sir fwank
Sep 11 2003, 05:57 PM
does cyberlimb quickness effect reaction, i can't seem to find the rule on this.
oh it may be good to note that the character concept has 4 cyberlimbs.
Sep 11 2003, 10:07 PM
Basically, yes. I don't have M&M handy, but the rules are there.
Sep 11 2003, 10:51 PM
M&M p 34. use average quickness of all limbs (natural and cyber) to determine combat pool, reaction and initiative, so ((arm + arm + leg + leg) / 4) for the average.
sir fwank
Sep 11 2003, 10:55 PM
would it also affect the cost of skills? i guess i'm asking if cyberlimb attributes are considered "natural"?
Sep 11 2003, 11:17 PM
Bioware is defined in M&M as a natural attribute increase - cyberware, either muscle replacement or cyberarm limb enhancement is not natural, so it not effect chargen/karma costs for skills
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