Silent Wayfarer
May 15 2007, 03:50 PM
In SR4, does the Resonance attribute do anything besides determine the limits of your complex forms? Because I haven't seen anything that implies that high Resonance Technomancers are any better at hacking than low-Resonance Technomancers, and the fact is that an adept or sufficiently wared and skilled hacker will outperform them for most hacking tasks.
As far as I can tell, the big advantages of being a Technomancer is the ability to Submerse for extra IPs in VR, ability to run infinite programs simultaneously without worrying about the control rating, and ability to whistle up Sprites. Is this correct? Because they don't seem like such big advantages to me...
May 15 2007, 03:54 PM
Resonance does directly affect how high your CFs can go (without threading), but remember that TMs use that exclusively over response (still important) and System. Actually, I think system may be mostly worthless for a TM because they can run as many CFs as they want with no drawbacks based on system anyway. This puts their Resonance as pretty much their most important stat, followed by Biofeedback and Response.
This is coming from memory and I just woke up though, so it may not be 100% correct.
May 15 2007, 04:34 PM
TM do not Hack, they compile sprites that hack.
May 15 2007, 05:27 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ May 15 2007, 11:34 AM) |
TM do not Hack, they compile sprites that hack. |
Correction: TM's compile Sprites that Probe all day every day then use Registered Sprites with the assist action to get Exploit/Stealth/Spoof so high they breeze in undetected into whatever they want.
May 15 2007, 07:50 PM
resonance also determines the range at which you can hack so the better the resonance the less danger you have to put yourself in to perform whatever action you want.
May 15 2007, 10:41 PM
resonance, unlike magic, is your second drain... err, fading resistance test.
a resonance 6 TM can not only have rating 6 CFs and compile rating 6 sprites and take only stun damage from fading in the process, they also suffer less fading.
and incidentally, system is used for matrix damage resistance. it is still plenty important for TMs. and i for one have a hard time believing that biofeedback filters are that important for your TM... black IC shouldn't be that common.
May 15 2007, 11:59 PM
QUOTE (Jaid) |
black IC shouldn't be that common. |
Why not? Attack and Blackout are exactly the same cost and availability.
May 16 2007, 12:11 AM
QUOTE (Cheops) |
QUOTE (Jaid @ May 15 2007, 10:41 PM) | black IC shouldn't be that common. |
Why not? Attack and Blackout are exactly the same cost and availability.
Which makes very little sense...
May 16 2007, 12:12 AM
And there is the fact that technomancers have no matrix condition monitor. They only have the physical ones so I would assume pretty much all simsense signals are dangerous to their brains so biofeedback is essential in resisting all damage directed at you.
May 16 2007, 12:34 AM
QUOTE (Cheops) |
QUOTE (Jaid @ May 15 2007, 10:41 PM) | black IC shouldn't be that common. |
Why not? Attack and Blackout are exactly the same cost and availability.
well, first off, they're not as generic as attack, which can harm nonliving things (like sprites, agents, personas not using full VR/hotsim).
secondly, while all hacking programs may be forbidden, black IC is also forbidden to corporate deckers. which more or less restricts it to the places they really care about in openly acknowledged AAA corps... meaning, unless you regularly run against the most secure systems owned by the AAAs, black IC won't be very common in legitimate, legal opponents.
thirdly, black IC doesn't give the thing most people who get hacked really want to know anyways: information. track tells you who it is that hacked you, and that means you can find out more from there... like who actually ordered the attack. while it might be gratifying to fry the brains of the person who made the attack, it's much better to know who is really behind the attack, and who might order another attack, possibly with further knowledge of your matrix defenses.
simply put, any given IC is likely going to want analyze, stealth, armor, track, and attack, at the very least. that means that only rating 6+ IC is likely to have processing power handy to be able to run at full speed with black hammer or blackout. and even then, it's competing with medic, reality filter, or spoof (to affect any agents you might bring with you).
simply put, black IC shouldn't be at the top of the list for most things you're hacking. unless it is more important to kill you during the hacking attempt than it is to track you down, torture you for information, and then kill you, black IC shouldn't really see much use.
May 16 2007, 12:37 AM
QUOTE (Leehouse) |
And there is the fact that technomancers have no matrix condition monitor. They only have the physical ones so I would assume pretty much all simsense signals are dangerous to their brains so biofeedback is essential in resisting all damage directed at you. |
no, it only adds anything against black hammer and blackout. regular matrix damage is resisted with system + armor, as far as i can tell. yes, unresisted matrix damage is transferred to the TM's stun monitor, but that still doesn't mean it's the kind of damage biofeedback filter protects against. attack doesn't cause harmful simsense spikes, it just disrupts programs and icons.
May 16 2007, 09:50 AM
QUOTE (fool) |
resonance also determines the range at which you can hack so the better the resonance the less danger you have to put yourself in to perform whatever action you want. |
Most if not all TMs will use telepresence and hack using the Signal rating of a teammates commlink or off a drone. After all, they need somewhere to store paydata...
May 16 2007, 10:33 AM
QUOTE (Jaid) |
thirdly, black IC doesn't give the thing most people who get hacked really want to know anyways: information. track tells you who it is that hacked you, and that means you can find out more from there... like who actually ordered the attack. while it might be gratifying to fry the brains of the person who made the attack, it's much better to know who is really behind the attack, and who might order another attack, possibly with further knowledge of your matrix defenses. |
but black ic prevents a person from logging off making it much easier for them to be tracked.
May 16 2007, 11:30 AM
QUOTE (odinson) |
QUOTE (Jaid @ May 15 2007, 07:34 PM) | thirdly, black IC doesn't give the thing most people who get hacked really want to know anyways: information. track tells you who it is that hacked you, and that means you can find out more from there... like who actually ordered the attack. while it might be gratifying to fry the brains of the person who made the attack, it's much better to know who is really behind the attack, and who might order another attack, possibly with further knowledge of your matrix defenses. |
but black ic prevents a person from logging off making it much easier for them to be tracked.
sure, and meanwhile they know there's an attack, and are doing something about it. it would be much better to have IC that doesn't attack at all until you've tracked them, and once you've tracked them it's probably better yet to just send in the goons before they know there's an attack.
if anything, the black IC shouldn't hit until the corpsec team is already within a minute or two of you.
and that assumes the other reasons don't keep them from putting black IC into their defenses in the first place.
May 16 2007, 01:04 PM
Well... maybe there is some data in your system that no one is meant to know and live...
or perhaps black IC is good for the scare factor, once the word is spread that hacking deep into the Mitsuhama pagoda can kill you... well, there you have avoided lots of hacking attempts.
And that's only 2 yen!
May 16 2007, 09:29 PM
greater challenges and danger don't scare people off, necessarily.
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