Nov 7 2003, 08:22 PM
I've decided to try and GM a run. It's a run created for four to six players, no more, no less. I will be accepting characters based on those I recieve first.
Here are the character rules. I think that a character is more important than the actual sheet; I'm pretty lenient overall. I care more about a plausible character than I do a godlike one with no personality.
1) Any metahuman race and metahuman variant is acceptable.
2) Characters must be built using 120 points. If you write me a detailed background story, you can have an additional 15 points.
3) Max availability is 10. If you have something in mind that you really need, which is over the set limit, argue your point. If you can convince me that it's a valid one, I'll let you keep it.
4) The set limit for nuyen is $1,000,000 and the limit for spell points is 50 total. You can buy them for $30k each.
5) Max amount of flaws/edges is five each. They don't have to balance out, but they do need to be explained.
6) No abusing the rules with NSRCG! That means no muscle augmentation cyberware coupled with muscle replacement bioware; I WILL be looking for these things. Only Street and Alpha grade and no cultured Bio.
7) Any archetype will be accepted. I'm open to anything from razorguys, to street shamans, to rockers, Deckers, and riggers. I will do my best to get all of you working for your money.
If I left anything out,
Oh yea I am back at it for only 90 days so lets get the show on the road. It also means that I might be on posting like crazy just out of shear excitement.
If I left anything out, screw it. Feel lucky. I'm a pretty lenient GM, I think. The one thing that matters most to me is a detailed character. Anything you need to make the character work that's against my guidelines... We'll discuss.
Info can also be sent to my Email address :
Thank you and enjoy the game.
MMSlayer Out
RUN will commence As Soon As posible (ASAP)
OOC: The Last 90 Days
IC: The Last 90 Days
(Coming to Computers Soon.)
Nov 7 2003, 08:48 PM
1) Does a character for this game have to be a new character?
2) Do you allow custom gear?
3) Did I read correctly that you only have 90 days in real time to run a game?
Nov 7 2003, 08:56 PM
1) The character does not have to be a new one
2) I must see and approve any custom gear before you can introduce it. (feel free to send info. regarding your gear)
3)Yes this game will start and end in 90 days real time. (Must end by 01 Mar 2004)
Nov 7 2003, 09:12 PM
Character away!!!!
Nov 7 2003, 09:19 PM
Interesting... getting my mind around the raised availability might take a few minutes, at least. Look for something from me in a day or three, if there are spots remaining (and if previous experience is any indication, most people are slower than that).
The Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 7 2003, 09:21 PM
Ditto to TinkerGnome's comments.
Nov 7 2003, 09:25 PM
I'm in! I've been toying with a character idea for the last two days, this'll give me a chance to use it
Nov 7 2003, 09:31 PM
Can you give us a little idea of what to expect from the run?
Nov 7 2003, 09:47 PM
Here's a good question, when you say you're taking the first characters, do you mean the first completed characters in your hands, the first characters at BG stage or better, or the first people to post "I wannit" messages?
Nov 7 2003, 09:48 PM
QUOTE (Shadow @ Nov 7 2003, 12:12 PM) |
Character away!!!! |
Now that I have a few seconds to post, I sent in a hermatic mage. He has a good mix of combat and telepathic spells. He can also treat wounds, turn things invis, and levitate.
In other words, I call mage!!
Nov 7 2003, 09:55 PM
QUOTE (Shadow) |
In other words, I call mage!! |
I call shotgun!
Err... rather, we'll see what I come up with. I'm tempted to use Warpath v.2, but he's not had enough of a shakedown yet to move past v1.5
We'll see when I start digging what I can come up with
Nov 7 2003, 10:46 PM
QUOTE (Shadow @ Nov 7 2003, 01:48 PM) |
In other words, I call mage!! |
Damnit. I was working on a Shaman. Do you have room for more than one magic user? If not, no biggy, I've got a few other ideas.
*toys with the idea of an Otaku...*
Nov 7 2003, 11:15 PM
What's the line on bioware?
I'm working on a shamanic conjurer/face right now. We'll see how it turns out.
Nov 7 2003, 11:28 PM
If there are a bunch of people who want to play mages then I can allways submit something else. I have about ten characters ready to play at any given moment. So I have tons of options.
Sometimes I sit around all day and make characters
Kind of sad if you think about it.
Nov 7 2003, 11:36 PM
Shadow, TinkerGnome, The Frumious Bandersnatch, Grey
Welcome to what could be the beginning of potentially the rest of your life, or potentially the end of your lives.
To answer your question about what to expect from the run, expect the unexpected.
[At a glance]
"Make the characters you want to play and then balance out the party with contacts to get the job done. If the wrong people sit at the table, contacts can and will be used to hire NPC or PC for accomplishment of the run."
Characters qualify as stats and background in my E-Mail. (15 point bonus of detailed Background can follow in 48 to 72 hours.)
Launch 00:00:00 10 November 2003 (GMT)
OOC: The Last 90 Days
IC: The Last 90 Days
Nov 7 2003, 11:51 PM
NEED to tell you guys that the the time frame is January 2055.
Some books and technologies will not and can not apply. Sorry for mistake.
Dark Scrier
Nov 8 2003, 12:25 AM
You still looking for players?
Nov 8 2003, 12:27 AM
Anything from MiTS not apply that you can think of?
The Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 8 2003, 01:09 AM
Just as a side note, I'm working on an Irish Fomori Conjurer just to try something a little different for me.
Nov 8 2003, 01:09 AM
Dark Scrier
Sure thing send character to me.
not that I can thinnk of
Nov 8 2003, 01:20 AM
Ok Guys are we sure we want to have a 4 mage party? Is everyone okay with that? And if so lets make sure we don't have any overlap.
Heres my guys spells
Name Lev Typ Target Dur Range Drain Notes
Manabolt [04] M W® I LOS (DL) sr3.191
Fireball [04] P 4(RC) I LOS(A) +1(DL+2) sr3.197
Lightning Bolt [04] P 4(RC) I LOS +1(DL+1) sr3.197
Incr. Reflexes [04] M REA(V) ST +1(D) sr3.194 (+2 init Dice)
Treat [02] M 10-Es I Touch Wound -1 sr3.193
Armor [04] P 6 S S LOS +2(M) sr3.198
Levitate [02] P 4® S LOS +2(M) sr3.197
Improved Invis [03] P 4® S LOS +1(M) sr3.195
Mindlink [03] M 4(V) S LOS/D (S) sr3.193
Mindprobe [03] M W® S T/D (S) sr3.193
Expendable Foci Force [2] – Detection
Expendable Foci Force [2] – Elemental Manipulation
Expendable Foci Force [2] - Health
Nov 8 2003, 01:36 AM
I'm gunna do Otaku. Its a concept I've always liked but never played out. I've got the sheet part done, just fleshing out the last of his background.
Nov 8 2003, 02:02 AM
If no one else minds, I had thought to bring in Lady Cheng, an orkish rigger/decker who I made for a campaign that only lasted a few weeks. Let me see if I can dig up all her details. I did, as I recall, have some fairly decent reasons (as I see them, at least) for her to have certain pieces of cultured bioware -- and I've got about four pages of background story to boot.
I do have a couple of questions, though. Since the year is 2055, do we have access to all of the tech available in the basic SR3 book? Presumably, we also have access to only some of the tech in sourcebooks -- namely, that in the Street Samurai Catalog, Shadowtech, Fields of Fire, and the like (are there others?). Are we effectively using the vehicle rules as presented in Rigger 3? And likewise, the decking rules from Matrix?
Dark Scrier
Nov 8 2003, 02:14 AM
Ahh, crap. The character I was going to use was Birdseye, my Orkish Decker/Rigger I used for about twenty minutes in The Three Sisters.
Nov 8 2003, 06:02 AM
It's all fair game. Whoever gets the characters in first gets the concepts, after all. The character I'm doing is mostly face with a little mage attached (since being a conjurer is very, very cheap when you sell off your spell points for more BP).
Nov 8 2003, 08:35 AM
It is just a guess Kuru, but I would assume equipment from second edition wouldn't be allowed. This is a 3rd ed game.
Nov 8 2003, 04:41 PM
That makes sense. I guess I'm just looking for a better idea of what's allowed and disallowed in regards to cyberware and bioware. So *looks devious* if an item was around in 2052 and wasn't considered "cultured bioware" then, can we still use it?
*fully expecting the answer to be a resounding "no!"*
Nov 8 2003, 04:43 PM
I thought cultered bioware was a designation of type and didn't change over editions. Was there an item that did?
Nov 8 2003, 05:16 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome @ Nov 8 2003, 04:43 PM) |
I thought cultered bioware was a designation of type and didn't change over editions. Was there an item that did? |
Back when bioware was first introduced in Shadowtech, back around 2052 (1992 our time), "cultured" was simply a quality option, like alpha- or beta-grade was for cyberware. The cerebral booster, mnemonic enhancer, reflex recorder, damage compensator, pain editor, synaptic accelerator, and trauma damper were, as presented there, just basic bioware.
The irritating thing is that one piece I'm interested in for Cheng, the sleep regulator, isn't present there.
Nov 8 2003, 05:38 PM
Character away. Chief the elven-Indian conjuruer/face with a synaptic accelerator
Nov 8 2003, 07:47 PM
I would say for sure, without knowing what the gm had in mind, anything from SR3 would be availible. Also if an item is in Shadowtech and in MM, and is availible under the availibility option, then it is probably availible.
Nov 8 2003, 08:48 PM
The stuff that's really not available is SURGE, genetech, and some metamagic. Besides that, most everything existed then that does in 2063.
Street Wyze
Nov 8 2003, 09:11 PM
Still looking for a runner?
Got a Physad?
The Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 9 2003, 12:40 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Character away. Chief the elven-Indian conjuruer/face with a synaptic accelerator |
Eek! I had turned in a Fomori Conjurer with a bit of a Face (though not very many contacts) myself last night. I didn't even realize you were working on one as well. :/
Fresno Bob
Nov 9 2003, 01:09 AM
Are there any more slots?
Nov 9 2003, 05:03 AM
QUOTE (The Frumious Bandersnatch) |
Eek! I had turned in a Fomori Conjurer with a bit of a Face (though not very many contacts) myself last night. I didn't even realize you were working on one as well. :/ |
Ack. I see where you mentioned it. Was the Fomori hermetic or shamanic? If he was shamanic, I'll make another character ASAP
Or we can double up. Hell, the thought of two facy conjurers is kind of frightening
Particularly when the spirt packs descend.
The Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 9 2003, 05:23 AM
He's Shamanic. And I don't personally mind having two Conjurer/Faces in the group, especially if you're loaded up on Contacts (I could only afford 3 myself, but he has the skills to work strangers like you wouldn't believe).
It's up to you, though.
Nov 9 2003, 06:10 AM
So.. two conjurers and a hermatic combat mage... Oh the possibilities.
Nov 9 2003, 01:59 PM
Heh, he has 17 contacts. A smattering among the big 10 megacorps, a doc, a fixer, a fence, an Ancients ganger, a Lone Star cop, a wage mage, and a Mr. Johnson. He can also summon force 4 spirits with L drain
I have a feeling that the characters are sufficiently different that they can both be played in a game without overlapping too heavily. Besides, who ever disliked having two spirits serving the team at one time? Or having two negotiations 6 characters at the meet, double teaming the Johnson? My character is weak in a firefight, though.
Rasta Rigger
Nov 9 2003, 03:54 PM
just noticed this thread. where is the group at? full or still looking for another runner.
Nov 9 2003, 04:28 PM
Well, the statement was the first 4-6 complete characters are in. I've only seen three or four people mention they've sent 'em in, so there's probably a bit of space left. Maybe.
phelious fogg
Nov 9 2003, 04:51 PM
I sent in a character sheet for you just in case there is enoguth room
Fresno Bob
Nov 9 2003, 07:10 PM
Ok, sent in my street sam guy.
Fresno Bob
Nov 9 2003, 07:13 PM
Yeah, could you add "Fender Stratocaster and Amp" to my guy's equipment? Just subtract like, 1000¥
Nov 10 2003, 02:28 PM
Looking at characters
The intro is done and waiting for the IC
I am listing the cast as we speak. going over last character creations before posting them into the OOC.
Check the OOC for your character and screen name if you made the cut. If not. I offer my apologize and let you await in the train station of the Matrix.
Hmmmm.... Hmmmmmmm....
Situation critical
ok ok
Situation Normal
I think I have a modification that will fit.
(Even better! As the evil Game Master looks over his screen at the innocent lives he is about to change forever.
Nov 10 2003, 05:55 PM
I'm in the process of polishing the last of the stats. I've already given you the background... I've just been sick with a nasty cold all this weekend.
The Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 10 2003, 06:03 PM
Am I just blind or have the OOC and IC threads not been created yet? And sorry to hear about the cold, Kuri. Hope you're feeling better.
Nov 10 2003, 06:32 PM
I am now, thankfully. Still a bit congested, but nowhere near as bad as I'd been the past three days.
cactus jack
Nov 11 2003, 01:22 PM
Hoi, chummers,
I'm Cactus Jack, last of the Saguaro Samurai, fresh from the blood-spattered streets of Nueva Tucson, my Ingram still smoking and the gore of Aztlan Blood Mages still wet upon my katana, and the sangre-dinero still burning the chips of my credstick.
Seattle seems like a cuidad frio after the sweltering pits of Nueva Tuscon Metroplex even if the Azzi chingaderos have one of thier accursed pyramids here.
Santa Maria, Bless her Holy Name, you can smell the blood stink down here on the street.
Chrome don't come cheap so I'm looking for a Mr. Johnson with some cred to spread. I'm el Hombre Muy Mal, I'll do your wet-work, mi sangre, su sangre, just pay on time and in full.
Cactus Jack
There are only two kinds of Street Samurai, the Quick and the Dead
Fresno Bob
Nov 11 2003, 05:12 PM
Er, I think you've got to send in your character and then wait for the IC threads...
Wait a minute, doesn't cuidad frio mean like, careful cold?
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