May 10 2007, 08:50 PM
I had an idea for a new type of focus, called an armor focus. What it does is gives you an armor with a rating of (force * 2) that can only be used in astral combat. It would cost Force * 10,000, have an availability of (force*5)R, and would cost (Force*4) Karma to bond.
What do you guys think?
Ancient History
May 10 2007, 09:52 PM
Somewhat unbalanced, and doesn't following the usual format for foci. Perhaps as a form of Unique Enchantment. A better solution might be that the Force of the focus adds to the user's Mystic Armor for astral attacks.
May 10 2007, 10:12 PM
*or* you could just use a sustaining focus and put an astral armor spell in it. but, you know, that would like, make sense, and stuff.
May 10 2007, 10:28 PM
yeah, but then i would need to take spellcasting and astral armor and a sustaining focus. My astral conjurer woul dnot be happy with that.
May 10 2007, 11:41 PM
Hmm how about a Casting Focus (need better name).
An limited / specialized form of a sustaining focus.
The casting focus has all the needed 'steps' to cast a specific spell (and maintain it if applicable), all it needs is a mind and a magic rating to power it.
Once bonded to a casting focus the casting focus allows the magically active (note does not need to be a spell caster, but merely requires a magic rating) user to power it to channel a specific spell.
The user is able to determine target but that is all.
The Focus casts a single spell and a force equal to its rating. The spell casting test is Focus Rating + uiser's Magic. The focus is able to sustain the spell (as long as it stay 'active') though can not cast the spell while sustaining. (so a casting focus can only keep a active spell on a target).
Great for enchanters / conjorers / Adepts who normally cant cast spells, but have a magic rating.
Also useful somewhat even for mages, as the 'aura' of the spell will be that of the foci. (NOTE: if bonded the foci is still a link to the owner, but much as a spirit casting a spell, doesnt directly show the summoners aura, same with the foci).
The user takes the drain just like the spell had been cast by them. (NOTE: whether it is stun / physical drain is determined by their magic, not the foci rating, though the foci ALWAYS casts at a force equal to its rating).
Cost: Rating * ?
Bonding Cost: Rating * ?
Availabilty: ?
Probably need to adjust slightly by type of spell.
May 11 2007, 12:17 AM
Or take a spirit pact as a positive quality... there is one that allows you to use one of the spirits powers.
Ancient History
May 11 2007, 02:01 AM
QUOTE (laughingowl) |
Hmm how about a Casting Focus (need better name).
An limited / specialized form of a sustaining focus. |
I know it's not exactly what you're looking for, but I think you pretty much just described an anchoring focus.
May 11 2007, 02:04 AM
QUOTE (IvanTank) |
yeah, but then i would need to take spellcasting and astral armor and a sustaining focus. My astral conjurer woul dnot be happy with that. |
He's probably not overjoyed by the -4 penalty to assensing and astral combat, either.
Honestly, it sounds like you want to get something that essentially duplicates an ability that you would normally get from spellcasting. If I were the GM, I would probably disallow it for that reason.
If you need astral protection, play to your strengths - summon a spirit to tag along as your personal bodyguard.
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