouble and Bobby have not been detected; nothing is attacking them (yet). But we do need to move the action into the granular view of combat turns and initiative passes so that everything is proceeding at the same pace.
Current state of things at the start of Combat Turn 1, Initiative Pass 1 (CT1, IP1):
Matrix: The alarm has gone off in the Matrix. No IC has launched yet but presumably some will soon.
Astral: Nothing has changed in the astral.
Physical: Nothing has changed in the physical world. No alarms are going off, no lights have come on. The drone is still staring at the open window.
Now on a character by character basis:
Jawsey is on the astral, oblivious for the moment. I presume the Hunter Brother is on the astral too but this is up to Beta.
AM is in the Matrix, inside Huge's host, which is freaking out.
Trouble is materialized (to use psychokinesis), but is dual-natured on the astral. When it's Trouble's turn, Trouble can inform Jawsey and Bobby that an alarm has been sounded.
Bobby is in the rafters of Huge's garage in the form of a small raccoon. The drone hasn't moved and is staring at the open window. Even with Concealment, Bobby won't be able to sneak out the open window with the drone staring right at it; he would be detected because you don't need Perception checks to see something obvious (thus Concealment won't help).
Bobby has several options, as I see it. One, create a distraction that diverts the attention of the drone, then go out the window. Two, just go out another way (like a door) since the alarm has already been tripped. Three, electrocute the drone, since the alarm has already been tripped. Whatever he does, escaping will require some movement. Jack, what's Bobby's movement speed in his current form?
Mar 10 2022, 09:40 PM
Bobby is at AGI 6, so sprinting for 36 m in one round - plenty of movement to get out of the window.
Bobby is basically holding his action until the promised distraction arrives from Trouble. Thanks to psychokinesis that could be as easy as picking up an object on the floor and throwing it in the opposite direction of the window.
Bobby would use that opportunity to scramble down the rafters and out of the window.
Mar 11 2022, 12:32 AM
Tec, are there racoons around Seattle? Anywhere where there are raccoons, finding that one has broken in and is messing around is a pretty normal event (but of course given the alarm and the missing explosives someone might put things together).
Something not clear to me from the rules: can you erase other people's astral signatures? (and anyway can you clean up an signature left by spirits?)
Jawsey init: 10+3d6
astral init:
10+3d6 17Once Trouble let's Jawsey know of the err, trouble, Jawsey checks for any signatures that could be cleaned up, and gets to work on that.
Mar 11 2022, 06:00 AM
@BetaYES, I spent 19 years on Council Island which was absolutely silly with raccoons. That said, I never knew them to break into a building. They would run across our porch and our roof, but never broke in nor ventured inside.
Also, what's "normal" might be lost on the drone's dogbrain.
As for astral signatures, the primary things to be erased are: 1) Bobby's F3 Mind Link, 2) Bobby's F6 Shapechange, 3) Trouble's F5 Psychokinesis, and 4) Trouble's F5 Concealment. You basically want to spend 1 Complex Action scrubbing for each point of Force. For convenience, we'll count all of those once rather than counting each instance of shapechange and psychokinesis separately, so a total of F19 That's probably about 7 Combat Turns' worth of actions for Jawsey, depending on how well he rolls for Initiative. It's unclear if the Hunter Brother could contribute to this effort but I don't see why not. It would count as a service.
@JackBobby is about 4 meters off the ground; the window is about 2 meters off the ground. Bobby could take a running jump, I suppose, but then he'd subject himself to some falling damage. Plus, the rafters are basically smooth metal beams. Bobby could probably slide down one like a fireman's pole but running along them at top speed will require some balance. Depending on the combination of running and jumping, we might be making some Gymnastics tests.
From the IC post, Bobby handed off the satchel to Trouble, so Trouble will need to use psychokinesis to move/retrieve the explosives. However, Trouble's Psychokinesis has the same limits as Magic Fingers, namely your invisible "hands" can't be more than a meter apart. So if Trouble is in charge of the satchel and a distraction, the Trouble will either have to A) create the distraction with his body, or 2) create the distraction with the satchel (gulp). There are plenty of things for Trouble to knock over with his body, but doing so will draw attention to Trouble's position. I'll leave that to gilga to decide.
@gilgaIn addition to the decision-making about Trouble, I need to point out that AM is in VR. Rebooting or jacking out without switching to AR first will subject AM to dumpshock (p. 229), which is
6P for being in hot-sim.
So with the above understanding in mind, let's revisit the initiative sequence while adding the opposition:
4d6+12 18IC:
4d6+9 1925: Bobby - hold action until 17
19: Host - spawn IC
19: IC - spawned, waiting for CT1 IP2
18: Doberman - hold action
17: AM
17: Trouble
17: Jawsey
??: Hunter Brother?
Mar 11 2022, 06:25 AM
What kind of action is it to switch interface to AR? I was thinking I can do both.
apparently, it is a simple action so AM would change to AR simple action, then reboot/turn off the deck which may be another complex action(?) so delayed to phase 2?
Mar 11 2022, 09:28 AM
Switching to AR is a simple action - instead of jacking out, you can hit the reboot button on your deck manually, that way you can safely reboot with one complex action.
I'll take the gymnastics tests.
At this stage we should consider to blow up the place by spoofing Huge's biomonitor, once we are safely away.
No traces of us stealing, and revenge for Mato
Mar 14 2022, 10:02 PM
So, who are we waiting on?
Mar 14 2022, 10:56 PM
Waiting on me. I was single-parenting all weekend and never found a chance to break away.
To answer gilga's question, probably the fastest/easiest thing to do is just spend a complex action to exit the host. The IC won't pursue out of the host (...I think) and thus she can disconnect at her leisure.
Unnecessary rules-based tangent: As for switching to AR (Simple Action) and then Use Simple Device (another Simple Action) to turn off / reboot the cyberdeck, there's a disconnect between the action economy in the Matrix - where Reboot Device is a Complex Action - and the physical world, where's it's just a Simple Action. In order to align the two, I'm inclined to think that rebooting in the physical world should be a Complex Action too. Just as we don't press a single button to instantly turn off our devices - we hold down a button and then usually click something to confirm - it seems like future devices would have a similar process to avoid accidental shutdowns. That's just my take. End tangent.
Alright, so AM skeedaddles out of the host, Trouble chucks a screwdriver, Jawsey scrubs the background count, that leaves Bobby. Here's what CT1 IP1 looks like so far:
25: Bobby - hold action until 17
19: Host - spawn IC
19: IC - spawned, waiting for CT1 IP2
18: Doberman - hold action
17: AM - exit host
17: Trouble - throw screwdriver
17: Doberman (held) investigate screwdriver
17: Bobby (held) - running jump
17: Jawsey - command spirit, communication (as the IC is more than can be transmitted with a Free Action)
17: Hunter Brother - scrub background
Bobby has an excellent roll to maintain his balance across the rafters and then take a flying leap out the window.
Falling 4 meters takes about 1 second. Bobby has three IPs so he'll spend his second IP falling. I suppose transforming into a different shape is an option, although we have to be mindful of what forms might be compatible with Weasel PantsTM. Falling damage would be 4P -4AP, soaked by Body alone since I don't think Bobby is wearing armor.
Alternatively, it would be possible to make an intermediate jump down - say 2m - during this IP and then jump out the window during IP2. This saves the falling damage and allows Bobby a bit of flexibility to adjust course during IP2 if he desires. But it does leave him in the garage and somewhat exposed rather than exiting the garage immediately.
Mar 15 2022, 08:35 AM
For small animals, falling damage should be reduced, due to lower terminal velocity

Anyway, I'll go for a parkour style jump to the window sill and from there a front flip to the ground for a bit of momentum transfer to rotation (and because it looks funny in my head)
12d6t5 5 After that full run into the night, so hopefully no-one notices the Weasel Pants
Mar 15 2022, 04:35 PM
Bobby's jump happens in CT1 IP2, but since he acts first he gets to go before everyone else. So he's out the window.
I presume AM is still switching to AR in order to reboot later. She has a Simple Action to spare.
Now the goal is to get Trouble out of the garage with the satchel.
15: Bobby - jump out the window
9: Host - nobody around to see
9: IC - nobody around to see
8: Doberman - investigate noise
7: AM - switching to AR
7: Trouble - ???
7: Jawsey - scrub background
7: Hunter Brother - scrub background
3: Huge - ???
Action to Trouble.
Mar 16 2022, 05:50 AM
Trouble would use the psychokinesis power to grab the explosives and drop them outside the window. He'll do his best to remain hidden (needing only to dematerialize to leave the place unobserved).
Mar 16 2022, 09:31 PM
Hmm, what would the movement speed of Magic Fingers be?
Levitate is strong (Force * 200kg) but slow (Force = meters per combat turn).
Magic Fingers is weaker (Force = Strength) but the speed is uncertain. Lacking guidance, let's use the regular movement rates, so Force * 2m per combat turn for "walking" and Force * 4m per combat turn for "running". We'll use Trouble's Force = 5 as the baseline.
That makes the "running" speed = 20 meters per combat turn, about 24kph. Sounds about right. This is Trouble's 2nd initiative pass so we'll say that the satchel moves 10 meters this initiative pass. It will be able to exit the window during CT2 IP1.
Alternatively, Trouble could "throw" the satchel, which would be faster but would require a test to hit the open window. I'm not sure Trouble has any relevant skills to this test so it would probably be defaulting, so Agility 5 - Defaulting 1 = 4 dice. It's a medium-sized window so 2 hits to get it through cleanly, or 1 hit to have it get through but clattering a bit on the way out. 0 hits means it misses and makes a bunch of noise, although you could potentially try again (or just finish the regular Magic Fingers levitation) during CT2 IP1.
There are possible implications to this so I'll let gilga decide before moving forward.
Mar 16 2022, 09:46 PM
Before we throw explosives: What kind of explosives are we talking about?
Dynamite (probably not, since that isn't save to leave lying around longterm due to sweating nitroglycerine) or Anfo (safish, but needs pretty heavy duty initator), or the good stuff like C4 or TNT (hard to get but for longterm use the safest option).
Mar 16 2022, 11:23 PM
Well, I have some explosives experience so it makes me a bit cautious with explosives. If the accelerator is in and all that Bobby did was disconnect the wires then the packets are still very volatile and should be handled with care. Shaking or throwing them may explode them and it is really not a good way to move them either.
If bobby removed the accelerator then the explosives should be stable enough to toss but the accelerator would not be - and while exploding of just the accelerator is not lethal it would mean we'll need to buy new explosives. So as there just has to be a volatile ingredient in there - hell take the safe approach.
Mar 16 2022, 11:24 PM
I say we does AM feel up to more hacking? If we can erase the file of what the drone saw, then running the explosives out makes sense, followed by trying to blow the place up.
If she doesn't then maybe go for the throw and take our chances.
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