Sep 16 2003, 04:46 AM
It's pretty straightforward, and although I'm sure it's been done, it has been a while. What's going on with this piece of equipment? It seems grossly broken when the damage and cost/avail are compared to other systems. Do any of you bother to change it? Ignore it? Like it as is?
Sep 16 2003, 04:56 AM
I always thought it should be avail 18 (both launcher and missile), 12000¥ for the launcher and about 2000-3000¥ for the missile.
Sep 16 2003, 05:12 AM
Horribly broken, as far as I can tell. Still, I'll take two. Or twelve. Or a hundred.
Hey, we didn't need that Arcology cluttering up the skyline anyway.
Sep 16 2003, 06:32 AM
HA! HA! I'm sorry, I meant 'No'!
But then again, although we ignore availability in our games, we prohibit the purchase of any Heavy Weapons. We also prevent the purchase of APDS/AV type ammo at Char Gen. The most Heavy Weapon like weapon we'll ever see as a player's character is a Sniper Rifle.
sir fwank
Sep 16 2003, 03:57 PM
our last run the team had 12 dragons. sigh they effectively put every armed vehicle down before they could do anything. but since they are so readily availible why doesn't the corp location have them too? bye bye firetruck...
The White Dwarf
Sep 16 2003, 10:57 PM
When damage codes get that big, theres rarely difference from LAW to MAW to GD-ATGM. Yea its available, yes its huge, but yea its gonna cause some problems to haul around and use. Claymore mines can be as bad or worse, I mean theyre way more concealable. Eventually the players will realize its not practical to default to every run, and at worst have a few stashed in the closet for those runs that actaully require it. And if your players dont, Im sorry...
Sep 17 2003, 12:14 AM
It's not a bad weapon, but with 0 concealability, it IS a hard thing to drag around ('except maybe fer an over-grown mutant troll who uses it as a PISTOL... [smirk])
Sep 17 2003, 02:48 AM
QUOTE (sir fwank) |
our last run the team had 12 dragons. sigh they effectively put every armed vehicle down before they could do anything. but since they are so readily availible why doesn't the corp location have them too? bye bye firetruck... |
It still didn't help.
braum D
Sep 19 2003, 02:57 AM
QUOTE (sir fwank)
our last run the team had 12 dragons. sigh they effectively put every armed vehicle down before they could do anything. but since they are so readily availible why doesn't the corp location have them too? bye bye firetruck...
2? i took ten at char gen.
i was about 1 click away when the entire crew of the fire truck jumped from their seats and primed their recticles. it was great, course i was looking through a the scope of a barret at the time...
but i agree on the practicality issues. they are incredibly useful. that being said noone in their right mind can just walk down the street with one. the only reason i brought so many was the fire truck itself. how hard would it be to hide great dragons on an equipment stripped firetruck? it was plausable...
Sep 22 2003, 07:28 PM
See, the thing that he's trying to get at (and I hope I can clarify this Daishi)
is Ignoring the usefulness of said launchers, comparing them to the others in the same damage code/type (ie: launchers vs launchers) Does the numbers seem a little skewed to you.
For example:
Great dragon: 20D AV
Ballista MK III: 14D AV
Great Dragon: 8/48 hours
Ballista KM III: 18/28 days
I'm seeing that its a little broken yes?
More damage, lower cost, lower avail... hmmm... This is what Daishi's trying to get at, not the reasons why you'd take two (or more) because I could happily say in a standard avail 8 campaign, I carry as many great dragons as I could, and viola, instant chunky salsa. Vehicles? Bye bye! People? Even more bye bye!
He's looking for the reasons why you would/wouldnt fix this apparent brokenness.
Hopefully I nailed that one on the head, if not prod me Eh?
Sep 22 2003, 07:33 PM
I thought the Ballista was a man-portable mortar system? Which the soldier wore on his back and was able to engage targets while remaining relatively mobile.
Which makes it more expensive and complicated all around (I would think).
Sep 22 2003, 08:01 PM
The real brokenness is in the Great Dragon's comparison to generic rockets/missles and their launchers.
Generic Missle:
Intelligence: 4
Damage: 16D (AV)
Avail: 12/14 days

SI: 3
Great Dragon ATGM:
Intelligence: 4
Damage: 20D (AV)
Avail: 8/48 hrs

SI: 2
Easier and faster to get, more damage, and cheaper by nearly an order of magnitude
And then there's the launchers themselves
Aztech Lasher (Generic):
Avail: 12/2 wks

SI: 3
Spike (Generic single-use):
Avail: 10/1 wk

SI: 2
Great Dragon:
Avail: 8/48 hrs

SI: 2
Sep 22 2003, 11:21 PM
I just wish they'd bring back those 6cm(?) unguided rockets you could ripple-fire, and buy in packs of 10, 15, or 30.
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