Aug 29 2003, 05:47 PM
From all descriptions, Hualpa seems to be trying to do right by the people in Amazonia. Trying to prevent widespread famine, poverty or corruption. Granted he doesn't allow them any representation in the government, but he does try to pull off the benevolent dictator routine.
So what's with the Toxic shamans? Why does he do nothing to curb their activities or their development?
The problem I suspect is Sirrurg. If he's following the same pattern he did as Usun in Earthdawn, then he's set himself up his own private jungle preserve in Amazonia where life is a constant struggle for survival. ( Imagine a place so brutal it makes the rest of the Amazonia wilderness look tame. ) To survive in such a hellish place would unhinge any shaman. Enter the toxic avenger shamans.
What does this suggest? That Hualpa's control of Amazonia is not absolute. That Sirrurg has claimed a chunk of it and maintains his own private army of fanatic shamans. Were a serious disagreement occur between them..... Things could get ugly fast.
Aug 29 2003, 06:22 PM
You're really having fun with this book aren't you, booklord?
Ancient History
Aug 29 2003, 08:54 PM
If Sirrurg is Usun, then I highly doubt he's in league with the toxics.
More likely, the dragons don't consider toxics the same way we metahumans do.
Aug 30 2003, 12:31 AM
If Sirrurg is Usun, then I highly doubt he's in league with the toxics. More likely, the dragons don't consider toxics the same way we metahumans do. |
Different attitudes for different dragons. Just because the other dragons, notably Kaltenstein and Hestaby, seem to work to root out toxics doesn't mean Sirrurg would. Given his low opinion of metahumanity he probably encourages it. Alamais is another who seems to not mind toxics working for him.
Kanada Ten
Aug 30 2003, 01:17 AM
Arleesh didn't "show up" until after the foundation of Amazonia, but that doesn't mean it wasn't her. Perhaps she had hoped to for an alliance with Hualpa but this toxic antagonism with Sirrurg drove a wedge between them causing her to seek out a domain of her own. Which means that Hualpa sided with Sirrurg on the issue of using toxics ("desperate times" "look what they've done to this world"). So the mysterious dragon splits and "appears" as Arleesh.
I wonder if/how Arthur Vogle fits into that; any ideas?
Could he actually be Sirrurg (or the mysterious dragon) or one of his voices, and Dunkelzahn was warning him of the Toxic path meaning Amazonia's avengers? It would explain where Sirrurg is keeping himself or how he keeps an eye on the world.
Ancient History
Aug 30 2003, 02:59 AM
Usun/Sirrug didn't/doesn't like anything on two legs. I'd lay dollars to pesos the toxics weren't his.
Aug 30 2003, 03:54 AM
In Earthdawn times Usun shared his jungle domain with a group of humans known as the Tamers. These tamers followed a primitive and fierce existance in an awakened jungle hell. Despite the fact that Usun abused the hell out them and ate a couple of them, he allowed them to live. They in turn respected and feared the dragon and adopted his philosphy. Survival of the Fittest.
It is quite possible that Sirrurg has repeated his "Tamer" experiment deep within the Amazonia jungle. These toxic shamans would be the likely result. Toxics that believe in reverting back to a primitive lifestyle and that life should be a constant struggle for survival. A danger to any who do not share their philosphy.
Hualpa would probably like to curb the toxics activities, but fears that striking openly against them would bring him into opposition with Sirrurg who most likely encourages the toxics' rampages as they are weeding out those unworthy to survive.
Kanada Ten
Aug 30 2003, 04:38 AM
Booklord Hualpa would probably like to curb the toxics activities, but fears that striking openly against them would bring him into opposition with Sirrurg who most likely encourages the toxics' rampages as they are weeding out those unworthy to survive. |
Or does he wish to keep them as a weapon of last resort? The benevolent dictator with the big stick safely tucked away... Of course, Sirrurg is a creature of freewill...
Could Sirrurg or Hualpa actually be under the control of the other? Dragons are mighty to mortals, but to each other... It wouldn't be the first case of a "toxic" magiker controlling a front mage.
Aug 30 2003, 05:58 AM
It could be Mujaji, though I don't think so.
It's highly doubtful that it's Arleesh. She has little concern for the affairs of the world beyond her own personal... "Agenda".
Kanada Ten
Sep 1 2003, 12:53 AM
Ancient History
Sep 1 2003, 01:25 AM
A Lesser. Said Three Greats.
Kanada Ten
Sep 14 2003, 10:24 PM
Name Hualpa Inca The name Hualpa gives you a strongly independent and highly creative nature, with drive and ambition to have experiences and accomplish things out of the ordinary. You can work intently at whatever is new and holds your interest at the moment, but your interest wanes quickly when drudgery and monotony set in. Obstacles to your progress or restrictions on your freedom to act create a sense of frustration which may cause you to feel resentful and even rebellious. You can then become intolerant of others, and caustic and belittling in your expression, thereby imposing stress on your personal relationships. Although you have a clever, quick, capable mind, your progress in life is restricted by instability in your affairs and misunderstandings with people. Your impulsive nature can lead to actions which you later regret taking, or to accidents. Relaxation is elusive, and depletion due to nervous tension can develop to the point where you become subject to moods of depression and morbid thoughts. |
Good job naming this dragon.
And Quetzalcoatl may be the third, unknown dragon. If so, I would expect him to stay in human form most of the time and be trying to convince people that human sacrifice is bad.
Ancient History
Sep 14 2003, 10:49 PM
If the Quetza existed, why wouldn't he be in Aztlan? The shamanic state religion is mainly geared toward him as the Plumed Serpent totem, the Gestalt was apparently all blood mages rather than shaman, as was Darke. D'you think the force behind Aztechnology is hermetic (or believes hermetics easier to control) and sufficiently powerful to intimidate a Great Feathered Serpent?
BTW, kudos on the name. Mad researching skillz, you, K-10.
Kanada Ten
Sep 14 2003, 11:39 PM
If the Quetza existed, why wouldn't he be in Aztlan? |
I don't think so.
Quetzalcoatl fought against using human sacrifice... Though that might explain the other group in Aztlan -the Shamans who are now getting a chance to appease the powers.
Tezcatlipoca is the dark sorcerer who uses his magic powers over death as the villain to oppress the people, while Quetzalcoatl is seen as their saviour. Though myth makes it unclear if Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl are merely yin and yang, unseperable or actually separate entities. I would think Quetzalcoatl would fight Tezcatlipoca and having a proxy base -such as Amazonia- wouldn't hurt.
Tezcatlipoca might be the corrupted dragon behind Aztlan... or not. It could be Huitzilopochtli... though what either go by now (Solaris <cough>).
Ancient History
Sep 15 2003, 12:39 AM
Huh...reminds me of something from way back when...some RPG where scientifically advanced Native Americans genegineered corn into four sacred colors and planted them in ritual patterns or something.
Still, even if the focus appears to be on Tezcatlipoca, certainly all the mojo is being funnelled to the great teocalli of Quetzacoatl in Tenochititlan.
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