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Full Version: [SprawlSG] When did New Zealand change it's capital city?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I'm just wondering if there's something i've missed in a previous book about moving New Zealand's capital north from Wellington to Auckland.

SSG says Auckland is the capital city, but I can't find anything saying why / when it was moved from Wellington. Hell, the only other reference I found to New Zealand was in House Of The Sun, and even that wasn't much (New Zealand changed it's name to Aotearoa, page 76).

Any pointer's would be helpful.

There is a story behind that which might get told at a later date. Let's just say the Awakening wasn't very peaceful in New Zealand (not that it was necessarily violent as in North Am) and Wellington was one of the losers in a political and cultural shift which ensued and led to the 2060's dual Tribal-Western government system.

For purposes of continuity "Aotearoa" is the name NZ assumed to appease certain powerful internal factions during the transition phase to its current system and remains in common use by the Maori and tribal segment of the establishment.

[edit= just to give some additional context]
In brief the idea was that like many ethnicities and tribal groups that managed to preserve their heritage and traditions the Maori and other South Pacific peoples benefited from the tribal and ethnic revivals that followed the Awakening. As a culture that has preserved quite a bit of its traditions and lore the Maori also got a leg up with the return of Magic.
Unlike elsewhere this didn't turn to violent revolution or claims to power, quite the opposite actually. As the world sold out to corporate interests and was lost in change and eco-catastrophes, a lot of the younger generation and the new metahuman populations found the eco-friendly, individually empowering but tech-conscious tribal culture far more attractive than the neo-feudal corporate culture that's running rampant across the globe (and notably next door in Oz) and embraced it. This meant a cultural swing away from mainstream westernized culture to a more tribal-oriented culture among the general populace and not just the fringes. This in turn would be the catalyst for later political and social changes that are attempts to meld the two and find a balance.
Fair enough, i''ll assume part of the story got edited or is due in a future book, possibly shadows of asia.

Although it does warm my heart to see you haven't forgotten about House Of The Sun, vague the reference may be.
Aotearoa is used in real life nowadays.
I don't suppose anyone has a wav file for how Aotearoa sounds?
Kanada Ten
Right Click, Save Target As...

I can't verify it is what you want. I have no speakers at the moment.

Ngä Ingoa o Aotearoa, An oral dictionary of Mäori placenames.

Very interesting. I wonder how many other such projects there are.
Kanada Ten
And how many Celedyr has in his possession... Oh, wait, wrong forum.
Kanada Ten's post with the wav is amusing, I live in NZ and I have never heard it said like that. But that should be taken with a grain of salt I guess as the various Maori tribes (Maori = one of the major ethnic groups in NZ) through-out NZ tend to pronounce things slightly different due to how they were taught their native language of old.

The way most people in NZ say Aotearoa is A-Tear-Row-A.

This post is also 2 years 2 late I see... oh well. lol

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