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Am working on a plot for an upcoming game and can not find any info on what type of spirit Dunalzahn became when he died. Before any one starts screaming I know that some mention was made that he became a spirit in the paperback fictions written a while back. Any ideas?
Herald of Verjigorm
Dragon Ancestor. Similar in concept to the ancestor spirits that some humans can conjure, but a whole dreckload bigger and tougher.
Ancient History
Didn't we do this once upon a time?

Cynic project
Deus Ex Dragonkous!
Cynic, if you're trying to say "The God Dragon", then it would be "Draconis Dei". If you're saying "The Dragon is God", then it's "Dei Draconum est". I think that's it. My latin is a little lacking.
Cynic project
I was trying to say god from dragons. As he is so ubber that he transcends races....
Ancestor spirit? Guess that does make sense. At least it gives me an idea of were to start from. Obviously not cannon but what do you think of such a spirit having a ability like Animal form or human form that allows it to take dragon form? When used with Masking the resulting being could pass itself of as a normal dragon. Well as normal as any dragon ever gets.
QUOTE (Cynic project)
I was trying to say god from dragons. As he is so ubber that he transcends races....

Hm, let me check my Latin dictionary...........

God=Deus, From=ex, Dragon=Draco, thus God from Dragon would be Deus ex Draco (Day-oos Echs Dray-coh). Huh, you were fairly close. eek.gif Sorry if I offended, glad to have helped.
Obviously not cannon but what do you think of such a spirit having a ability like Animal form or human form that allows it to take dragon form? When used with Masking the resulting being could pass itself of as a normal dragon. Well as normal as any dragon ever gets.

Well, in canon, he has no time to manifest and interact with anyone because he is too busy fighting off horrors at the bridge metaplane from Harley's back (it's not like we didn't do that already! sarcastic.gif ).

However, as a spirit, since he is an ancient great dragon and (former) dragon loremaster, meaning he was likely the single most well educated magical entity on Earth, he could have any powerhe wanted to. As dragons go though an astral-only phase in their life anyway, gaining spirit foprm is easier forthem than for flesh-bound metahumans, hence his dragon attributes should enter into the spirit form, too.

When used with masking, given that Dunky was a nth grade initiate (n =< 200), he could pass as any kind of creature whose form he chooses to assume. Yes, theoretically, you could make a roll to see through that. But realistically? Ahem.
Hmm, ansestor spirit... I like this idea.
Side question, could you summon an ansestor spirit and give it a body?

GW wants his brother back........

Did the outcast from earthdawn die?

Edit: And how do you do that spoiler tage in case my players read this? vegm.gif
does this mean that the new cult following he has is giving him Karma so that he can initiate faster?
[ Spoiler ]
See that was what I was thinking. Between the Rift and the Cult some karma should be making it to Dunkelzahn the spirit. I kinda look at the Dunkelzahn's Rift like Graceland and Elvis. People know Elvis is dead but they still go to his home to "worship" him.
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