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Full Version: geas magic loss to ally spirit
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
northern lights
i think you can't do this but could you geas the point of magic you give the ally spirit? i'm almost posative you can't and the only way to do anything similar is to use the ally as your initiation.

someone sort me out.
no, the first point of magic is the first point of the ally's force. Be glad you don't have to pay karma for it . Do it at initiation as you said if you don't want to pay it.
I believe its the Only magic point that you can give up, ungeased, and not go into Burn Out.

Hah! - Here's a use for all those extra MP's a MW Adept racks up. (If he follows the FAQ rules) ohplease.gif
Herald of Verjigorm
Losing some magic doesn't make you a a burnout. Losing all your magic makes you a burnout and abandoning a geas makes you a burnout who still has some magic for a little while.
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm)
Losing some magic doesn't make you a a burnout. Losing all your magic makes you a burnout and abandoning a geas makes you a burnout who still has some magic for a little while.

Thats just being pedantic. nyahnyah.gif
Herald of Verjigorm
No, it's correcting a blatant mistake about what does and does not lead to an inability to initiate. Losing a single point of magic does not prevent later initiations except in two specific cases. First, when it's your only current magic point. Second, if you take a geas for that point of magic loss and then actively choose to never use that geas again in any situation other than an initiation to remove a geas.

You can give up 5 points of magic to augmentation, ungeased, and still initiate.
No, its says right here in MiTS p. 30 that you must take a gea..ahh.. wait a second. Aw nuts.

Characters who lose Magic or Essence and choose against initiation or gease...

Emphasis mine. I missed the initiation bit. nyahnyah.gif
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