Feb 21 2005, 09:24 PM
Douse and astrally perceiving character with a smart-link (brought with essence) get the smart-link modifier when shooting?
torz x
Feb 21 2005, 09:26 PM
I don't think any digital readout could be read while you are astrally perceiving. I guess the question would be "could you use an image link while perceiving", to which I would say no.
Feb 21 2005, 09:38 PM
oh and another thing, still seeing through your eyes, surely the smart gun display overlayes the images coming in just like it would with thermographic vision.
torz x
Feb 21 2005, 09:48 PM
What about for dual-natured creatures?
Feb 21 2005, 10:03 PM
How i've always felt astral perception uses something more like your minds eye than your actual eyes, hence why a blind man can use astral perception even if his eye were ripped from his head. so the digital overlay of the smartlink would not apply.
Feb 21 2005, 10:08 PM
except that, when a mage uses astral perception, he's got access to his normal sight and his astral vision. i believe the smartlink would apply.
Feb 21 2005, 10:08 PM
From the BBB, p171:
Many Awakened characters can perceive the astral plane from the physical world. This ability is called astral perception. Known as “the Sight” among the Awakened, astral perception does not rely on physical vision in any way; it is a psychic sense. |
Feb 21 2005, 10:37 PM
yes, but it doesn't replace your normal vision, any more than thermo, hearing, or smelling replaces your normal vision. it's merely another sense that you can access.
Feb 21 2005, 11:13 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
yes, but it doesn't replace your normal vision, any more than thermo, hearing, or smelling replaces your normal vision. it's merely another sense that you can access. |
I'll buy that argument, although I will mention the usual penalties for being astrally perceptive and trying to fire a gun: blanket +2 to your shot, background count modifiers (+1 to +5, depending where you are... most violent gunfights are background count of 1 minimum), and astral visibility penalties, as well as the fact that you will be an "astral beacon" for astrally active entities unless you are also Masking. Also, you would still suffer the usual penalties for your normal vision, like smoke, flashpacks/glare, etc. In most cases, it's just not worth it.
Feb 21 2005, 11:36 PM
i'm pretty sure the strong emotions have to be present for an extended period of time (an hour, a day, etc.), or be extremely emotional (crime of passion).
Feb 21 2005, 11:47 PM
I'm guessing there's a PC somewhere intent on shooting invisible targets through Astral sight. You get a +2 to TN for astrally perceiving, -2 for Smartlink. It's only fair and it makes finding the TN a snap as a bonus!
Feb 21 2005, 11:52 PM
plus, using astral perception makes you both vulnerable and a target for enemy mages.
Feb 22 2005, 12:29 AM
QUOTE (mfb @ Feb 21 2005, 06:36 PM) |
i'm pretty sure the strong emotions have to be present for an extended period of time (an hour, a day, etc.), or be extremely emotional (crime of passion). |
Well, about the extreme emotion: On page 83 and 84 of MitS, it lists extreme emotion, positive or negative. It specifically mentions "the emotions common during acts of violence also generate this effect." Under Level 1 in the Background Count Levels Table, it says any place where background count was briefly or recently generated, which includes any site where violence was committed within the past hour. At the very least, I'd say the death of a metahuman life leads to a temporary increase in the Background Count by one... multiple/mass deaths may lead to an increase by two points. This is assuming an astrally-naive area that doesn't already have an established background count... different effects would probably apply depending on the location. For example, a hospital would have a background count of 2, and probably would only increase to 3 if unspeakable acts of violence were committed.
The White Dwarf
Feb 22 2005, 10:50 AM
To shoot at a target on the physical plane yes. To attack and astral target, no. The smartlink requires a pyhsical target to calculate ballistics to etc; an unmaterialized spirit, for example, lacks this component for the device to work off. Note that in this case they would still suffer the +2 tn modifer for performing a totally pyshical action in addition to the SL modifier. IMO.
Feb 22 2005, 05:12 PM
QUOTE (Charon) |
I'm guessing there's a PC somewhere intent on shooting invisible targets through Astral sight. You get a +2 to TN for astrally perceiving, -2 for Smartlink. It's only fair and it makes finding the TN a snap as a bonus! |
Aren't the gun cam and range finder part of the smartlink system able to see an invisible target automatically as they are highly processed technological devices?
Feb 22 2005, 05:28 PM
Sure, the range might jump as you wave the gun about, other than that, no, they can't, and thats only if the spell wasn't high enough force (4-5) to affect them anyway.
At best, it'd give you a reason to try blind fireing at the invisible person.
Feb 22 2005, 06:22 PM
I am going to side with the +2 for astral perception while performing a mundane task, -2 from Smartlink.
In addition, as many people have stated, all the modifiers for both astral vision and
physical vision should apply IMO.
It still may be better than blind fire, but not by much. Also, as a GM I may just bump your TN to blindfire levels to keep the game rolling because it would be time consuming during combat (the slowest part of the game anyway) to calc out an accurate TN for both sets of modifiers.
Feb 22 2005, 07:02 PM
i don't see why all the mods from both physical and astral perception should be applied. astral perception is close enough to "seeing", i think, that it should follow the rules for multiple vision systems--ie, only the best modifiers (for the character) apply. if your target is a glowing figure lit by the glowing ground, i really don't see why darkness modifiers should make any difference. besides, invisibility imposes a vision modifier. why would you take a +8 TN to hit a figure that you can not only see, but which glows in the dark?
Feb 22 2005, 07:23 PM
QUOTE (Jrayjoker) |
In addition, as many people have stated, all the modifiers for both astral vision and physical vision should apply IMO. |
Isn't the Astral effectively, "well lit" or purposes for vision to Perception/Projection? I'd replace the vision modifiers with background count, or the growing one as you gun down opponents.
Feb 22 2005, 07:59 PM
Right you are. I still have a feeling that the two should overlap with more difficulty that the rules allow right now, but that is just me. And I can house rule it later if I want to.
Feb 22 2005, 08:00 PM
QUOTE (mfb @ Feb 22 2005, 02:02 PM) |
i don't see why all the mods from both physical and astral perception should be applied. astral perception is close enough to "seeing", i think, that it should follow the rules for multiple vision systems--ie, only the best modifiers (for the character) apply. |
This is not quite true. If you have thermovision active (cybernetically or with magic/adept power depending on your game) and you run into Thermal Smoke or Thermal Glare, you take additional penalties by virtue of having Thermovision on. You can shut off the thermovision but you will still suffer the penalties for Glare afterwards.
Same thing with Astral Perception. You cancel out light/dark visual penalties, but you will take astral vision penalties, just as you would if you had Thermovision on and you ran into thermal smoke or thermal glare.
Feb 22 2005, 08:09 PM
I don't know, the overlap of astral and mundane vision is made pretty clear, and the different modes of cybervision are just that, discrete. I could see taking the better of two situations (magical versus mundane) with the +2 pentaly for using both as sufficient to satisfy the rules.
I still have the gut feeling that it should be harder though.
Feb 22 2005, 08:13 PM
Oh, another thing: Astral Perception only cancels out Light penalties. All other penalties are still applied per the Astral Perception LOS rules (there is an entry for heavy smoke/light smoke), and you still take penalties for flashpaks/Glare without Flare Comp.
Feb 22 2005, 08:23 PM
the +2 tn represent the consentarion you must exert to astrally purseve. Simular to a deker or riger interacting with the RW while riging or deking.
Yes you get the binifit of a SL2, but it just counters the astral perseption penalty. you still hafta deal with vision modifiers for the sense you are using to primarly aim. The SL2 modifier would not work, on a invisabel target unless the Gun has a sensor that is not efected by the invis. laser sight are vision and thear for usless agins invis.
Target Imp Invis.
SL2 w/ sonic raneg finder (alows for SL2 binifits)
no sonic raneg finer no binifits( SL can not lock onto target )
Astral per. may let you know where the target is, but not the gun. The gun, or SL must be abble to target the target to get it's binifit.
Feb 22 2005, 08:26 PM
the flare/flash thing is kinda dumb, but within the rules for multiple vision systems.
Feb 22 2005, 08:36 PM
QUOTE (Shaudes29) |
the +2 tn represent the consentarion you must exert to astrally purseve. Simular to a deker or riger interacting with the RW while riging or deking.
Yes you get the binifit of a SL2, but it just counters the astral perseption penalty. you still hafta deal with vision modifiers for the sense you are using to primarly aim. The SL2 modifier would not work, on a invisabel target unless the Gun has a sensor that is not efected by the invis. laser sight are vision and thear for usless agins invis.
Target Imp Invis.
Mage: SL2 w/ sonic raneg finder (alows for SL2 binifits) no sonic raneg finer no binifits( SL can not lock onto target )
Astral per. may let you know where the target is, but not the gun. The gun, or SL must be abble to target the target to get it's binifit. |
Damn man is English NOT your first language or are you just too lazy to spell?
Feb 22 2005, 09:57 PM
Here's the deal. When you astrally perceive, you're extending your senses into the Astral while maintaining your physical senses. So everything that you normally have that would apply to your physical senses would still apply, and everything that would apply to your astral senses would also apply.
Therefore, smartlinks would still apply--it just makes a cursor in your field of vision. As it's been noted though, it does no good against a purely astral target because there isn't a weapon in existence that benefits from a link that could hit a purely astral subject. I'd allow it to grant its -2 in that case...just cause of how it works and because it's a futile effort anyway.
Astral perception is translated by most as sight. It's technically not, but you'll note that Magical PCs receive fewer points for the Blind flaw--they can get around doing their main job pretty well without it. Just a thought.
Anyway, Astral perception requires no real effort--that idea's dead wrong. The +2 modifier is due to the confusion that results from perceiving both realities at the same time and then trying to affect only one. It doesn't apply to purely magical activities.
The White Dwarf
Feb 23 2005, 11:34 AM
Ive always thought of it as the astral perception over-riding your physical senses. Theyre still there, but the astral ones overlay them and seem to stand out. Which is why you get a +2tn for a purely physical task while percieving; it forces you to disassociate from the astral world, a distraction to be sure.
Regardless, the smartlink modifier isnt just because of a targeting recepticle. Its because the computer involved figures out where to put that receptical based on the range to the target and the environment around you. Its not just a little crosshairs like some 8bit videogame display, its an automatically calibrated scope that operates anywhere you look with any weapon you hold. None of that calculation is possible against a target that is solely astral. So the modifier should only apply to phsysical or dual-natured targets, in which case the above +2 would also apply.
Feb 23 2005, 03:08 PM
it should not apply to an invisible target that the gun is unable to get a range on.
Feb 23 2005, 03:14 PM
QUOTE (Shaudes29) |
it should not apply to an invisible target that the gun is unable to get a range on. |
Agreed, but the improved invis spell (invis it would work just fine on) would have to meet or exceed half its OR to affect it.
Feb 23 2005, 03:20 PM
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
... but the improved invis spell ... would have to meet or exceed half its OR to affect it. |
This is still highly debatable.
Feb 23 2005, 03:23 PM
I agree, and I see the side that says the imp invis spell is only targetting the person going invis, not everything perceiving the person. However, it does affect anything perceiving the invis person, and to affect a technological device, it has to meet or exceed half the OR. Thats my take on it, as its within the letter of the rules, and maintains a sembelance of balance in regards to the imp invis spell.
Feb 23 2005, 03:46 PM
QUOTE (hahnsoo) |
This is not quite true. If you have thermovision active (cybernetically or with magic/adept power depending on your game) and you run into Thermal Smoke or Thermal Glare, you take additional penalties by virtue of having Thermovision on. You can shut off the thermovision but you will still suffer the penalties for Glare afterwards.
Same thing with Astral Perception. You cancel out light/dark visual penalties, but you will take astral vision penalties, just as you would if you had Thermo vision on and you ran into thermal smoke or thermal glare. |
I would point out first that you don’t get greater penalties for thermal smoke if you have thermo vision. If you don’t have thermo vision it is the same as smoke, the thermo smoke means that thermo vision is no better than normal vision.
I would break down modifiers into 2 categories. Cat 1Things that stope you from seeing (darkness, smoke) and cat 2 things that distract or blind you (glare, background count).
When perceiving astraly your vision modifier incorporates all cat 2 effects and the lesser set of cat 1 effects.
Eg, vision modifiers active.
rain 1
Pore lighting 1
Background count 4
Distant flash pack 1
Astray preserving and performing physical action 2
Because the heavy rain and bad lighting are not problems on the astral it can be removed. The back ground count, the flash pack and the preserving penalties are all distractions that draw your attention away from your task and will still apply.
For convenience I would probably use the lesser penalty with the 2 point penalty for using boath
As to wether the SL works, I believed a SL didn’t incorporate a rangefinder or gun cam as slandered (these being separate optional extras you can buy). Thus I believed that the SL mapped your body position and marked in your field of vision the projected points of impact at various ranges.
The gun doesn’t know where the target is so instead of telling you when you will hit it draws a line in your field of vision that the bullet will travel. Evon the goggles could do this while you are perceiving and grant the bonus
This would allow you to shoot even a purely astral target and gain the SL bonus, of cause the bullets would pass threw it harmlessly unless they where made out of something like compressed bio fibre or fab 3. the extra bonus for SL2 and rangefinder would not apply unless there was something the rangefinder could detect the range of.
Feb 23 2005, 06:30 PM
QUOTE (Edward) |
Because the heavy rain and bad lighting are not problems on the astral it can be removed. The back ground count, the flash pack and the preserving penalties are all distractions that draw your attention away from your task and will still apply. |
I agree with what you are saying, but I'd argue that heavy rain would impose a visual penalty similar to Thick Fog. If it blocks LOS in the physical world, then it blocks LOS astrally. The degree to which it affects astral vision is listed on the p82 table of Magic in the Shadows.
Feb 23 2005, 07:49 PM
Astral Perception is supposedly a separate sense that has nothing to do with physical sight. Smart link is an enhancement that's specifically linked to make it easier to target things using sight.
If a mundane blind mannd fires at a noise (targeting using hearing), he'd get a +8 modifier for blind fire. If he had a smartlink, should he get -2 to his target number? I would say 'no', because the smartlink only makes it easier to aim with your vision. I would draw the same conclusion for astral perception.
If you're an unaugmented astrally percieving human and aim at a running target in minimal light, I think you'd have two options:
- targeting with my physical vision (TN 4, +6 minimal light, +2 target running, -2 smartlink; adjusted TN 10)
- targeting with my astral perception (TN 4, +2 target running, +2 for coordination physical and astral actions; adjusted TN 8 )
because this is a pain in the rear to keep track of and would slow down combat even more, I'd personally say that if you're astrally percieving then you can't fire with normal vision, but that's probably non-canon.
Feb 23 2005, 07:52 PM
a blind man wouldn't get the -2 modifier, because he wouldn't be able to see the smartlink sight at all. a man who can see can use a smartlink; a man who can see, and who can also use astral perception, can use both senses at once. he'd therefore gain the benefits of both.
Feb 23 2005, 08:04 PM
a blind man wouldn't get the -2 modifier, because he wouldn't be able to see the smartlink sight at all. a man who can see can use a smartlink; a man who can see, and who can also use astral perception, can use both senses at once. he'd therefore gain the benefits of both. |
I guess we'll just agree to disagree, then.
Feb 23 2005, 08:12 PM
whoah, pal. i ain't agreeing to nothing until my lawyer goes over it.
as you noted, though, your view isn't canon. not saying that's good or bad; just saying it is, so there's no confusion.
Feb 23 2005, 08:46 PM
My mage PC looks at a target and aims using physical sight in dim lighting (base 4, plus 6...TN 10).
Then, he astrally percieves, and....
there's an astral construct between him and the target blocking his astral perception.
Can I choose to shoot while targeting with my physical sight and not incur the +2 penalty for astrally targeting? (TN 10)
Do I take +2 to my TN for astrally percieving, even though I'm using my physical sight to take a bead on the target? (TN 12)
Does the fact that I'm astrally percieving mean that I have to aim with my astral perception, making the shot count as blind fire? (TN 12)
If I'm blind firing while using astral perception, do I get the additional +2 modifier for astrally percieving? (TN 14)
If I have a smart link, do I get to chop 2 off my target number in any of the above scenarios?
Feb 23 2005, 08:55 PM
any time you perform a wholly physical action while astrally percieving, you take the +2 TN. that +2 TN isn't a vision mod; it's an i-can't-concentrate-as-well mod.
so, your first option is right out (unless you stop astrally perceiving).
yes, you take the +2 TN, for the reason listed above.
no, it doesn't count as blindfire, because you use the best modifier.
yes, you still take the +2 TN while blindfiring with astral perception. but
you're not blindfiring, in this situation, because the astral construct doesn't
block your physical vision.
yes, the -2 TN for your smartlink applies, because you are physically able to see the target.
Feb 24 2005, 04:48 AM
QUOTE ( Apathy) |
Scenario: My mage PC looks at a target and aims using physical sight in dim lighting (base 4, plus 6...TN 10).
Then, he astrally percieves, and....
there's an astral construct between him and the target blocking his astral perception.
Can I choose to shoot while targeting with my physical sight and not incur the +2 penalty for astrally targeting? (TN 10)
Do I take +2 to my TN for astrally percieving, even though I'm using my physical sight to take a bead on the target? (TN 12)
Does the fact that I'm astrally percieving mean that I have to aim with my astral perception, making the shot count as blind fire? (TN 12)
yes (use whichever is better for you, close your eyes if it helps)
If I'm blind firing while using astral perception, do I get the additional +2 modifier for astrally percieving? (TN 14)
yes when tying to target or observe the physical world at least.
If I have a smart link, do I get to chop 2 off my target number in any of the above scenarios?
yes, in all above scenarios. However if you are blind with the blind flaw you can not have a display link so your smart link will not work. If you are blind due to other causes (blind fold, corneal problems, anything else that dose not affect the optic nerve) you can have the display link and you can get the benefits of a smart link system.
Obviously the above is only my interpretation