Sep 11 2003, 08:02 PM
Greetz Chummerz (smiles evily)...
Got a question...
The MP-5 TX, standard issue military/covert opz weapon of today's military/police forces has found a loving place in my heart...
...but there's a prob...
...the MP-5 has THREE fire modes; Semi-Auto, 3-shot Burst-Fire, and Full-Auto...
A Silencer is used for Single-Action/Semi-Auto weapons, right?
...and a Sound Suppressor is used for Burst-Fire/Full-Auto weapons, correct?
So what does the MP-5 use? It's kind of dumb to have TWO different systems for the same weapon... Is there a piece of warez that accomodates all three modes? (I know the real-world MP-5 can be silenced, and this is buggin' me big time).
...if so, how much, and where do I get it?
...if not, can I have a custom one made?
...gimme a hand here, will ya?
"...better take this; jus' in case..."
Quothe the RaVeN
Sep 11 2003, 08:06 PM
QUOTE (=-_RaVeN_-=) |
The MP-5 TX, standard issue military/covert opz weapon of today's military/police forces has found a loving place in my heart... |
IIRC, the 5-TX (in game terms, not RL terms) is actually analogous to the circa 2003 MP5K (or perhaps teh PDW) - the fluff text in CC even implies that it is a cut down hk-227 - which, in turn, would be analagous to the modern MP5.
Sep 11 2003, 08:16 PM
I'd say it'd fit a surpressor, but it wouldn't be as effective in SA mode because it's not a true silencer, maybe giving -1 to the bonus the surpressor gives in SA.
I honestly can't remember what bonuses the supressors/silencers give a weapon, but if a silencer gives +2 and supressor gives +1, then just go with the +1.
Just my opinion...
The Abstruse One
Sep 11 2003, 08:18 PM
A sound suppressor should be able to work on semi-auto weapons, it wouldn't make any sense not to. It can suppress a 3-round burst or 10-round auto-burst so why shouldn't it be able to suppress a single round. Silencers on the other hand aren't built to handle the volume of automatic fire.
Sep 11 2003, 09:37 PM
Raygun explains supressor tech and has some very realistic rules for supressors, they're kind of complex in that you're going to need to keep his tables of modifiers near by or you could look to his rules for inspiration while making your own.
Sep 11 2003, 10:08 PM
Bravo Otomik I was going to direct Raven there also.
In short, suppressors and silencers are different models of the same item. "Suppressors" can just handle the heat buildup of BF or AF better than "silencers".
Sep 11 2003, 11:41 PM
Got it... Thanx (and my MP-5 thanx ya too!)
Sep 12 2003, 01:03 AM
Although, as Raygun explains, a 'sound suppressor' would probably do a better job of reducing the noise of a single-shot than a 'silencer' would.
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