Jul 4 2005, 06:12 PM
Maybe I'm just as big a moron as I suspect I am but I can't find any info about its release. Will we get to see it BEFORE SR4 or will we have to fill in the blanks afterwards?
Jul 4 2005, 06:33 PM
It should be released before SR4, as it is the world-end-campaign (together with critical error), that changes the face of the sixth world etc. pp.
Jul 4 2005, 10:17 PM
Shadows of Asia sadly missed origins by a day. The Binders didn't get it back to our warehouse in time to ship it. So it should be shipping to distributors this week.
System Failure should be at the printers now, or will be within a week or two, and will ship within the next few weeks, so I would think would be in stores the first week or two of August.
Adam can probably provide more accurate info here though...
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